116 research outputs found

    Loci exhibiting adult-adolescent heterogeneity at p<0.05. The locus/phenotype combinations tested were based on the significant associations reported for adults by Teslovich et al.

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    <p>“Allele/MAF” listed are: major allele, minor allele frequency (MAF). Numbers in “Beta” columns are in SD units, modelled as additive effect of the reference allele.</p

    Maximum likelihood parameter estimates and goodness of fit indices from the extended twin design for borderline personality (95% confidence intervals in parentheses for the best fitting model).

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    <p>Model I: cultural transmission model</p><p>Model II: dominance model; no cultural transmission</p><p>Model III: as model II, no dominance</p><p>Model IV: as model III, no additive genetic effects</p><p>Model V: as model II, no assortment</p><p>Best fitting model printed in bold.</p

    Tests of variances, means and correlations.

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    <p>Note: vs = versus, -2LL = -2 log likelihood, df = degrees of freedom, <i>p</i> = <i>p</i>-value</p><p>The best fitting model is printed in bold.</p
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