1,596 research outputs found

    Capabilities and Governance the Rebirth of Production in the Theory of Economic Organization

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    We argue that since Coase’s seminal 1937 paper on “The Nature of the Firm,” there has been an odd and unjustified separation between price theory and the economics of organization. For example, matters of production has been the domain of the former exclusively. However, a new approach to economic organization, here called “the capabilities approach,” that places production center-stage in the explanation of economic organization, is now emerging. We discuss the sources of this approach and its relation to the mainstream economics of organization.Capability, Theory of the Firm, Price Theory

    Is Galactic Structure Compatible with Microlensing Data?

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    We generalize to elliptical models the argument of Kuijken (1997), which connects the microlensing optical depth towards the Galactic bulge to the Galactic rotation curve. When applied to the latest value from the MACHO collaboration for the optical depth for microlensing of bulge sources, the argument implies that the Galactic bar cannot plausibly reconcile the measured values of the optical depth, the rotation curve and the local mass density. Either there is a problem with the interpretation of the microlensing data, or our line of sight to the Galactic centre is highly atypical in that it passes through a massive structure that wraps only a small distance around the Galactic centre.Comment: Submitted to ApJ Letters. 8 pages LaTeX, 3 figures. Corrected error in description of microlensing observation

    Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons Supergravity

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    N=(1,0) supergravity in six dimensions admits AdS_3\times S^3 as a vacuum solution. We extend our recent results presented in hep-th/0212323, by obtaining the complete N=4 Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons supergravity in D=3, up to quartic fermion terms, by S^3 group manifold reduction of the six dimensional theory. The SU(2) gauge fields have Yang-Mills kinetic terms as well as topological Chern-Simons mass terms. There is in addition a triplet of matter vectors. After diagonalisation, these fields describe two triplets of topologically-massive vector fields of opposite helicities. The model also contains six scalars, described by a GL(3,R)/SO(3) sigma model. It provides the first example of a three-dimensional gauged supergravity that can obtained by a consistent reduction of string-theory or M-theory and that admits AdS_3 as a vacuum solution. There are unusual features in the reduction from six-dimensional supergravity, owing to the self-duality condition on the 3-form field. The structure of the full equations of motion in N=(1,0) supergravity in D=6 is also elucidated, and the role of the self-dual field strength as torsion is exhibited.Comment: Latex, 22 pages, hep-th number correcte

    Vacua of N=10 three dimensional gauged supergravity

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    We study scalar potentials and the corresponding vacua of N=10 three dimensional gauged supergravity. The theory contains 32 scalar fields parametrizing the exceptional coset space E6(14)SO(10)×U(1)\frac{E_{6(-14)}}{SO(10)\times U(1)}. The admissible gauge groups considered in this work involve both compact and non-compact gauge groups which are maximal subgroups of SO(10)×U(1)SO(10)\times U(1) and E6(14)E_{6(-14)}, respectively. These gauge groups are given by SO(p)×SO(10p)×U(1)SO(p)\times SO(10-p)\times U(1) for p=6,...10p=6,...10, SO(5)×SO(5)SO(5)\times SO(5), SU(4,2)×SU(2)SU(4,2)\times SU(2), G2(14)×SU(2,1)G_{2(-14)}\times SU(2,1) and F4(20)F_{4(-20)}. We find many AdS3_3 critical points with various unbroken gauge symmetries. The relevant background isometries associated to the maximally supersymmetric critical points at which all scalars vanish are also given. These correspond to the superconformal symmetries of the dual conformal field theories in two dimensions.Comment: 37 pages no figures, typos corrected and a little change in the forma

    3D Distribution of Molecular Gas in the Barred Milky Way

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    We present a new model of the three-dimensional distribution of molecular gas in the Milky Way Galaxy, based on CO line data. Our analysis is based on a gas-flow simulation of the inner Galaxy using smoothed-particle hydrodynamics (SPH) using a realistic barred gravitional potential derived from the observed COBE/DIRBE near-IR light distribution. The gas model prescribes the gas orbits much better than a simple circular rotation model and is highly constrained by observations, but it cannot predict local details. In this study, we provide a 3D map of the observed molecular gas distribution using the velocity field from the SPH model. A comparison with studies of the Galactic Center region suggests that the main structures are reproduced but somewhat stretched along the line-of-sight, probably on account of limited resolution of the underlying SPH simulation. The gas model will be publicly available and may prove useful in a number of applications, among them the analysis of diffuse gamma-ray emission as measured with GLAST.Comment: ApJ in pres

    E10 and a "small tension expansion" of M Theory

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    A formal ``small tension'' expansion of D=11 supergravity near a spacelike singularity is shown to be equivalent, at least up to 30th order in height, to a null geodesic motion in the infinite dimensional coset space E10/K(E10) where K(E10) is the maximal compact subgroup of the hyperbolic Kac-Moody group E10(R). For the proof we make use of a novel decomposition of E10 into irreducible representations of its SL(10,R) subgroup. We explicitly show how to identify the first four rungs of the E10 coset fields with the values of geometric quantities constructed from D=11 supergravity fields and their spatial gradients taken at some comoving spatial point.Comment: 4 page

    A lattice study of the two-dimensional Wess Zumino model

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    We present results from a numerical simulation of the two-dimensional Euclidean Wess-Zumino model. In the continuum the theory possesses N=1 supersymmetry. The lattice model we employ was analyzed by Golterman and Petcher in \cite{susy} where a perturbative proof was given that the continuum supersymmetric Ward identities are recovered without finite tuning in the limit of vanishing lattice spacing. Our simulations demonstrate the existence of important non-perturbative effects in finite volumes which modify these conclusions. It appears that in certain regions of parameter space the vacuum state can contain solitons corresponding to field configurations which interpolate between different classical vacua. In the background of these solitons supersymmetry is partially broken and a light fermion mode is observed. At fixed coupling the critical mass separating phases of broken and unbroken supersymmetry appears to be volume dependent. We discuss the implications of our results for continuum supersymmetry breaking.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figure

    Gauged diffeomorphisms and hidden symmetries in Kaluza-Klein theories

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    We analyze the symmetries that are realized on the massive Kaluza-Klein modes in generic D-dimensional backgrounds with three non-compact directions. For this we construct the unbroken phase given by the decompactification limit, in which the higher Kaluza-Klein modes are massless. The latter admits an infinite-dimensional extension of the three-dimensional diffeomorphism group as local symmetry and, moreover, a current algebra associated to SL(D-2,R) together with the diffeomorphism algebra of the internal manifold as global symmetries. It is shown that the `broken phase' can be reconstructed by gauging a certain subgroup of the global symmetries. This deforms the three-dimensional diffeomorphisms to a gauged version, and it is shown that they can be governed by a Chern-Simons theory, which unifies the spin-2 modes with the Kaluza-Klein vectors. This provides a reformulation of D-dimensional Einstein gravity, in which the physical degrees of freedom are described by the scalars of a gauged non-linear sigma model based on SL(D-2,R)/SO(D-2), while the metric appears in a purely topological Chern-Simons form.Comment: 23 pages, minor changes, v3: published versio

    Diagrammar and metamorphosis of coset symmetries in dimensionally reduced type IIB supergravity

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    Studying the reduction of type IIB supergravity from ten to three space-time dimensions we describe the metamorphosis of Dynkin diagram for gravity line "caterpillar" into a type IIB supergravity "dragonfly" that is triggered by inclusion of scalars and antisymmetric tensor fields. The final diagram corresponds to type IIB string theory E8 global symmetry group which is the subgroup of the conjectured E11 hidden symmetry group. Application of the results for getting the type IIA/IIB T-duality rules and for searching for type IIB vacua solutions is considered.Comment: 9 pp, 7 figs, LATEX; to be published in JETP Let

    Complete loop quantization of a dimension 1+2 Lorentzian gravity theory

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    De Sitter Chern-Simons gravity in D = 1 + 2 spacetime is known to possess an extension with a Barbero-Immirzi like parameter. We find a partial gauge fixing which leaves a compact residual gauge group, namely SU(2). The compacticity of the residual gauge group opens the way to the usual LQG quantization techniques. We recall the exemple of the LQG quantization of SU(2) CS theory with cylindrical space topology, which thus provides a complete LQG of a Lorentzian gravity model in 3-dimensional space-time.Comment: Loops11 - Madrid - 2011 (4 pages, Latex