24 research outputs found

    Case Report Primary Amyloidosis Manifesting as Cholestatic Jaundice after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy

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    A 71-year-old female patient with cholelithiasis who had undergone laparoscopic cholecystectomy was admitted with obstructive jaundice (total bilirubin ∼6 mg/dL) three months later. An ERCP was performed, in which a gallstone was found, followed by a sphincterotomy and cleansing of the bile duct. Due to deterioration of jaundice (>25 mg/dL), a new, unsuccessful ERCP and stent placement was carried out. Because of ongoing cardiac failure, she underwent an echocardiogram which revealed restrictive cardiomyopathy possibly due to amyloidosis. A liver biopsy was performed, which was positive for amyloid deposits in the liver, and the diagnosis was confirmed by the detection of monoclonal IgG protein in urine. The patient's jaundice gradually deteriorated and she died one week later from hepatic insufficiency

    Antioxidants in experimental ischemia-reperfusion injury of the testis: Where are we heading towards?

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    Testicular torsion (TT) is a medical emergency that primary affects newborns and young adolescents. It causes testicular injury due to the torsion of the spermatic cord and its components, initially in the venous blood flow and finally in the arterial blood flow. Prompt diagnosis and early surgical management are necessary in managing this urgent situation. The process of the pathophysiological events in ischemia-reperfusion is multifactorial and deals with the perception of the oxidative stress responsible for the consequences of ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) stress following TT. Duration and severity of torsion also play a significant role in the oxidative stress. A detrimental result of the defense system of the testes takes place resulting finally in testicular atrophy and impaired function. Antioxidant factors have been experimentally studied in an effort to front this state. They have been classified as endogenous or exogenous antioxidants. Endogenous antioxidants comprise a structure of enzymic enzymatic and non-enzymic enzymatic particles presented within cytoplasm and numerous other subunits in the cells. Exogenous antioxidants include a variety of natural and pharmaceutical agents that may prevent or ameliorate the harmful effects of I/R injury. In this study we review those factors and their ability to enhance the oxidative status of the testis. A feature insight into where we are heading is attempted

    Management of complicated acute appendicitis in children: Still an existing controversy

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    Complicated acute appendicitis (CAA) is a serious condition and carries significant morbidity in children. A strict diagnosis is challenging, as there are many lesions that mimic CAA. The management of CAA is still controversial. There are two options for treatment: Immediate operative management and non-operative management with antibiotics and/or drainage of any abscess or phlegmon. Each method of treatment has advantages and disadvantages. Operative management may be difficult due to the presence of inflamed tissues and may lead to detrimental events. In many cases, non-operative management with or without drainage and interval appendectomy is advised. The reasons for this approach include new medications and policies for the use of antibiotic therapy. Furthermore, advances in radiological interventions may overcome difficulties such as diagnosing and managing the complications of CAA without any surgeries. However, questions have been raised about the risk of recurrence, prolonged use of antibiotics, lengthened hospital stay and delay in returning to daily activities. Moreover, the need for interval appendectomy is currently under debate because of the low risk of recurrence. Due to the paucity of high-quality studies, more randomized controlled trials to determine the precise management strategy are needed. This review aims to study the current data on operative vs non-operative management for CAA in children and to extract any useful information from the literature

    Chronic Intussusception Associated with Malrotation in a Child: A Variation of Waugh’s Syndrome?

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    Chronic intussusception is a relatively uncommon disease most commonly observed in older children. Waugh’s syndrome represents a rare entity characterized by intestinal malrotation and acute intussusception. We report a very unusual case of intestinal malrotation associated with chronic intussusception. Clinical presentation, radiological findings, and managing of this association are discussed in the light of the available literature

    A Review of History and Challenges of Evidence-Based Pediatric Surgery

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    Purpose Evidence-based pediatric surgery (EBPS) refers to the use of the best available evidence in making personalized decisions concerning the management of each pediatric surgical patient. This study aims to provide a comprehensive review on past and present evidence-based clinical decision, and challenges in pediatric surgery. Material and methods A literature search was conducted according to a set of criteria in PubMed for historical and current peer-reviewed studies regarding EBPS. Results One hundred forty-five full-text published articles focusing on EPBS findings over the past 25 years were included. The rarity of many congenital anomalies, the inability to establish multicenter collaborations, the failure to perform double-blinded studies in children, the pediatric surgeons’ reluctance to perform ethically unacceptable sham operations and their skepticism shown in accepting and implementing the documented results instead of applying their personal clinical practice methods and surgical techniques are among problems that hamper the accomplishment of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Conclusions RCTs remain limited in clinical pediatric surgery practice due to problems in the design and publication of these trials. Moreover, skepticism exists regarding acceptance and implementation of the documented results of RCTs. Notwithstanding, pediatric surgeons must establish evidence-based centers in order to increase the number of well-designed RCTs, properly evaluate clinical research, make effective evidence-based clinical decisions and develop high-quality of pediatric surgeries care in the future

    Chronic Intussusception Associated with Malrotation in a Child: A Variation of Waugh’s Syndrome?

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    Chronic intussusception is a relatively uncommon disease most commonly observed in older children. Waugh's syndrome represents a rare entity characterized by intestinal malrotation and acute intussusception. We report a very unusual case of intestinal malrotation associated with chronic intussusception. Clinical presentation, radiological findings, and managing of this association are discussed in the light of the available literature

    A Review of History and Challenges of Evidence-Based Pediatric Surgery

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    Purpose Evidence-based pediatric surgery (EBPS) refers to the use of the best available evidence in making personalized decisions concerning the management of each pediatric surgical patient. This study aims to provide a comprehensive review on past and present evidence-based clinical decision, and challenges in pediatric surgery. Material and methods A literature search was conducted according to a set of criteria in PubMed for historical and current peer-reviewed studies regarding EBPS. Results One hundred forty-five full-text published articles focusing on EPBS findings over the past 25 years were included. The rarity of many congenital anomalies, the inability to establish multicenter collaborations, the failure to perform double-blinded studies in children, the pediatric surgeons' reluctance to perform ethically unacceptable sham operations and their skepticism shown in accepting and implementing the documented results instead of applying their personal clinical practice methods and surgical techniques are among problems that hamper the accomplishment of randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Conclusions RCTs remain limited in clinical pediatric surgery practice due to problems in the design and publication of these trials. Moreover, skepticism exists regarding acceptance and implementation of the documented results of RCTs. Notwithstanding, pediatric surgeons must establish evidence-based centers in order to increase the number of well-designed RCTs, properly evaluate clinical research, make effective evidence-based clinical decisions and develop high-quality of pediatric surgeries care in the future

    Circumscribed Storiform Collagenoma Associated with Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome in a Young Adolescent

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    Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome is a rare congenital neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by dysmorphic features, skeletal abnormalities, growth deficiency, and mental retardation. Circumscribed storiform collagenoma is a distinct benign fibromatous tumor that presents either as solitary tumor or in association with other syndromes. In this report, we describe a 16-year-old male with Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome associated with circumscribed storiform collagenoma. To our knowledge, this association has not been previously described in the literature

    The Role of Calprotectin in Pediatric Disease

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    Calprotectin (CP) is a calcium-and zinc-binding protein of the S100 family expressed mainly by neutrophils with important extracellular activity. The aim of the current review is to summarize the latest findings concerning the role of CP in a diverse range of inflammatory and noninflammatory conditions among children. Increasing evidence suggests the implication of CP in the diagnosis, followup, assessment of relapses, and response to treatment in pediatric pathological conditions, such as inflammatory bowel disease, necrotizing enterocolitis, celiac disease, intestinal cystic fibrosis, acute appendicitis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, Kawasaki disease, polymyositis-dermatomyositis, glomerulonephritis, IgA nephropathy, malaria, HIV infection, hyperzincemia and hypercalprotectinemia, and cancer. Further studies are required to provide insights into the actual role of CP in these pathological processes in pediatrics