18 research outputs found

    Optimized synthesis of new N-mustards based on 2-mercaptobenzoxazole derivatives with antitumor activity

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    New di-( -chloroethyl)-amides of some acids derived from 2-mercaptobenzoxazole were prepared by reaction of the corresponding pivalic mixed anhydrides with di-( -chloroethyl)-amine. A study regarding the optimization of the chemical reactions was made for the case of di-( -chloroethyl)- amines. The quantum chemical analysis by Spartan’14 was made in order to establish the most stable configuration of the ground electronic states for the obtained chemical structures and some physicochemical parameters of N-mustards reported in this paper. Mercaptobenzoxazoles substituted in the side chain with the cytotoxic group show antitumor activity and they inhibit Ehrlich Ascites in an appreciable proportion compared to the drug I.O.B.-82, as our studies evidenced

    Research and Science Today No. 2(4)/2012

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    Doctor Honoris Causa Laureates of the Bucharest University of Economic Studies

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    The current academic economic paradigm is shaped by the actual economic schools of thoughts and the systems of generating economic knowledge – universities, research institutions, academic publishing actors and business elites. The cumulated contributions of these actors have transformed economics into a mature science whose practical and governance implications were tested by the 2008 world financial crisis. The challenges faced in these times by governments, households and businesses have severely questioned both orthodox and non orthodox economic wisdom and the legitimacy of the economist as a professional. Irrespective of their economic orientation, most economists have agreed that the models of socio-economic development should be revisited, with a high need of a focus on the moral and ethical standards of the human, economic and political actions. The purpose of this paper is to analyse some of the major inconsistencies that the current academic economic paradigm is perpetuating through its systems of generating economic knowledge, mainly universities and research institutions. From the methodological point of view this paper uses a qualitative analysis, based on a conceptual and highly explorative approach

    Brevet de invenție: Metodă pentru creșterea midiilor și instalație pentru aplicarea metodei

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    Rezumat: Inventia se referă la o metodă pentru cresterea midiilor in ape, sub orizontul distructiv al valurilor, și la instalația pentru aplicarea metodei. Metoda conform inventiei constă in aceea că, intr-o primă fază, mijloacele pentru fixarea și dezvoltarea midiilor se coboară sub orizontul distructiv al valurilor, ca de exemplu, pe fundul mării, iar intr-o a doua fază, pentru recoltare, miiloacele amintite se ridică spre suprafaț


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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of corporate governance quality and corporate social responsibility on business performances of the companies around the world countries. Using a cross-sectional sample covering 77 countries over the period 2012-2015, our research provides empirical evidences that corporate governance and corporate social responsibility have a significant effect on the business performances. Moreover, we found that, this influence is more sharply felt on the market values of the companies which activate in developing countries compared to those from developed ones. The investors in developing countries pay a premium of 25.4% for the companies with effective corporate governance and 41.9% for the companies which adopt corporate social responsibility in theirs activities. This premium is slightly reduced for developed countries where it can be up to 24.5% of market capitalization

    Corruption, Shadow Economy and Economic Growth: An Empirical Survey Across the European Union Countries

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    This study was carried out to empirically investigate the relationships between corruption and shadow economy among the European Union countries, over the period 2005-2014. Moreover, since one would expect corruption and shadow economy to be more common in poorer countries, this study was therefore carried out to determine how corruption and shadow economy affect economic development. The empirical findings of this study confirm a high and positive relationship between corruption and shadow economy, therefore a higher level of corruption involves a higher level of shadow economy. Regarding the influence of corruption and shadow economy on economic growth, a high and negative relationship was found. This means that increasing corruption and shadow economy negatively affects economic growth

    Off-Label Benralizumab in Severe Non-Necrotizing Eosinophilic Vasculitis following Critical COVID-19 Disease and in DRESS

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    Benralizumab is a humanized recombinant mAb that binds to the interleukin 5 receptor (IL-5R) expressed on eosinophils and is approved for the treatment of severe eosinophilic asthma. There are a series of severe eosinophilic disorders that may benefit from this treatment, and it could be a life-saving therapy. In this paper, we present two severe patients with eosinophil-induced diseases that had a good resolution after one dose of Benralizumab 30 mg. The first case is a severe non-necrotizing eosinophilic vasculitis following critical COVID-19 disease and the second case is a DRESS (Drug Rash with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms Syndrome) due to allopurinol. Conclusions: The successful administration of Benralizumab in rare or severe eosinophilic disease could be an option for life-saving therapies when conventional treatments fail

    How Could We Influence Systemic Inflammation in Allergic Rhinitis? The Role of H1 Antihistamines

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    The aim of the study was the analysis of adhesion molecules’ profile (ICAM-1, VCAM-1, and E-selectin) in patients with allergic rhinitis and the influence of H1 antihistamines on those markers. Seventy-nine patients with persistent allergic rhinitis (PAR) and 30 healthy volunteers were included in the study. The patients with PAR were treated with desloratadine 5 mg/day or levocetirizine 5 mg/day for 4 weeks. The clinical (rhinitis symptoms and total symptoms score (TSS), type of sensitization) and biological evaluation (total IgE, eosinophils, ICAM-1, VCAM-1, and E-selectin) as well as fractionate nitric oxide in exhaled air (FeNO) measurement was performed before and after treatment. The plasmatic levels of ICAM-1, VCAM-1, total IgE, and eosinophils and FeNO were significantly increased in patients with PAR compared to healthy volunteers. H1 antihistamines significantly improved TSS, with no differences between the investigated drugs. There was a significant decrease of eosinophils, total IgE, and FeNO after treatment. H1 antihistamines significantly decreased the plasmatic levels of ICAM-1 and E-selectin but not VCAM-1 compared to basal values. There is no difference between levocetirizine and desloratadine in the reduction of CAMs. A systemic inflammation characterized by increased levels of CAMs is present in patients with PAR. H1 antihistamines improve symptoms and reduce CAMs and FeNO levels after 1 month of treatment. H1 antihistamines might reduce the systemic inflammation which could be responsible to asthma occurrence in patients with PAR