20 research outputs found

    Promoting Undetectable equals Untransmittable in sub-Saharan Africa: Implication for clinical practice and ART adherence

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    In the last decade, reliable scientific evidence has emerged to support the concept that undetectable viral loads prevent human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Undetectable equals untransmissible (U = U) is a simple message that everyone can understand. The success of this concept depends on strict adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) and the attainment of suppressed viral loads (VLs). To achieve U = U in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), poor adherence to ART, persistent low-level viremia, and the emergence of drug-resistant mutants are challenges that cannot be overlooked. Short of a cure for HIV, U = U can substantially reduce the burden and change the landscape of HIV epidemiology on the continent. From a public health perspective, the U = U concept will reduce stigmatization in persons living with HIV (PLWHIV) in SSA and strengthen public opinion to accept that HIV infection is not a death sentence. This will also promote ART adherence because PLWHIV will aim to achieve U = U within the shortest possible time. This article highlights challenges and barriers to achieving U = U and suggests how to promote the concept to make it beneficial and applicable in SSA. This concept, if expertly packaged by policy-makers, clinicians, health service providers, and HIV control programs, will help to stem the tide of the epidemic in SSA

    Wharton’s jelly-derived mesenchymal stromal cells and fibroblast-derived extracellular matrix synergistically activate apoptosis in a p21-dependent mechanism in WHCO1 and MDA MB 231 cancer cells in vitro

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    The tumour microenvironment plays a crucial role in tumour progression and comprises tumour stroma which is made up of different cell types and the extracellular matrix (ECM).Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are part of the tumour stroma and may have conflicting effects on tumour growth. In this study we investigated the effect of Wharton’s Jelly-derived MSCs (WJ-MSCs) and a fibroblast-derived ECM (fd-ECM) on esophageal (WHCO1) and breast (MDAMB 231) cancer cells in vitro. BothWJ-MSCs and the fd-ECM, alone or in combination, downregulate PCNA, cyclin D1, Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, and MMPs and upregulate p53 and p21. p21 induction resulted in G2 phase cell cycle arrest and induced apoptosis in vitro. Our data suggest that p21 induction is via p53- dependent and p53-independent mechanisms inWHCO1 andMDA MB 231 cells, respectively. Vascular endothelial growth factor, Akt, and Nodal pathways were downregulated in cancer cells cocultured with WJ-MSCs. We also demonstrate that WJ-MSCs effects on cancer cells appear to be short-lived whilst the fd-ECM effect is long-lived. This study shows the influence of tumour microenvironment on cancer cell behaviour and provides alternative therapeutic targets for potential regulation of tumour cells.The International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), the South African Medical Research Council, the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa, theUniversity of Pretoria, and the University of Cape Town. Karlien Kallmeyer and Michael S. Pepper’s work was funded by the South African Medical Research Council (University Flagship award and Extramural Stem Cell Unit).http://www.hindawi.com/journals/sci/am2016Immunolog

    Wharton’s Jelly-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells and Fibroblast-Derived Extracellular Matrix Synergistically Activate Apoptosis in a p21-Dependent Mechanism in WHCO1 and MDA MB 231 Cancer Cells In Vitro

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    The tumour microenvironment plays a crucial role in tumour progression and comprises tumour stroma which is made up of different cell types and the extracellular matrix (ECM).Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are part of the tumour stroma and may have conflicting effects on tumour growth. In this study we investigated the effect of Wharton’s Jelly-derived MSCs (WJ-MSCs) and a fibroblast-derived ECM (fd-ECM) on esophageal (WHCO1) and breast (MDAMB 231) cancer cells in vitro. BothWJ-MSCs and the fd-ECM, alone or in combination, downregulate PCNA, cyclin D1, Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, and MMPs and upregulate p53 and p21. p21 induction resulted in G2 phase cell cycle arrest and induced apoptosis in vitro. Our data suggest that p21 induction is via p53- dependent and p53-independent mechanisms inWHCO1 andMDA MB 231 cells, respectively. Vascular endothelial growth factor, Akt, and Nodal pathways were downregulated in cancer cells cocultured with WJ-MSCs. We also demonstrate that WJ-MSCs effects on cancer cells appear to be short-lived whilst the fd-ECM effect is long-lived. This study shows the influence of tumour microenvironment on cancer cell behaviour and provides alternative therapeutic targets for potential regulation of tumour cells.The International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), the South African Medical Research Council, the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa, theUniversity of Pretoria, and the University of Cape Town. Karlien Kallmeyer and Michael S. Pepper’s work was funded by the South African Medical Research Council (University Flagship award and Extramural Stem Cell Unit).http://www.hindawi.com/journals/sci/am2016Immunolog

    Natural Products for Drug Discovery in the 21st Century: Innovations for Novel Drug Discovery

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    The therapeutic properties of plants have been recognised since time immemorial. Many pathological conditions have been treated using plant-derived medicines. These medicines are used as concoctions or concentrated plant extracts without isolation of active compounds. Modern medicine however, requires the isolation and purification of one or two active compounds. There are however a lot of global health challenges with diseases such as cancer, degenerative diseases, HIV/AIDS and diabetes, of which modern medicine is struggling to provide cures. Many times the isolation of “active compound” has made the compound ineffective. Drug discovery is a multidimensional problem requiring several parameters of both natural and synthetic compounds such as safety, pharmacokinetics and efficacy to be evaluated during drug candidate selection. The advent of latest technologies that enhance drug design hypotheses such as Artificial Intelligence, the use of ‘organ-on chip’ and microfluidics technologies, means that automation has become part of drug discovery. This has resulted in increased speed in drug discovery and evaluation of the safety, pharmacokinetics and efficacy of candidate compounds whilst allowing novel ways of drug design and synthesis based on natural compounds. Recent advances in analytical and computational techniques have opened new avenues to process complex natural products and to use their structures to derive new and innovative drugs. Indeed, we are in the era of computational molecular design, as applied to natural products. Predictive computational softwares have contributed to the discovery of molecular targets of natural products and their derivatives. In future the use of quantum computing, computational softwares and databases in modelling molecular interactions and predicting features and parameters needed for drug development, such as pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics, will result in few false positive leads in drug development. This review discusses plant-based natural product drug discovery and how innovative technologies play a role in next-generation drug discovery

    Turning up the volume for precision herbal medicine in Africa in an era of COVID-19 and planetary biodiversity loss

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    CITATION: Thomford, N. E. et al. 2020. Turning up the volume for precision herbal medicine in Africa in an era of COVID-19 and planetary biodiversity loss. OMICS, 24, doi:10.1089/omi.2020.0150.The original publication is available at https://www.liebertpub.comWhat would it take in terms of the structural reforms in science, technology, and culture to cultivate sustainable therapeutic and preventive medicine innovations against zoonotic infections such as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in the 21st century? In May 2019, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services warned that “around one million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction.” Biodiversity is essential for drug discovery and development. We are currently facing a dual challenge in therapeutics innovation with COVID-19 and loss in planetary biodiversity. Hence, there is an urgent need for new ideas and strategies for drug discovery as well as repurposed drugs for the COVID-19 pandemic. To these ends, the existing scholarship in, and the field of precision herbal medicine provide an alternative source for discovery of novel therapeutics against the novel coronavirus. We propose that the application of precision herbal medicine in Africa could usefully contribute to current efforts for therapeutics innovation for the COVID-19 pandemic, and beyond. The pandemic calls for interdisciplinary dialogue and turning up the volume for precision herbal medicine in Africa, and importantly, in ways informed by robust systems science as well as broad public engagement to codesign medicines in the 21st century.National Research Foundation (NRF)https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/full/10.1089/omi.2020.0150Pre-prin

    A consideration of CYP2D6 genetic variations in the Ghanaian population as a potential ‘culprit’ for the tramadol ‘abuse crisis’

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    Abstract Background Cytochrome P450 2D6 is involved in the metabolism of several important medicines including opioids. Variations in CYP2D6 have been implicated in drug response and according to the Clinical Pharmacogenetics Implementation Consortium Guideline (CPIC) for CYP2D6, dosing for CYP2D6 substrates should be based on variants carried by individuals. Although CYP2D6 variations in Ghana had been previously recorded, not all variants have been reported in the Ghanaian population. In this exploratory study we set to investigate certain unreported variations in the Ghanaian population in addition to the previously reported ones and use that to understand the tramadol ‘abuse’ crisis that is currently being experienced in Ghana. Methods This study employed a convenience sampling approach to include 106 unrelated participants who were recruited as part of the PHARMABIOME project. We successfully genotyped 106 samples using Iplex GOLD SNP genotyping protocol after extracting DNA from these individuals. Allele and diplotype frequencies were undertaken by counting from observed genotypes. Comparison of alleles reported from various studies were done. Results Unreported alleles such as *3, *9 and *41 which are classified as no function and decreased function were observed in our study cohort. In addition, variants such as (*1, *2, *4, *5, *10, *17 and *29 were observed with different frequencies. Our study showed 26% representation of intermediate metabolizers (IM) and 2% poor metabolizers (PM) in the study population. Conclusion The implications for informal sector workers who use tramadol for recreational purposes, is that IMs and PMs will overdose as they may have reduced analgesic effects which will translate into increased risks of unforeseen adverse events. We therefore propose that CYP2D6 should be considered in opioid dosage while making use of these observed variations to implement new approaches to tackle the tramadol ‘abuse crisis’ in Ghana

    Psychometric assessment of HIV stigma in patients attending a tertiary facility: An initial validation of the Berger HIV stigma scale in a Ghanaian perspective.

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    BackgroundHIV-related stigma and discrimination are major challenges to people living with HIV (PLWHIV) and are due to misconceptions. Due to socioeconomic variations, there is increased stigma experienced by PLWHIV in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Stigma affects adherence to antiretroviral medications by PLWHIV and defeats the goal of achieving viral suppression. This study evaluated the Bergers HIV stigma scale in PLWHIV in Ghana regarding construct validity and reliability and assessed which aspect of stigma is critical for immediate redress.MethodsThe Berger et al. HIV stigma scale (39 items) and some selected questions from HIV stigma and discrimination measurement tool of the International Centre for Research on Women, Washington, DC were administered to a cohort of PLWHIV in Ghana (n = 160). Clinico- demographic data was collected from their folders and verbally. The psychometric assessment included exploratory factor analysis whiles scale reliability was evaluated as internal consistency by calculating Cronbach's α.ResultsThe exploratory factor analysis suggested a four-factor solution which is like the original Berger HIV scale with sub-scales personalised stigma, disclosure concerns, negative self- image, and concerns with public attitudes. Items in the sub-scales personalised stigma (15- items), disclosure concerns (6), negative self-image (7) and concerns with public attitudes (6) were reduced compared to the original scale. Cronbach's α for the overall HIV stigma scale (34-items) was 0.808 whiles the sub-scales α ranged from 0.77 to 0.89. Analysis suggested the prevalence of a fundamental one-dimensional factor solution which yielded a 34-item scale after removing items for low factor loadings. Disclosure concerns was the highest ranked subscale although our study also found that about 65% of PLWHIV among our study participants had disclosed their status.ConclusionOur 34-item abridged Berger HIV stigma scale showed sufficient reliability with high Cronbach's α and construct validity. Disclosure concerns ranked high among the sub-scales on the scale. Exploring specific interventions and strategies to address stigma concerns in our population will aid in the reduction of HIV-related stigma and associated consequences

    Natural Products for Drug Discovery in the 21st Century: Innovations for Novel Drug Discovery

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    The therapeutic properties of plants have been recognised since time immemorial. Many pathological conditions have been treated using plant-derived medicines. These medicines are used as concoctions or concentrated plant extracts without isolation of active compounds. Modern medicine however, requires the isolation and purification of one or two active compounds. There are however a lot of global health challenges with diseases such as cancer, degenerative diseases, HIV/AIDS and diabetes, of which modern medicine is struggling to provide cures. Many times the isolation of “active compound” has made the compound ineffective. Drug discovery is a multidimensional problem requiring several parameters of both natural and synthetic compounds such as safety, pharmacokinetics and efficacy to be evaluated during drug candidate selection. The advent of latest technologies that enhance drug design hypotheses such as Artificial Intelligence, the use of ‘organ-on chip’ and microfluidics technologies, means that automation has become part of drug discovery. This has resulted in increased speed in drug discovery and evaluation of the safety, pharmacokinetics and efficacy of candidate compounds whilst allowing novel ways of drug design and synthesis based on natural compounds. Recent advances in analytical and computational techniques have opened new avenues to process complex natural products and to use their structures to derive new and innovative drugs. Indeed, we are in the era of computational molecular design, as applied to natural products. Predictive computational softwares have contributed to the discovery of molecular targets of natural products and their derivatives. In future the use of quantum computing, computational softwares and databases in modelling molecular interactions and predicting features and parameters needed for drug development, such as pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics, will result in few false positive leads in drug development. This review discusses plant-based natural product drug discovery and how innovative technologies play a role in next-generation drug discovery