190 research outputs found

    Structure-Aware Sampling: Flexible and Accurate Summarization

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    In processing large quantities of data, a fundamental problem is to obtain a summary which supports approximate query answering. Random sampling yields flexible summaries which naturally support subset-sum queries with unbiased estimators and well-understood confidence bounds. Classic sample-based summaries, however, are designed for arbitrary subset queries and are oblivious to the structure in the set of keys. The particular structure, such as hierarchy, order, or product space (multi-dimensional), makes range queries much more relevant for most analysis of the data. Dedicated summarization algorithms for range-sum queries have also been extensively studied. They can outperform existing sampling schemes in terms of accuracy on range queries per summary size. Their accuracy, however, rapidly degrades when, as is often the case, the query spans multiple ranges. They are also less flexible - being targeted for range sum queries alone - and are often quite costly to build and use. In this paper we propose and evaluate variance optimal sampling schemes that are structure-aware. These summaries improve over the accuracy of existing structure-oblivious sampling schemes on range queries while retaining the benefits of sample-based summaries: flexible summaries, with high accuracy on both range queries and arbitrary subset queries

    Signature inversion for monotone paths

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    The aim of this article is to provide a simple sampling procedure to reconstruct any monotone path from its signature. For every N, we sample a lattice path of N steps with weights given by the coefficient of the corresponding word in the signature. We show that these weights on lattice paths satisfy the large deviations principle. In particular, this implies that the probability of picking up a "wrong" path is exponentially small in N. The argument relies on a probabilistic interpretation of the signature for monotone paths

    On the tradeoff between stability and fit

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    In computing, as in many aspects of life, changes incur cost. Many optimization problems are formulated as a one-time instance starting from scratch. However, a common case that arises is when we already have a set of prior assignments and must decide how to respond to a new set of constraints, given that each change from the current assignment comes at a price. That is, we would like to maximize the fitness or efficiency of our system, but we need to balance it with the changeout cost from the previous state. We provide a precise formulation for this tradeoff and analyze the resulting stable extensions of some fundamental problems in measurement and analytics. Our main technical contribution is a stable extension of Probability Proportional to Size (PPS) weighted random sampling, with applications to monitoring and anomaly detection problems. We also provide a general framework that applies to top-k, minimum spanning tree, and assignment. In both cases, we are able to provide exact solutions and discuss efficient incremental algorithms that can find new solutions as the input changes

    Graph Sample and Hold: A Framework for Big-Graph Analytics

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    Sampling is a standard approach in big-graph analytics; the goal is to efficiently estimate the graph properties by consulting a sample of the whole population. A perfect sample is assumed to mirror every property of the whole population. Unfortunately, such a perfect sample is hard to collect in complex populations such as graphs (e.g. web graphs, social networks etc), where an underlying network connects the units of the population. Therefore, a good sample will be representative in the sense that graph properties of interest can be estimated with a known degree of accuracy. While previous work focused particularly on sampling schemes used to estimate certain graph properties (e.g. triangle count), much less is known for the case when we need to estimate various graph properties with the same sampling scheme. In this paper, we propose a generic stream sampling framework for big-graph analytics, called Graph Sample and Hold (gSH). To begin, the proposed framework samples from massive graphs sequentially in a single pass, one edge at a time, while maintaining a small state. We then show how to produce unbiased estimators for various graph properties from the sample. Given that the graph analysis algorithms will run on a sample instead of the whole population, the runtime complexity of these algorithm is kept under control. Moreover, given that the estimators of graph properties are unbiased, the approximation error is kept under control. Finally, we show the performance of the proposed framework (gSH) on various types of graphs, such as social graphs, among others

    Tiresias: Online Anomaly Detection for Hierarchical Operational Network Data

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    Operational network data, management data such as customer care call logs and equipment system logs, is a very important source of information for network operators to detect problems in their networks. Unfortunately, there is lack of efficient tools to automatically track and detect anomalous events on operational data, causing ISP operators to rely on manual inspection of this data. While anomaly detection has been widely studied in the context of network data, operational data presents several new challenges, including the volatility and sparseness of data, and the need to perform fast detection (complicating application of schemes that require offline processing or large/stable data sets to converge). To address these challenges, we propose Tiresias, an automated approach to locating anomalous events on hierarchical operational data. Tiresias leverages the hierarchical structure of operational data to identify high-impact aggregates (e.g., locations in the network, failure modes) likely to be associated with anomalous events. To accommodate different kinds of operational network data, Tiresias consists of an online detection algorithm with low time and space complexity, while preserving high detection accuracy. We present results from two case studies using operational data collected at a large commercial IP network operated by a Tier-1 ISP: customer care call logs and set-top box crash logs. By comparing with a reference set verified by the ISP's operational group, we validate that Tiresias can achieve >94% accuracy in locating anomalies. Tiresias also discovered several previously unknown anomalies in the ISP's customer care cases, demonstrating its effectiveness

    On the constancy of internet path properties

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    Stream Aggregation Through Order Sampling

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    This is paper introduces a new single-pass reservoir weighted-sampling stream aggregation algorithm, Priority-Based Aggregation (PBA). While order sampling is a powerful and e cient method for weighted sampling from a stream of uniquely keyed items, there is no current algorithm that realizes the benefits of order sampling in the context of stream aggregation over non-unique keys. A naive approach to order sample regardless of key then aggregate the results is hopelessly inefficient. In distinction, our proposed algorithm uses a single persistent random variable across the lifetime of each key in the cache, and maintains unbiased estimates of the key aggregates that can be queried at any point in the stream. The basic approach can be supplemented with a Sample and Hold pre-sampling stage with a sampling rate adaptation controlled by PBA. This approach represents a considerable reduction in computational complexity compared with the state of the art in adapting Sample and Hold to operate with a fixed cache size. Concerning statistical properties, we prove that PBA provides unbiased estimates of the true aggregates. We analyze the computational complexity of PBA and its variants, and provide a detailed evaluation of its accuracy on synthetic and trace data. Weighted relative error is reduced by 40% to 65% at sampling rates of 5% to 17%, relative to Adaptive Sample and Hold; there is also substantial improvement for rank queriesComment: 10 page
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