37 research outputs found

    The productive role of material design artefacts in participatory design events

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    ABSTRACT Physical design artefacts are employed in a wide range of participatory design events, yet there are few comprehensive discussions of the properties and qualities of them in the literature of the field. In this paper, we examine the productive role of material design artefacts in participatory design events. First, we offer a theoretical foundation for understanding material artefacts in design, based on pragmatist philosophy. Then, we employ this theoretical perspective to analyse a case in which a range of physical design materials was employed to envision and explore a projected building, the "Urban Media Space" a new library in Aarhus, Denmark. Drawing on examples from this case, we define a series of design considerations for employing material design artefacts in collaborative design events. Our contribution is valuable both in advancing the theoretical standpoint of interaction design in general, and in allowing participatory design practitioners to reflect on their use of material design artefacts when involving users

    Off-the-shelf digital tools as a resource to nurture the commons

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    SurfaceCast: Ubiquitous, Cross-Device Surface Sharing

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    Real-time online interaction is the norm today. Tabletops and other dedicated interactive surface devices with direct input and tangible interaction can enhance remote collaboration, and open up new interaction scenarios based on mixed physical/virtual components. However, they are only available to a small subset of users, as they usually require identical bespoke hardware for every participant, are complex to setup, and need custom scenario-specific applications. We present SurfaceCast, a software toolkit designed to merge multiple distributed, heterogeneous end-user devices into a single, shared mixed-reality surface. Supported devices include regular desktop and laptop computers, tablets, and mixed-reality headsets, as well as projector-camera setups and dedicated interactive tabletop systems. This device-agnostic approach provides a fundamental building block for exploration of a far wider range of usage scenarios than previously feasible, including future clients using our provided API. In this paper, we discuss the software architecture of SurfaceCast, present a formative user study and a quantitative performance analysis of our framework, and introduce five example application scenarios which we enhance through the multi-user and multi-device features of the framework. Our results show that the hardware- and content-agnostic architecture of SurfaceCast can run on a wide variety of devices with sufficient performance and fidelity for real-time interaction

    SurfaceCast: Ubiquitous, Cross-Device Surface Sharing

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    Real-time online interaction is the norm today. Tabletops and other dedicated interactive surface devices with direct input and tangible interaction can enhance remote collaboration, and open up new interaction scenarios based on mixed physical/virtual components. However, they are only available to a small subset of users, as they usually require identical bespoke hardware for every participant, are complex to setup, and need custom scenario-specific applications. We present SurfaceCast, a software toolkit designed to merge multiple distributed, heterogeneous end-user devices into a single, shared mixed-reality surface. Supported devices include regular desktop and laptop computers, tablets, and mixed-reality headsets, as well as projector-camera setups and dedicated interactive tabletop systems. This device-agnostic approach provides a fundamental building block for exploration of a far wider range of usage scenarios than previously feasible, including future clients using our provided API. In this paper, we discuss the software architecture of SurfaceCast, present a formative user study and a quantitative performance analysis of our framework, and introduce five example application scenarios which we enhance through the multi-user and multi-device features of the framework. Our results show that the hardware- and content-agnostic architecture of SurfaceCast can run on a wide variety of devices with sufficient performance and fidelity for real-time interaction

    Contrat de bon usage et arrêts des traitements par immunothérapie (état des lieux dans le service de rhumatologie du Centre Hospitalier du Mans)

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    La polyarthrite rhumatoïde, la spondylarthrite ankylosante et le rhumatisme psoriasique sont des rhumatismes inflammatoires chroniques touchant chacun plus d une personne sur 2000 en France. La mise sur le marché des immunothérapies a bouleversé leur prise en charge à partir des années 2000, améliorant considérablement la qualité de vie des patients et permettant d obtenir chez certains une rémission de la pathologie. La présente thèse étudie au sein du service de rhumatologie du Centre Hospitalier du Mans entre le 01/01/12 et le 31/03/12 : l incidence et la prévalence des immunothérapies au sein de l échantillon d étude, puis les causes d arrêts temporaires et définitifs des traitements par immunothérapies, le contrat de bon usage de ces médicaments et enfin la stratégie thérapeutique lors du changement d immunothérapie.Rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis and psoriatic arthritis are chronic inflammatory rheumatism each involving more than one person in 2000 in France. The placing on the market of immunotherapy has revolutionized their care from the 2000s, greatly improving the patients quality of life and obtains remission of the disease for some of them. This thesis studies in the Department of Rheumatology, Le Mans Hospital from the 01/01/12 to 03/31/12: incidence and prevalence of immunotherapies in the study s sample, then causes of temporary and permanent cessation of with immunotherapy, the proper use contract of these medications and finally therapeutic strategy when changing immunotherapy.ANGERS-BU Médecine-Pharmacie (490072105) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Making civic initiatives last: Ecosystems, technologies, approaches and challenges

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    Civic initiatives aim to create impact, often beyond the initial (design) activity or process. HCI practice and research has turned toward exploring methods, technologies, processes, to work toward lasting initiatives that can continue effectively beyond the project or grant timeline. Nonetheless, there is a growing need to create a forum where researchers and practitioners can share their approaches so as to shed light on opportunities and challenges of supporting lasting civic initiatives moving forward. This workshop aims to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in how to make civic initiatives have lasting impact: either by supporting and sustaining such initiatives or by focusing on how their outcomes increase people’s capacity to act on their ideas and wishes