5 research outputs found

    Table1_On the risks of secure attachment in infancy: Childhood irritability and adolescent depression predicted by secure attachment and high approach behaviours at 14-months towards a caregiver living with inter-parental violence.docx

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    IntroductionThe secure infant turns to a caregiver for comfort when distressed or threatened. Does this level of openness create vulnerability where the caregiver is unsupportive or aggressive? In this study we examined prospectively whether secure attachment in infancy, and approach behaviours on reunion with a parent, were associated with childhood emotional dysregulation (irritability) and adolescent depression among children exposed to inter-parental violence.MethodsWe followed 219 families recruited from the general population during pregnancy (members of the Wirral Child Health and Development Study; WCHADS), with attachment assessments (Strange Situation Procedure; SSP) at 14 months, maternal interviews about inter-parental violence at 2.5, 5 and 7 years, and parent and teacher rated irritability at 9 years (CBCL). At age 13 years, 199 young people rated their levels of depression (SMFQ). In addition to the standard SSP classification, a latent variable reflecting approach behaviours during reunions was generated from the SSP dimensional scores and a factor score extracted. Analyses used path analysis using the gsem command in Stata.ResultsThere were interactions between attachment security and inter-parental violence for age 9 irritability (p = .084) and age 13 depression (p = .039) which arose from greater levels of psychopathology among secure children exposed to inter-parental violence. Similarly, higher approach behaviours during SSP reunions among children exposed to inter-parental violence were associated with irritability (interaction term p = .004) and depression (interaction term p ConclusionInfant behaviours characteristic of attachment security in the Strange Situation Procedure may not equip children to deal with exposure to inter-parental violence and associated parental negativity.</p

    Datasheet1_Through each other's eyes: initial results and protocol for the co-design of an observational measure of adolescent-parent interaction using first-person perspective.zip

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    BackgroundCurrent observational methods to understand adolescent-parent interaction are limited in terms of ecological and content validity. We outline initial results and a protocol for future work from a programme of work to: (1) establish a new method for data capture of adolescent-parent interaction at home using wearable cameras and; (2) develop a new relevant and comprehensive observational micro-coding scheme. In Part 1, we report our completed preliminary work, comprised of an initial scoping review, and public engagement work. In Part 2, we present a protocol for the development of the new measure.MethodsPart 1—We searched Pubmed for existing observational measures of adolescent-parent interaction for the scoping review. We also undertook public engagement work utilising a mobile research van, taken to multiple locations around Bristol, UK to engage with a variety of populations through interactive methods. Part 2—Our protocol describes plans for: (1) A systematic review of the psychometric properties of observational measures of adolescent-parent interaction; (2) Focussed public engagement workshops; (3) Harmonisation of information from existing coding schemes and literature with information from public engagement with adolescents and parents; (4) A pilot study to assess the acceptability and feasibility of the method; (5) Development of a coding scheme in consultation with expert and lay panels, and through real-life application to recorded videos from a pilot sample.ResultsScoping review: we identified 21 adolescent-parent observational schemes, of which eight used micro-coding and 13 used globalcoding schemes. The majority of micro-coding schemes were not developed specifically for adolescents. Most studies used conflict or problem-solving tasks, which may not adequately capture positive adolescent-parent interactions. The mobile van event received views from 234 young people and/or parents. Families were positive about taking part in research using headcams. “Trust” and “understanding” were most frequently reported as important adolescent-parent relationship constructs.ConclusionsThis work represents the first attempt to truly co-design a method to assess parenting in adolescence. We hope to develop an observational measure using novel technological methods that can be used across a range of research and therapeutic settings.</p

    Image1_Child DNA methylation in a randomised controlled trial of a video-feedback intervention to promote positive parenting and sensitive discipline (VIPP-SD).jpeg

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    IntroductionA major modifiable risk factor for behavioural difficulties is harsh and insensitive parenting, and it has been hypothesised that the biological mechanism by which parenting influences child behaviour is via changes in the child's DNA methylation. We attempted to, in part, address the hypothesis that parenting is associated with child DNA methylation and, in turn, behaviour.MethodsPrimary caregivers of young children with behavioural difficulties (children aged 12–36 months) were randomised to receive a video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline (VIPP-SD) (n = 151), or usual care (n = 149). Child buccal samples were collected at a 2-year post-randomisation follow up (children aged 3–5 years, VIPP-SD group n = 106, usual care group n = 117) and were assessed for DNA methylation at the NR3C1, FKBP5 and OXYR genes. Child behaviour was assessed at baseline, post-intervention and 2-years post-randomisation using the Preschool Parental Account of Children's Symptoms (PPACS). We examined group differences in DNA methylation, associations of DNA methylation with behaviour, and sex differences.ResultsFor the NR3C1 and OXYR genes, there were no group differences, sex differences, or associations of DNA methylation with child behaviour, though all non-significant findings were in the hypothesised direction. For FKBP5 DNA methylation, there was a significant interaction between group and sex, such that males in the usual care group had higher DNA methylation than females, but in the intervention group females had higher DNA methylation than males. However, FKBP5 DNA methylation was not associated with behaviour in males or females.DiscussionWe provide the first evidence from a randomised controlled trial focused on improving parenting for sex-specific changes in child DNA methylation at a key gene involved in stress reactivity and psychopathology. This study adds to our understanding of causal mechanisms linking parenting with child behaviour, which is important for developing targeted interventions. A key limitation is that child DNA methylation was only assessed at one time point, so we were unable to assess change in DNA methylation over time. However, we demonstrate that is possible to collect and analyse DNA samples from families with young children receiving parenting interventions in the community, providing impetus for further research on this topic.</p

    Table1_Child DNA methylation in a randomised controlled trial of a video-feedback intervention to promote positive parenting and sensitive discipline (VIPP-SD).docx

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    IntroductionA major modifiable risk factor for behavioural difficulties is harsh and insensitive parenting, and it has been hypothesised that the biological mechanism by which parenting influences child behaviour is via changes in the child's DNA methylation. We attempted to, in part, address the hypothesis that parenting is associated with child DNA methylation and, in turn, behaviour.MethodsPrimary caregivers of young children with behavioural difficulties (children aged 12–36 months) were randomised to receive a video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline (VIPP-SD) (n = 151), or usual care (n = 149). Child buccal samples were collected at a 2-year post-randomisation follow up (children aged 3–5 years, VIPP-SD group n = 106, usual care group n = 117) and were assessed for DNA methylation at the NR3C1, FKBP5 and OXYR genes. Child behaviour was assessed at baseline, post-intervention and 2-years post-randomisation using the Preschool Parental Account of Children's Symptoms (PPACS). We examined group differences in DNA methylation, associations of DNA methylation with behaviour, and sex differences.ResultsFor the NR3C1 and OXYR genes, there were no group differences, sex differences, or associations of DNA methylation with child behaviour, though all non-significant findings were in the hypothesised direction. For FKBP5 DNA methylation, there was a significant interaction between group and sex, such that males in the usual care group had higher DNA methylation than females, but in the intervention group females had higher DNA methylation than males. However, FKBP5 DNA methylation was not associated with behaviour in males or females.DiscussionWe provide the first evidence from a randomised controlled trial focused on improving parenting for sex-specific changes in child DNA methylation at a key gene involved in stress reactivity and psychopathology. This study adds to our understanding of causal mechanisms linking parenting with child behaviour, which is important for developing targeted interventions. A key limitation is that child DNA methylation was only assessed at one time point, so we were unable to assess change in DNA methylation over time. However, we demonstrate that is possible to collect and analyse DNA samples from families with young children receiving parenting interventions in the community, providing impetus for further research on this topic.</p

    Additional file 1 of EEG functional connectivity in infants at elevated familial likelihood for autism spectrum disorder

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    Additional file 1. The supporting information contains additional methods, additional results, Supplementary Figures 1–10, and Supplementary Tables 1–7