1,066 research outputs found

    Le marchĂ© touristique chinois en Valais: dans quelle mesure faut-il adapter l'offre touristique valaisanne afin de l’amĂ©liorer pour les visiteurs chinois?

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    Le but principal de ce travail est d’apporter des mesures d’amĂ©lioration Ă  la rĂ©gion du Valais afin d’en amĂ©liorer l’attractivitĂ© auprĂšs de la clientĂšle chinoise

    Warped Kernel Estimator for I.I.D. Paths of Diffusion Processes

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    This paper deals with a nonparametric warped kernel estimator b^\widehat b of the drift function computed from independent continuous observations of a diffusion process. A risk bound on b^\widehat b is established. The paper also deals with an extension of the PCO bandwidth selection method for b^\widehat b. Finally, some numerical experiments are provided.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    Barcelona en ComĂč: Questions Facing a New Brand of Political Action

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    International audienceOur sociological inquiry emerged in the process of crossing the border between France and Catalonia in 2016. Our objective was to understand the political, social, and activist trajectories of certain individuals who were elected to the new Barcelona municipal government (and of their supporters) as closely as possible to their personal dimensions. Having won the elections, in May 2015, in what the European media considered to be quite a surprising victory, Ada Colau, a figure from the social movements that were fighting against housing evictions, became the mayor of Barcelona and was steadfastly determined to "deglobalize" the city. We decided to go meet this new political generation, which had been shaped by the "not in our name" intellectual and activist contexts of the early 2000s, and won over to the methods of empowerment and continuous deliberation, often learned in the framework of their professional experience in cooperation and development networks in Latin America

    Des espaces témoins du passé au coeur de la fabrique urbaine. Le traitement des espaces industriels et portuaires dans les pratiques d'aménagement à Nantes.

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    Phonon effects on x-ray absorption and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies

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    In material sciences, spectroscopic approaches combining ab initio calculations with experiments are commonly used to accurately analyze the experimental spectral data. Most state-of-the-art first-principle calculations are usually performed assuming an equilibrium static lattice. Yet, nuclear motion affects spectra even when reduced to the zero-point motion at 0 K. We propose a framework based on Density-Functional Theory that includes quantum thermal fluctuations in theoretical X- ray Absorption Near-Edge Structure (XANES) and solid-state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopies and allows to well describe temperature effects observed experimentally. Within the Born-Oppenheimer and quasi-harmonic approximations, we incorporate the nuclear motion by generating several non-equilibrium configurations from the dynamical matrix. The averaged calculated XANES and NMR spectral data have been compared to experiments in MgO, proof-of-principle compound. The good agreement obtained between experiments and calculations validates the developed approach, which suggests that calculating the XANES spectra at finite temperature by averaging individual non-equilibrium configurations is a suitable approximation. This study high- lights the relevance of phonon renormalization and the relative contributions of thermal expansion and nuclear dynamics on NMR and XANES spectra on a wide range of temperatures.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, 1 appendi

    « Barcelona en comĂč » Questions posĂ©es Ă  un nouvel agir politique

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    International audienceTraverser, en 2016, la frontiĂšre de la France vers la Catalogne est le projet d'une enquĂȘte qui s'est donnĂ© l'objectif de comprendre, au plus prĂšs de leur dimension personnelle, les trajectoires politiques, sociales, militantes, de certains Ă©lus et sympathisants de la nouvelle municipalitĂ© de Barcelone, arrivĂ©s, de façon Ă©tonnante selon les mĂ©dias europĂ©ens, en tĂȘte des Ă©lections, en mai 2015. Le leadership municipal est alors portĂ© par Ada Colau, une personnalitĂ© issue des mouvements sociaux, et rĂ©solument dĂ©cidĂ©e Ă  « dĂ©mondialiser » la ville. Con fidences, rĂ©cits des trajectoires, compĂ©tences d'historicitĂ© des interviewĂ©s et rĂ© flexivitĂ©s partagĂ©es, ont Ă©tĂ© permis par une sĂ©rie d'entretiens, qui finissent par interroger les frontiĂšres entre citoyennetĂ© intime, citoyennetĂ© publique et exercice du pouvoir ; entre action militante et pouvoir institutionnel ; entre Ă©chelle locale et Ă©chelle inter ou trans-nationale, et plus largement entre mĂ©moire et histoire. Traverser la frontiĂšre de la France vers la Catalogne est aussi le moment d'une rencontre et d'un dialogue ouvert, amical et sĂ©rieux, entre art et sciences sociales. Julia RamĂ­rez Blanco, historienne et critique d'art, s'attache ainsi Ă  l'analyse de sept oeuvres qui accompagnent et interrogent autrement la lecture socio-anthropologique du politique

    Introduction. The Moral and Affectual Dimension of Collective Action in South Asia

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    ‘No politics’ says the roaring tiger that illustrates this special issue of SAMAJ. This sticker was bought from a street vendor in Kanpur, a city located in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, during a celebration of the Ambedkar jayanti (birthday commemoration) in 2008. It is highly indicative of the way emotions can be valorized as pure and authentic expressions from the body, and pitted against regular politics, stigmatized as the impure realm of politicking, deals and compromises. This exp..

    Chromosomal control of pig populations in France: 2002-2006 survey

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    The chromosomal control of pig populations has been widely developed in France over the last ten years. By December 31st, 2006, 13 765 individuals had been karyotyped in our laboratory, 62% of these since 2002. Ninety percent were young purebred boars controlled before service in artificial insemination centres, and 3% were hypoprolific boars. So far, 102 constitutional structural chromosomal rearrangements (67 since 2002) have been described. Fifty-six were reciprocal translocations and 8 peri- or paracentric inversions. For the first time since the beginning of the programme and after more than 11 000 pigs had been karyotyped, one Robertsonian translocation was identified in 2005 and two others in 2006. The estimated prevalence of balanced structural chromosomal rearrangements in a sample of more than 7700 young boars controlled before service was 0.47%. Twenty-one of the 67 rearrangements described since 2002 were identified in hypoprolific boars. All were reciprocal translocations. Twelve mosaics (XX/XY in 11 individuals, XY/XXY in one individual) were also diagnosed. Two corresponded to hypoprolific boars, and three to intersexed animals. The results presented in this communication would justify an intensification of the chromosomal control of French and, on a broader scale, European and North-American pig populations

    Is the Latarjet procedure risky? Analysis of complications and learning curve.

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    Purpose The purpose of this study was to analyse the learning curve and complication rate of the open Latarjet procedure. Methods The first 68 Latarjet procedures performed by a single surgeon for chronic anterior shoulder instability were reviewed retrospectively. The standard open surgical technique was followed faithfully during each procedure. Post-operative complications were taken from patient medical records. Post-operative evaluation consisted of clinical and radiological assessments. Results The rate of early (<3 months) clinical complications was 7.4 % (5.9 % haematoma, 1.5 % neurological deficit), and the delayed complication rate was 7.3 %. Early complication rate, duration of surgery (mean 65 min; 35–135) and hospital stay (mean 3 days; 1–4) were significantly reduced as experience increased (respectively; P = 0.03, ρ = − 0.3; P = 0.009, ρ = − 0.3; P < 0.0001, ρ = − 0.6). On the radiographs, the bone block was healed and in perfect position in 87 % of cases, with no effect of surgical experience (P = 0.3, ρ = 0.1). The rate of complications on radiographs was 17 %: 11 % partial lysis, 2 % complete lysis and 4 % non-union. No recurrence of instability was found after an average follow-up of 21 months

    Responsabilité Sociale de l’Entreprise : quels impacts sur l’adoption de pratiques de Green IT ?

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    While the literature relative to the environment-friendly behaviors mainly puts forward regulations, subsidies or even the research of economic benefits and social legitimacy to explain their adoption, our contribution also takes into consideration the question of the voluntary adoption of these approaches. We particularly asking if the adoption of environ- ment-friendly behaviors in matter of information systems (IS), qualified as Green IT, can also be the expression of the approach of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) within the field of IS. The intensity of the commitment to CSR approach and different types of Green IT are considered. To our knowledge, this has not yet been studied in the IS literature so far. To analyze the relationship CSR / Green IT, we crosschecked data from two surveys conducted in 2008 and 2011 with the same population of companies based in Luxem- bourg: one focused on CSR and the other one on the use of ICT in companies. From a database of 815 valid questionnaires resulting from the merger of these two surveys, the ar- ticle shows that being a company engaged in a CSR approach positively affects the adop- tion of Green IT practices. In addition, these results reveal the existence of a positive and significant effect of the intensity of the commitment to a CSR approach on the adoption of the most advanced types of Green IT practices. Thus, our work suggests that the approach of CSR is a determinant of Green IT practices but that the latter does not constitute a ho- mogeneous whole since it is possible to differentiate them according to the intensity of com- mitment to CSR approach
