66 research outputs found

    GRP94 (gp96) and GRP94 N-Terminal Geldanamycin Binding Domain Elicit Tissue Nonrestricted Tumor Suppression

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    In chemical carcinogenesis models, GRP94 (gp96) elicits tumor-specific protective immunity. The tumor specificity of this response is thought to reflect immune responses to GRP94-bound peptide antigens, the cohort of which uniquely identifies the GRP94 tissue of origin. In this study, we examined the apparent tissue restriction of GRP94-elicited protective immunity in a 4T1 mammary carcinoma model. We report that the vaccination of BALB/c mice with irradiated fibroblasts expressing a secretory form of GRP94 markedly suppressed 4T1 tumor growth and metastasis. In addition, vaccination with irradiated cells secreting the GRP94 NH2-terminal geldanamycin-binding domain (NTD), a region lacking canonical peptide-binding motifs, yielded a similar suppression of tumor growth and metastatic progression. Conditioned media from cultures of GRP94 or GRP94 NTD-secreting fibroblasts elicited the up-regulation of major histocompatibility complex class II and CD86 in dendritic cell cultures, consistent with a natural adjuvant function for GRP94 and the GRP94 NTD. Based on these findings, we propose that GRP94-elicited tumor suppression can occur independent of the GRP94 tissue of origin and suggest a primary role for GRP4 natural adjuvant function in antitumor immune responses

    Development of a Grp94 inhibitor

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see http://doi.org/10.1021/ja303477g.Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) represents a promising therapeutic target for the treatment of cancer and other diseases. Unfortunately, results from clinical trials have been disappointing as off-target effects and toxicities have been observed. These detriments may be a consequence of pan-Hsp90 inhibition, as all clinically evaluated Hsp90 inhibitors simultaneously disrupt all four human Hsp90 isoforms. Using a structure-based approach, we designed an inhibitor of Grp94, the ER-resident Hsp90. The effect manifested by compound 2 on several Grp94 and Hsp90α/β (cytosolic isoforms) clients were investigated. Compound 2 prevented intracellular trafficking of the Toll receptor, inhibited the secretion of IGF-II, affected the conformation of Grp94, and suppressed Drosophila larval growth, all Grp94-dependent processes. In contrast, compound 2 had no effect on cell viability or cytosolic Hsp90α/β client proteins at similar concentrations. The design, synthesis, and evaluation of 2 are described herein

    Signal-noise metrics for RNA binding protein identification reveal broad spectrum protein-RNA interaction frequencies and dynamics

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    Abstract Recent efforts towards the comprehensive identification of RNA-bound proteomes have revealed a large, surprisingly diverse family of candidate RNA-binding proteins (RBPs). Quantitative metrics for characterization and validation of protein-RNA interactions and their dynamic interactions have, however, proven analytically challenging and prone to error. Here we report a method termed LEAP-RBP (Liquid-Emulsion-Assisted-Purification of RNA-Bound Protein) for the selective, quantitative recovery of UV-crosslinked RNA-protein complexes. By virtue of its high specificity and yield, LEAP-RBP distinguishes RNA-bound and RNA-free protein levels and reveals common sources of experimental noise in RNA-centric RBP enrichment methods. We introduce strategies for accurate RBP identification and signal-based metrics for quantifying protein-RNA complex enrichment, relative RNA occupancy, and method specificity. In this work, the utility of our approach is validated by comprehensive identification of RBPs whose association with mRNA is modulated in response to global mRNA translation state changes and through in-depth benchmark comparisons with current methodologies

    mRNA translation is compartmentalized to the endoplasmic reticulum following physiological inhibition of cap-dependent translation

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    Eukaryotic cells utilize a cycle of ribosome trafficking on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to partition mRNAs between the cytosol and ER compartments. In this process, ribosomes engaged in the synthesis of signal sequence-bearing proteins are trafficked to the endoplasmic reticulum via the signal-recognition particle pathway and are released from the ER upon translation termination. Though the processes governing ribosome trafficking to the ER are well understood, little is known regarding the complementary ribosome release process. In this study, Coxsackie B virus (CBV) infection was used to inactivate the initiation stage of protein synthesis, thereby limiting translation to the elongation and termination stages. Ribosome partitioning between the cytosol and ER compartments was examined to determine the role of termination in ribosome release from the ER. CBV infection resulted in efficient cleavage of eIF4G and PABP, coincident with polyribosome breakdown in the cytosol and ER compartments. Termination resulted in the continued association of ribosomes with the ER compartment, rather than the expected process of ribosome release. Analyses of ribosome/mRNA loading patterns in the cytosol and ER revealed that CBV infection was accompanied by a suppression of mRNA translation in the cytosol and the sustained, although reduced, translation in the ER compartment. Direct biosynthetic labeling experiments demonstrated that protein synthesis on the ER was enhanced relative to the cytosol following CBV infection. In total, these data demonstrate that ribosome and mRNA release from the ER is regulated independent of translation termination and identify the ER as a privileged site for protein synthesis
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