16 research outputs found

    <i>M. tuberculosis</i> Ppm1 is active in <i>C. glutamicum.</i>

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    <p>Comparison of MALDI PMF profiles of LppX protein purified from Δ<i>ppm2</i> (pMt-<i>ppm1</i>) and Δ<i>ppm1</i> (pMt-<i>ppm1</i>). The <i>m/z</i> 3500–4550 region of the mass spectra of LppX tryptic peptides after DDM/CHCl<sub>3</sub>-CH<sub>3</sub>OH treatment is shown and significant monoisotopic [M+H]<sup>+1</sup> peaks are indicated. Upper spectrum: in the Δ<i>ppm2</i> (pMt-<i>ppm1</i>) <i>m/z</i> peaks corresponding to different glycosylated forms of the triacylated LppX<sub>1–29</sub> peptide were observed (<i>m/z</i> 3941.22, 4041.18, 4103.26, 4203.25, 4427.28 and 4527.23) as well as the peak of the non-glycosylated triacylated LppX<sub>1–29</sub> peptide (<i>m/z</i> 3779.20) Bottom spectrum: in the Δ<i>ppm1</i> (pMt-<i>ppm1</i>) strain, peaks corresponding to different glycosylated forms of the triacylated LppX<sub>1–29</sub> peptide were observed (<i>m/z</i> 4103.22, 4203.26, 4427.18 and 4527.12, in bold). Three peaks (<i>m/z</i> 3547.83, 3662.78 and 3943.95) were detected but not identified. • = 1 hexose (Δm = 162 Da). • = unknown modification (Δm = 262 Da). “ni” means not identified and asterisks indicate that <i>m/z</i> assignments are not very accurate.</p

    Lipoprotein AmyE is triacylated.

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    <p><b>A.</b> AmyE localization in <i>C. glutamicum</i> wild-type cells expressing AmyE (pAmyE) or a variant of AmyE with a point mutation substituting the cysteine +1 by a leucine (pAmyE<sup>C1L</sup>). An empty vector (pCGL482) was used as a control. Membrane and secreted proteins were analyzed by SDS-PAGE followed by immunoblotting using monoclonal anti-his antibodies. The band labeled with an asterisk corresponds to a shorter form of AmyE. <b>B.</b> AmyE (left panel) and AmyE<sup>C1L</sup> (right panel) were purified and analyzed by SDS PAGE before (lane 1) or after Triton X114 extraction. Proteins from both aqueous (lane 2) and detergent (lane 3) phases were precipitated and loaded on the gel. <b>C.</b> MALDI mass measurements of intact purified AmyE and AmyE<sup>C1L</sup> proteins. Estimated mass accuracy is 150 Da. <b>D.</b> MALDI PMFs of AmyE and AmyE<sup>C1L</sup> proteins purified from <i>C. glutamicum</i> wild-type strain. The <i>m/z</i> 3200–4800 region of the mass spectra of AmyE and AmyE<sup>C1L</sup> tryptic peptides after DDM/CHCl<sub>3</sub>-CH<sub>3</sub>OH treatment is shown and significant monoisotopic [M+H]<sup>+1</sup> peaks are indicated. Upper panel: <i>m/z</i> 4097.10 (bold) corresponds to the triacylated AmyE<sub>1–29</sub> peptide while <i>m/z</i> 3451.65, 3821.53 and 4045.88 match to internal tryptic peptides, AmyE<sub>334–365</sub>, AmyE<sub>366–397</sub> and AmyE<sub>55–91</sub> respectively. <i>m/z</i> 4061.74 and 4077.54 peaks could correspond to mono- and di- oxidized AmyE<sub>55–91</sub> peptides. Bottom panel: <i>m/z</i> 3292.60 (bold) corresponds to the C1L-mutated AmyE<sub>1–29</sub> peptide while <i>m/z</i> 3451.65 and 3821.72 match to AmyE<sub>334–365</sub> and AmyE<sub>366–397</sub> peptides. The <i>m/z</i> 4061.79, 4077.80, 4093.86 and 4109.83 peaks match to mono-, di-, tri- and tetra-oxidized AmyE<sub>55–91</sub> peptides. The <i>m/z</i> 4342.89 peak corresponds to the di-oxidized AmyE<sub>277–315</sub> peptide. It’s worth noting that AmyE<sup>C1L</sup> peptides were more often detected in the oxidized state than AmyE peptides. Insets aim at emphasizing the specificity of the <i>m/z</i> 4097.10 signal detected only in the AmyE spectrum. Asterisks indicate that <i>m/z</i> assignments are not accurate because of low mass resolution and weak signal/noise ratio. <b>E.</b> Sequence of the recombinant purified wild-type AmyE protein. Identified unmodified peptides after trypsin digestion and DDM/CHCl<sub>3</sub>-CH<sub>3</sub>OH treatment are shown in boldface type on the amino acid sequence of recombinant AmyE.</p

    Cg-Ppm2 activity affects LppX glycosylation.

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    <p>Comparison of MALDI PMF profiles of LppX protein purified from ΔΔ<i>ppm2</i>, Δ<i>ppm2</i> (pCg-<i>ppm2</i>) and Δ<i>ppm2</i> (pCg-<i>ppm1</i>). The <i>m/z</i> 3500–4550 region of the mass spectra of LppX tryptic peptides after DDM/CHCl<sub>3</sub>-CH<sub>3</sub>OH treatment is shown and significant monoisotopic [M+H]<sup>+1</sup> peaks are annotated. Upper spectrum: in the the Δ<i>ppm2</i> strain, only the <i>m/z</i> peak corresponding to the non-glycosylated diacylated LppX<sub>1–29</sub> peptide is identified (<i>m/z</i> 3540.89, bold). Five peaks were assigned but not identified (<i>m/z</i> 3624.64, 3635.96, 3794.77, 3808.89 and 4518.28). These peaks do not match to internal tryptic LppX peptides. Middle spectrum: in the Δ<i>ppm2</i> (pCg-<i>ppm2</i>) strain, <i>m/z</i> peaks corresponding to different glycosylated forms of the triacylated LppX<sub>1–29</sub> peptide are observed (<i>m/z</i> 3941.15, 4041.13 and 4103.22, in bold) as well as the peak corresponding to the non-glycosylated triacylated LppX<sub>1–29</sub> peptide (<i>m/z</i> 3779.23, in bold). The <i>m/z</i> 3624.63 peak was detected but not identified. Bottom spectrum: in the Δ<i>ppm2</i> (pCg-<i>ppm1</i>) strain different glycosylated forms of the diacylated LppX<sub>1–29</sub> peptide are detected (<i>m/z</i> 3864.99, 3964,86, 4188.82 and 4288.85, in bold). • = 1 hexose (ΔΔm = 162 Da). • = unknown modification (Δm = 262 Da). “ni” means not identified and asterisks indicate that <i>m/z</i> assignments are not very accurate. Inset: SDS PAGE of the purified LppX proteins from the wild type, the Δ<i>ppm2</i> and the complemented strains.</p

    Cg-Ppm2 exhibits apolipoprotein N-acyltransferase activity. A.

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    <p>Localization of AmyE in <i>C. glutamicum</i> Δ<i>ppm2</i> or Δ<i>ppm2</i> (Cg-<i>ppm2</i>) strains. Membrane (M) and secreted (S) proteins were analyzed by SDS-PAGE followed by immunoblotting using monoclonal anti-his antibodies. The band labeled with an asterisk corresponds to a shorter form of AmyE. <b>B.</b> MALDI PMFs of AmyE protein purified from ΔCg-<i>ppm2</i> and ΔCg-<i>ppm2</i> (Cg-<i>ppm2</i>) strains. The <i>m/z</i> 3200–4800 region of the mass spectra of AmyE tryptic peptides after DDM/CHCl<sub>3</sub>-CH<sub>3</sub>OH treatment is shown and significant monoisotopic [M+H]<sup>+1</sup> peaks are annotated. Upper panel: <i>m/z</i> 3858.98 (bold) corresponds to the diacylated AmyE<sub>1–29</sub> peptide while <i>m/z</i> 3451.65, 3547.59 and 4045.88 match to internal tryptic peptides, AmyE<sub>334–365,</sub> AmyE<sub>60–91</sub> and AmyE<sub>55–91,</sub> respectively. Bottom panel: <i>m/z</i> 4097.21 (bold) corresponds to the triacylated AmyE<sub>1–29</sub> peptide while <i>m/z</i> 3451.65, 3547.61 and 4045.88 match to AmyE<sub>334–365,</sub> AmyE<sub>60–91</sub> and AmyE<sub>55–91</sub> peptides.</p

    Cg-Ppm1 is required for LppX glycosylation.

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    <p>Comparison of MALDI PMF profiles of LppX protein purified from <i>C. glutamicum</i> wild-type and Δ<i>ppm1</i> strains. The <i>m/z</i> 3500–4550 region of the mass spectra of LppX tryptic peptides after DDM/CHCl<sub>3</sub>-CH<sub>3</sub>OH treatment is shown and significant monoisotopic [M+H]<sup>+1</sup> peaks are annotated. Upper panel: <i>m/z</i> peaks correspond to glycosylated and triacylated LppX<sub>1–29</sub> peptides are indicated in bold (<i>m/z</i> 4103.09, 4203.03, 4427.11 and 4526.95). Three peaks (<i>m/z</i> 3624.65, 3794.74 and 3808.88) were detected but not identified. Bottom panel: the <i>m/z</i> peak corresponding to the non-glycosylated triacylated LppX<sub>1–29</sub> peptide was specifically observed in the Δ<i>ppm1</i>mutant (<i>m/z</i> 3779.28, in bold). The <i>m/z</i> 3795.28 peak was not identified. • = 1 hexose (Δm = 162 Da). • = unknown modification (Δm = 262 Da). “ni” means not identified and asterisks indicate that <i>m/z</i> assignments are not very accurate. Inset: SDS PAGE of the purified LppX proteins from the wild type and the Δ<i>ppm1</i> strains.</p

    <i>M. tuberculosis</i> LppX is O-glycosylated in <i>C. glutamicum.</i>

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    <p><b>A.</b> Localization of LppX in <i>C. glutamicum</i> wild-type strain: Membrane (M) and secreted (S) proteins were analyzed by SDS-PAGE, followed by immunoblotting using monoclonal anti-his antibodies (left). Purification of LppX: LppX was purified and analyzed by SDS PAGE before (lane 1) or after Triton X114 extraction. Proteins from both aqueous (lane 2) and detergent (lane 3) phases were precipitated and loaded on the gel (right). LC-ESI-MS/MS analysis of LppX peptides: Identified peptides generated by standard extraction procedures are shown in boldface type on the amino acid sequence of recombinant LppX. * indicates hydroxyl amino acid residues of the LppX<sub>6–29</sub> peptide. <b>B.</b> LC-MS analysis of LppX<sub>6–29</sub> glycopeptides. The deconvoluted LC-MS chromatogram is shown (21.5+1 ions corresponding to the unmodified peptide (<i>m/z</i> 2462.17), glycosylated forms with 1 to 4 hexose units (<i>m/z</i> 2624.21, 2786.26, 2948.30, 3110.35) and Δ262- glycosylated forms with 0 to 3 hexose units (<i>m/z</i> 2724.23, 2886.28, 3048.34, 3210.37) are shown. • = 1 hexose (Δm = 162). • = unknown modification (Δm = 262). <b>C.</b> Deconvoluted MS/MS spectra of unmodified and tetraglycosylated peptides. Fragmentation patterns of the triply charged ions corresponding to unmodified (left) and tetraglycosylated (right) LppX<sub>6–29</sub> peptides are shown. b8, y8 and y16 most intense fragment ions are annotated in both MS/MS spectra. Fragmentation pattern of the tetraglycosylated LppX<sub>6–29</sub> peptidereveals 4 neutral losses of 162 Da coming from the intact tetraglycosylated peptide (<i>m/z</i> 3110.38) and from the tetraglycosylated y16 fragment ion (<i>m/z</i> 2285.03). • = 1 hexose (Δm = 162 Da).</p

    PorB and PorC metabolic labeling.

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    <p><i>C</i>. <i>glutamicum</i> strains 13032 over-expressing PorB<sub>his</sub> (lanes 1–4) or PorC<sub>his</sub> (lanes 5–8) were grown in the absence (lanes 1–2, 5–6) or in the presence (lanes 3–4, 7–8) of 17-ODYA. After purification, PorB<sub>his</sub> and PorC<sub>his</sub> were subjected to CuAAC in the presence (lanes 2,4,6,8) or absence (lanes 1,3,5,7) of Az-Biot. Samples were splitted and ran on two 16% Tricine-SDS-Page gels. One was colored with Coomassie blue (CB) while the other was used to transfer proteins on a nitrocellulose membrane that was then probed with a Streptavidin-HRP conjugate (Strep-HRP).</p

    Mass spectrometry analysis of solvent-extracted proteins from CgΔ<i>porHporA</i> strain over-expressing ProtX<sub>his</sub> or ProtX<sub>his-</sub>S37A.

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    <p>Positive linear MALDI-TOF spectra of the hydrophobic proteins extracts from CgΔ<i>porHporA</i> (A), CgΔ<i>porHporA</i> transformed with pXMJ19-ProtX<sub>his</sub> and grown in the presence of 1mM IPTG (B) or CgΔ<i>porHporA</i> transformed with pXMJ19-ProtX<sub>his-</sub>S37A and grown in the presence of 1mM IPTG (C).</p

    ProtX metabolic labeling and mycoloylation site determination.

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    <p>(A) <i>C</i>. <i>glutamicum</i> strains 13032, Δ<i>mytC</i>::<i>Km</i>, or Δ<i>pks13</i>::<i>Km</i> over-expressing ProtX<sub>his</sub> were grown in the absence (lanes 1–2, 5–6) or in the presence (lanes 3–4, 7–8) of 17-ODYA. After purification, ProtX<sub>his</sub> was subjected to CuAAC in the presence (lanes 2,4,6,8) or absence (lanes 1,3,5,7) of Az-Biot. Samples were splitted and ran on two 16% Tricine-SDS-Page gels. One was colored with Coomassie blue (CB) while the other was used to transfer proteins on a nitrocellulose membrane that was then probed with a Streptavidin-HRP conjugate (Strep-HRP). (B) ProtX<sub>his</sub> and ProtX<sub>his</sub> single serine mutants were over-expressed in 13032 and Δ<i>pks13</i>::<i>Km</i> or Δ<i>protX</i>::<i>Km</i>, respectively in the presence of 17-ODYA, purified and subjected to CuAAC in the presence (lanes 1,2,4,6,8,10,12,14) or absence (lanes 3,5,7,9,11,13) of Az-Biot. Samples were splitted and ran on two 16% Tricine-SDS-Page gels. One was colored with Coomassie blue (CB) while the other was used to transfer proteins on a nitrocellulose membrane that was then probed with a Streptavidin-HRP conjugate (Strep-HRP).</p