8 research outputs found

    Galactomannan optical density index (GM-ODI) results of the reproducibility study upon the four tests (Test#1-#4) of the serum samples performed at Day 0, the four tests (Test#5-#8) performed at Day 1, and the GM-ODI after 8 month storage at -20°C (Test#9).

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    <p><sup>a </sup>Day 1 tests performed after 72h at 4°C.</p><p>The samples were classified as confirmed negative [all tests with GM optical density index (GM-ODI) <0.5], confirmed positive (all tests with GM-ODI ≥0.5), extraction unreproducible positive (Test#1 and Test#2 ODIs ≥0.5, and Test#3 and Test#4 GM-ODIs <0.5, or conversely), and ELISA unreproducible positive (only one test with GM-ODI ≥0.5). The same rules were applied at Day 1.</p><p>Galactomannan optical density index (GM-ODI) results of the reproducibility study upon the four tests (Test#1-#4) of the serum samples performed at Day 0, the four tests (Test#5-#8) performed at Day 1, and the GM-ODI after 8 month storage at -20°C (Test#9).</p

    Transmission map of the 10 patients in whom the <i>P</i>. <i>jirovecii</i> genotype 21 was detected.

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    <p>The date corresponds to the time at which the patient was present in the hospital and is delineated as a circle. Colored circles show <i>P</i>. <i>jirovecii</i> exposure of a given patient on a given day. Color coding distinguishes the different groups of patients (purple for patients 01–03, blue for patients 04–06 and turquoise for patients 07–10). The red bar corresponds to transmission between two groups of patients. Colored bars show the transmission routes.</p

    Minimum spanning tree analysis of 61 genotypes from 55 samples harboring a unique genotype (one allele per marker) or multiple genotypes (multiple alleles in one marker).

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    <p>The number of allelic mismatches among STR profiles was used as distance. Each circle corresponds to one genotype (Gt), with its arbitrary number indicated next to it. The size of the circle is correlated with the number of isolates possessing the corresponding Gt, from one (smallest circle) to nine (Gt21). Dark, dashed and thin connecting bars corresponds to one, 2 or >2 different markers observed between linked genotypes. Gray zones surrounding some groups of circles indicate that these profiles belong to the same genetic cluster, meaning that they have a single allelic mismatch with at least one other member of the group. Cluster 2, which was significantly associated with renal transplant recipients, is shown by a dashed line. The color of the circles indicates the underlying disease of the patient in whom this specific genotype was recovered (Green, HIV patient; Red, hematology patient; Purple, renal transplant recipient; Yellow, other cause of immunosuppression).</p