21 research outputs found

    Nanostructured PbS-doped inorganic film synthesized by sol-gel route

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    IV-VI semiconductor quantum dots embedded into an inorganic matrix represent nanostructured composite materials with potential application in temperature sensor systems. This study explores the optical, structural, and morphological properties of a novel PbS quantum dots (QDs)- doped inorganic thin film belonging to the Al2O3 -SiO2 -P2O5 system. The film was synthesized by the sol-gel method, spin coating technique, starting from a precursor solution deposited on a glass substrate in a multilayer process, followed by drying of each deposited layer. Crystalline PbS QDs embedded in the inorganic vitreous host matrix formed a nanocomposite material. Specific investigations such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), optical absorbance in the ultraviolet (UV)-visible (Vis)-near infrared (NIR) domain, NIR luminescence, Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy– energy dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX), and atomic force microscopy (AFM) were used to obtain a comprehensive characterization of the deposited film. The dimensions of the PbS nanocrystallite phase were corroborated by XRD, SEM-EDX, and AFM results. The luminescence band from 1400 nm follows the luminescence peak of the precursor solution and that of the dopant solution. The emission of the PbS-doped film in the NIR domain is a premise for potential application in temperature sensing systems.This study was funded by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation, CCCDI–UEFISCDI, project ERANET-MANUNET-TEMSENSOPT, MNET20/ NMCS3732, within PNCDI III, contract 213/02.12.2020; Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization (MRID), Core Program, contracts no. 16N/2019, 18N/2019 and 21N/2019; MRID through Program I—Development of the National R & D System, Subprogram 1.2–Institutional Performance– Projects for Excellence Financing in RDI, contracts no. 13PFE/2021, 18PFE/2021 and 35PFE/2021; CCCDI-UEFISCDI project PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2021-2541. Support from the Public University of Navarre for Research Groups is also acknowledged

    End-of-Life Materials Used as Supplementary Cementitious Materials in the Concrete Industry

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    A sustainable solution for the global construction industry can be partial substitution of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) by use of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) sourced from industrial end-of-life (EOL) products that contain calcareous, siliceous and aluminous materials. Candidate EOL materials include fly ash (FA), silica fume (SF), natural pozzolanic materials like sugarcane bagasse ash (SBA), palm oil fuel ash (POFA), rice husk ash (RHA), mine tailings, marble dust, construction and demolition debris (CDD). Studies have revealed these materials to be cementitious and/or pozzolanic in nature. Their use as SCMs would decrease the amount of cement used in the production of concrete, decreasing carbon emissions associated with cement production. In addition to cement substitution, EOL products as SCMs have also served as coarse and also fine aggregates in the production of eco-friendly concretes

    Bacterial cellulose hydroxyapatite composites decorated with silver nanoparticles for medical applications

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    Influence of Alkali Activator Type on the Hydrolytic Stability and Intumescence of Inorganic Polymers Based on Waste Glass

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    The main objective of this study is the synthesis and characterization of low cost alkali-activated inorganic polymers based on waste glass (G-AAIPs) using a mixture of NaOH and Ca(OH)2 as alkali activators, in order to improve their hydrolytic stability. This paper also presents detailed information about the influence of composition determined by X Ray Diffraction (XRD), microstructure determined by Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM) and processing parameters on the main properties of G-AAIP pastes. The main factors analyzed were the glass fineness and the composition of the alkaline activators. The influence on intumescent behavior was also studied by heat treating of specimens at 600 °C and 800 °C. The use of Ca(OH)2 in the composition of the alkaline activator determines the increase of the hydrolytic stability (evaluated by underwater evolution index) of the G-AAIP materials compared to those obtained by NaOH activation. In this case, along with sodium silicate hydrates, calcium silicates hydrates (C-S-H), with good stability in a humid environment, were also formed in the hardened pastes. The highest intumescence and an improvement of hydrolytic stability (evaluated by underwater evolution index and mass loss) was achieved for the waste glass powder activated with a solution containing 70% NaOH and 30% Ca(OH)2. The increase of the waste glass fineness and initial curing temperature of G-AAIPs have a positive effect on the intumescence of resulted materials but have a reduced influence on their mechanical properties and hydrolytic stability

    Phosphate Cements Based on Calcined Dolomite: Influence of Calcination Temperature and Silica Addition

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    The aim of this study is to assess the possibility of obtaining phosphate cements based on dolomite calcined at various temperatures with/without quartz sand addition. A lower calcination temperature of dolomite (1200 °C) determines a high increase in the system temperature when calcined dolomite is mixed with KH2PO4 (MKP) solution and also a rapid expansion of the paste. The increase in calcination temperature up to 1400 °C reduces the oxides reactivity; however, for lower dosages of MKP, the expansion phenomenon is still recorded. The increase in MKP dosage increases the compressive strength due to the formation of K-struvite. The mixing of dolomite with sand, followed by thermal treatment at 1200 °C, modifies its composition and reactivity; the compressive strength of phosphate cements obtained by mixing this solid precursor with MKP increases up to 28 days of curing. We assessed the nature of hydrates formed in the phosphate systems studied by X-ray diffraction in order to explain the hardening processes and the mechanical properties of these systems. The microstructure and elemental composition of hardened cement pastes were assessed by scanning electronic microscopy with energy-dispersive spectroscopy. The phosphate cements based on calcined magnesite or dolomite were used to immobilize an industrial hazardous waste with high chromium content. The partial substitution of calcined magnesite/dolomite with this waste determines an important decrease in compressive strengths. Nevertheless, the leaching tests confirm an adequate immobilization of chromium in some of the matrices studied (for a waste dosage corresponding to 0.5 wt % Cr)

    Accelerated Aging Effect on Mechanical Properties of Common 3D-Printing Polymers

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    In outdoor environments, the action of the Sun through its ultraviolet radiation has a degrading effect on most materials, with polymers being among those affected. In the past few years, 3D printing has seen an increased usage in fabricating parts for functional applications, including parts destined for outdoor use. This paper analyzes the effect of accelerated aging through prolonged exposure to UV-B on the mechanical properties of parts 3D printed from the commonly used polymers polylactic acid (PLA) and polyethylene terephthalate–glycol (PETG). Samples 3D printed from these materials went through a dry 24 h UV-B exposure aging treatment and were then tested against a control group for changes in mechanical properties. Both the tensile and compressive strengths were determined, as well as changes in material creep characteristics. After irradiation, PLA and PETG parts saw significant decreases in both tensile strength (PLA: −5.3%; PETG: −36%) and compression strength (PLA: −6.3%; PETG: −38.3%). Part stiffness did not change significantly following the UV-B exposure and creep behavior was closely connected to the decrease in mechanical properties. A scanning electron microscopy (SEM) fractographic analysis was carried out to better understand the failure mechanism and material structural changes in tensile loaded, accelerated aged parts

    Synthesis and Characterization of Porous Forsterite Ceramics with Prospective Tissue Engineering Applications

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    Due to the urgent need to develop and improve biomaterials, the present article proposes a new strategy to obtain porous scaffolds based on forsterite (Mg2SiO4) for bone tissue regeneration. The main objective is to restore and improve bone function, providing a stable environment for regeneration. The usage of magnesium silicate relies on its mechanical properties being superior to hydroxyapatite and, in general, to calcium phosphates, as well as its high biocompatibility, and antibacterial properties. Mg2SiO4 powder was obtained using the sol-gel method, which was calcinated at 800 °C for 2 h; then, part of the powder was further used to make porous ceramics by mixing it with a porogenic agent (e.g., sucrose). The raw ceramic bodies were subjected to two sintering treatments, at 1250 or 1320 °C, and the characterization results were discussed comparatively. The porogenic agent did not influence the identified phases or the samples’ crystallinity and was efficiently removed during the heat treatment. Moreover, the effect of the porogenic agent no longer seems significant after sintering at 1250 °C; the difference in porosity between the two ceramics was negligible. When analysing the in vitro cytotoxicity of the samples, the ones that were porous and treated at 1320 °C showed slightly better cell viability, with the cells appearing to adhere more easily to their surface.</b

    Biomimetic Composite Scaffold Based on Naturally Derived Biomaterials

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    This paper proposes the development of a biomimetic composite based on naturally derived biomaterials. This freeze-dried scaffold contains a microwave-synthesized form of biomimetic hydroxyapatite (HAp), using the interwoven hierarchical structure of eggshell membrane (ESM) as bio-template. The bone regeneration capacity of the scaffold is enhanced with the help of added tricalcium phosphate from bovine Bone ash (BA). With the addition of Gelatin (Gel) and Chitosan (CS) as organic matrix, the obtained composite is characterized by the ability to stimulate the cellular response and might accelerate the bone healing process. Structural characterization of the synthesized HAp (ESM) confirms the presence of both hydroxyapatite and monetite phases, in accordance with the spectroscopy results on the ESM before and after the microwave thermal treatment (the presence of phosphate group). Morphology studies on all individual components and final scaffold, highlight their morphology and porous structure, characteristics that influence the biocompatibility of the scaffold. Porosity, swelling rate and the in vitro cytotoxicity assays performed on amniotic fluid stem cells (AFSC), demonstrate the effective biocompatibility of the obtained materials. The experimental results presented in this paper highlight an original biocomposite scaffold obtained from naturally derived materials, in a nontoxic manner

    Alkali Niobate Powder Synthesis Using an Emerging Microwave-Assisted Hydrothermal Method

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    For more than five decades, alkali niobate-based materials (KxNa1&minus;xNbO3) have been one of the most promising lead-free piezoelectric materials researched to be used in electronics, photocatalysis, energy storage/conversion and medical applications, due to their important health and environmentally friendly nature. In this paper, our strategy was to synthetize the nearest reproductible composition to KxNa1&minus;xNbO3 (KNN) with x = 0.5, placed at the limit of the morphotropic phase boundary (MPB) with the presence of both polymorphic phases, orthorhombic and tetragonal. The wet synthesis route was chosen to make the mix crystal powders, starting with the suspension preparation of Nb2O5 powder and KOH and NaOH alkaline solutions. Hydrothermal microwave-assisted maturation (HTMW), following the parameter variation T = 200&ndash;250 &deg;C, p = 47&ndash;60 bar and dwelling time of 30&ndash;90 min, was performed. All powders therefore synthesized were entirely KxN1&minus;xNbO3 solid solutions with x = 0.06&ndash;0.69, and the compositional, elemental, structural and morphological characterization highlighted polycrystalline particle assemblage with cubic and prismatic morphology, with sizes between 0.28 nm and 2.95 &mu;m and polymorphic O-T phase coexistence, and a d33 piezoelectric constant under 1 pC/N of the compacted unsintered and unpoled discs were found

    Fabrication and Characterization of Porous Diopside/Akermanite Ceramics with Prospective Tissue Engineering Applications

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    Tissue engineering requires new materials that can be used to replace damaged bone parts. Since hydroxyapatite, currently widely used, has low mechanical resistance, silicate ceramics can represent an alternative. The aim of this study was to obtain porous ceramics based on diopside (CaMgSi2O6) and akermanite (Ca2MgSi2O7) obtained at low sintering temperatures. The powder synthesized by the sol-gel method was pressed in the presence of a porogenic agent represented by commercial sucrose in order to create the desired porosity. The ceramic bodies obtained after sintering thermal treatment at 1050 °C and 1250 °C, respectively, were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) to determine the chemical composition. The open porosity was situated between 32.5 and 34.6%, and the compressive strength had a maximum value of 11.4 MPa for the samples sintered at 1250 °C in the presence of a 20% wt porogenic agent. A cell viability above 70% and the rapid development of an apatitic phase layer make these materials good candidates for use in hard tissue engineering