28 research outputs found

    Descriptive data.

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    <p>Mean, (standard deviation)</p><p>* <i>for the ASD group</i>, <i>n = 14 (10 boys; 4 girls)</i></p><p>Descriptive data.</p

    Sensor-space coherence levels at 0.5 Hz.

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    <p>*<i>p</i>>0.05.</p><p>Live and Recorded: sensor-space coherence levels obtained in ASD patients.</p><p>Controls: sensor-space coherence levels obtained in Exp1m in the seminal CVC study (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0092329#pone-0092329-t001" target="_blank">Table 1</a>, Bourguignon et al. 2013).</p

    Individual coherence spectra in ASD subjects.

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    <p>Individual coherence spectra obtained in each condition for the right-hemisphere MEG sensor showing the maximum coherence level. Significant coherence at 0.5 Hz was observed in all ASD subjects in <i>Live</i> and in 6 out of 7 subjects in <i>Recorded</i>. Y–axis values are identical on both plots.</p

    Patients' clinical details.

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    <p>(M: male; F: female; AD: autistic disorder; ASD: Asperger syndrome; SD: standard deviation; TLOCC: test de langage oral complexe pour collégiens; ADOS: autism diagnostic observation schedule; C: communication; SI: social interaction;</p><p>*: speech abnormalities associated with autism, coded item 2 of the ADOS Language and Communication domain).</p

    Group-level coherence maps in ASD subjects.

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    <p>Group level coherence maps computed at 0.5(<i>Live</i>, red; <i>Recorded</i>, green; intersection between <i>Live</i> and <i>Recorded</i>, yellow). In <i>Live</i>, the maximum coherence occured at the right superior temporal sulcus and in <i>Recorded</i>, at the upper bank of the middle temporal gyrus. Coherence maps were thresholded at the maximum of coherence to isolate the local coherence maxima (<i>Live</i>, coherence threshold: 0.64–0.71; <i>Recorded</i>, coherence threshold: 0.60–0.67).</p