7 research outputs found

    Microdistribution of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agents in Atherosclerotic Plaques Determined by LA-ICP-MS and SR-μXRF Imaging

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    Purpose: Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has the potential to replace angiographic evaluation of atherosclerosis. While studies have investigated contrast agent (CA) uptake in atherosclerotic plaques, exact CA spatial distribution on a microscale is elusive. The purpose of this study was to investigate the microdistribution of gadolinium (Gd)- and iron (Fe) oxide-based CA in atherosclerotic plaques of New Zealand White rabbits. Procedures: The study was performed as a post hoc analysis of archived tissue specimens obtained in a previous in vivo MRI study conducted to investigate signal changes induced by very small superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (VSOP) and Gd-BOPTA. For analytical discrimination from endogenous Fe, VSOP were doped with europium (Eu) resulting in Eu-VSOP. Formalin-fixed arterial specimens were cut into 5-μm serial sections and analyzed by immunohistochemistry (IHC: Movat’s pentachrome, von Kossa, and Alcian blue (pH 1.0) staining, anti-smooth muscle cell actin (anti-SMA), and anti-rabbit macrophage (anti-RAM-11) immunostaining) and elemental microscopy with laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and synchrotron radiation μX-ray fluorescence (SR-μXRF) spectroscopy. Elemental distribution maps of Fe, Eu, Gd, sulfur (S), phosphorus (P), and calcium (Ca) were investigated. Results: IHC characterized atherosclerotic plaque pathomorphology. Elemental microscopy showed S distribution to match the anatomy of arterial vessel wall layers, while P distribution corresponded well with cellular areas. LA-ICP-MS revealed Gd and Fe with a limit of detection of ~ 0.1 nmol/g and ~ 100 nmol/g, respectively. Eu-positive signal identified VSOP presence in the vessel wall and allowed the comparison of Eu-VSOP and endogenous Fe distribution in tissue sections. Extracellular matrix material correlated with Eu signal intensity, Fe concentration, and maximum Gd concentration. Eu-VSOP were confined to endothelium in early lesions but accumulated in cellular areas in advanced plaques. Gd distribution was homogeneous in healthy arteries but inhomogeneous in early and advanced plaques. SR-μXRF scans at 0.5 μm resolution revealed Gd hotspots with increased P and Ca concentrations at the intimomedial interface, and a size distribution ranging from a few micrometers to submicrometers. Conclusions: Eu-VSOP and Gd have distinct spatial distributions in atherosclerotic plaques. While Eu-VSOP distribution is more cell-associated and might be used to monitor atherosclerotic plaque progression, Gd distribution indicates arterial calcification and might help in characterizing plaque vulnerability

    Repeated Injection of Very Small Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Particles (VSOPs) in Murine Atherosclerosis: A Safety Study

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    Citrate-coated electrostatically stabilized very small superparamagnetic iron oxide particles (VSOPs) have been successfully tested as magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) contrast agents and are promising tools for molecular imaging of atherosclerosis. Their repeated use in the background of pre-existing hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis has not yet been studied. This study aimed to investigate the effect of multiple intravenous injections of VSOPs in atherosclerotic mice. Taurine-formulated VSOPs (VSOP-T) were repeatedly intravenously injected at 100 µmol Fe/kg in apolipoprotein E-deficient (ApoE KO) mice with diet-induced atherosclerosis. Angiographic imaging was carried out by in vivo MRI. Magnetic particle spectrometry was used to detect tissue VSOP content, and tissue iron content was quantified photometrically. Pathological changes in organs, atherosclerotic plaque development, and expression of hepatic iron-related proteins were evaluated. VSOP-T enabled the angiographic imaging of heart and blood vessels with a blood half-life of one hour. Repeated intravenous injection led to VSOP deposition and iron accumulation in the liver and spleen without affecting liver and spleen pathology, expression of hepatic iron metabolism proteins, serum lipids, or atherosclerotic lesion formation. Repeated injections of VSOP-T doses sufficient for MRA analyses had no significant effects on plaque burden, steatohepatitis, and iron homeostasis in atherosclerotic mice. These findings underscore the safety of VSOP-T and support its further development as a contrast agent and molecular imaging tool

    In vivo magnetic particle imaging: angiography of inferior vena cava and aorta in rats using newly developed multicore particles

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    Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) is a new imaging modality, which maps the distribution of magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) in 3D with high temporal resolution. It thus may be suited for cardiovascular imaging. Its sensitivity and spatial resolution critically depend on the magnetic properties of MNP. Therefore, we used novel multicore nanoparticles (MCP 3) for in-vivo MPI in rats and analyzed dose requirements, sensitivity and detail resolution. 8 rats were examined using a preclinical MPI scanner (Bruker Biospin GmbH, Germany) equipped with a separate receive coil. MCP 3 and Resovist were administered intravenously (i.v.) into the rats’ tail veins at doses of 0.1, 0.05 and 0.025 mmol Fe/kg followed by serial MPI acquisition with a temporal resolution of 46 volumes per second. Based on a qualitative visual scoring system MCP 3–MPI images showed a significantly (P ≤ 0.05) higher image quality than Resovist-MPI images. Morphological features such as vessel lumen diameters (DL) of the inferior vena cava (IVC) and abdominal aorta (AA) could be assessed along a 2-cm segment in mesenteric area only after administration of MCP 3 at dosages of 0.1, 0.05 mmol Fe/kg. The mean DL ± SD estimated was 2.7 ± 0.6 mm for IVC and 2.4 ± 0.7 mm for AA. Evaluation of DL of the IVC and AA was not possible in Resovist-MPI images. Our results show, that MCP 3 provide better image quality at a lower dosage than Resovist. MCP 3-MPI with a clinically acceptable dose of 0.05 mmol Fe/kg increased the visibility of vessel lumens compared to Resovist-based MPI towards possible detection of vascular abnormalities such as stenosis or aneurysms, in vivo

    Resveratrol-Coated Balloon Catheters in Porcine Coronary and Peripheral Arteries

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    Angioplasty aiming at vascular dilatation causes endothelial denudation and induces complex inflammatory responses that affect vascular healing, including delayed reendothelialization and excessive neointima proliferation. Resveratrol is known for multiple beneficial effects on the vessel wall after systemic treatment or sustained release from a stent. It is also used as an additive on drug-coated balloon catheters (DCB). In this study, the effect of a single dose of resveratrol, three days to four weeks after administration as a balloon coating during angioplasty, was investigated. Sixteen pigs underwent angioplasty with resveratrol-coated or uncoated balloon catheters in coronary and peripheral arteries. Vessels were overstretched by approximately 20% to enhance vessel wall injury and to produce persistent vessel wall irritation. A significantly reduced number of micro vessels and macrophages in the adventitia, as well as an improved reendothelialization of the vessel lumen, were observed in resveratrol-treated peripheral arteries. The coronaries had a much higher injury score compared to peripheral vessels. Resveratrol-dependent reduction of macrophages, micro vessels or acceleration of reendothelialization was not evident in the coronary vessels. Additionally, no significant effect on neointima proliferation and inflammation score in either vessel territory was observed as a result of resveratrol treatment. In conclusion, the results suggest that resveratrol diminishes the inflammatory response and promotes vascular healing in peripheral arteries. These same effects are absent in more severely injured coronary arteries

    Bare Metal Stents on Resveratrol-Coated Balloons in Porcine Coronary and Peripheral Arteries

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    Balloon angioplasty and stent implantation are standard techniques to reopen stenotic vessels. Often, balloons or stents coated with cytostatic drugs are used to prevent re-occlusion of the arteries. Resveratrol, which is known for its numerous beneficial effects on cardiovascular health, is used as an antioxidant additive on paclitaxel-coated balloon catheters. What is still unclear is whether resveratrol-only balloon coating in combination with a bare metal stent (BMS) also has positive effects on vascular healing. Here, we analyzed neointimal thickening, fibrin deposition, inflammation, vasa vasorum density, and reendothelialization after implantation of BMS via a resveratrol coated balloon approach in a porcine model. In general, resveratrol treatment did not result in significantly altered responses compared to the control group in peripheral arteries. In coronary arteries, an increase in vasa vasorum density became evident three days after resveratrol treatment compared to the control group and abolished up to day 7. Significant effects of the resveratrol treatment on the fibrin score or intima-media area were transient and restricted to either peripheral or coronary arteries. In conclusion, local single-dose resveratrol treatment via a resveratrol-only coated balloon and BMS approach did not lead to adverse systemic or local effects, but also no significant beneficial effects on vascular healing were detected in the current study

    Tailored Magnetic Multicore Nanoparticles for Use as Blood Pool MPI Tracers

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    For the preclinical development of magnetic particle imaging (MPI) in general, and the exploration of possible new clinical applications of MPI in particular, tailored MPI tracers with surface properties optimized for the intended use are needed. Here we present the synthesis of magnetic multicore particles (MCPs) modified with polyethylene glycol (PEG) for use as blood pool MPI tracers. To achieve the stealth effect the carboxylic groups of the parent MCP were activated and coupled with pegylated amines (mPEG-amines) with different PEG-chain lengths from 2 to 20 kDa. The resulting MCP-PEG variants with PEG-chain lengths of 10 kDa (MCP-PEG10K after one pegylation step and MCP-PEG10K2 after a second pegylation step) formed stable dispersions and showed strong evidence of a successful reaction of MCP and MCP-PEG10K with mPEG-amine with 10 kDa, while maintaining their magnetic properties. In rats, the mean blood half-lives, surprisingly, were 2 and 62 min, respectively, and therefore, for MCP-PEG10K2, dramatically extended compared to the parent MCP, presumably due to the higher PEG density on the particle surface, which may lead to a lower phagocytosis rate. Because of their significantly extended blood half-life, MCP-PEG10K2 are very promising as blood pool tracers for future in vivo cardiovascular MPI