210 research outputs found

    Instability of a Soliton Crystal in a High Power Fiber Laser

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    We investigate experimentally the soliton pattern formation in passively modelocked fiber lasers. Under specific conditions a stable soliton crystal is formed. We demonstrate that the crystal becomes unstable when the pumping power increases resulting in a splitting into crystals of smaller extent

    Laser à fibre dopée erbium à 1600 nm. Fonctionnement continu et verrouille en phase

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    L\u27objectif de cet article est de démontrer la possibilité de faire osciller à 1.6 µm un amplificateur à fibre double gaine dopée erbium opérant dans la bande C, en ajustant les pertes intra-cavité. Deux configurations de cavité ont été utilisées, une cavité en anneau et une cavité en forme de huit. Dans les deux cas, il est possible d\u27obtenir l\u27oscillation à 1.6 µm en continu ou bien en impulsions ultra-courtes

    Manipulation of large soliton ensembles in Er-doped double-clad fiber laser

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    We have studied the influence of an external continuous wave on a passively mode-locked fiber laser operating in the soliton regime. Starting from an irregular soliton distribution it is shown that harmonic mode-locking is obtained

    Wave-breaking-free passively mode-locked fiber laser using a hybrid regime of oscillation

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    We demonstrate the possibility of generating wave-breaking-free optical pulses from a mode-locked fiber ring laser coupled to a long passive resonator. By adjusting the delay line length to match the temporal separation of two consecutive spiking pulses, we have successfully obtained large stable pulses in the microsecond range for any available pump power. Our experimental results demonstrate a new method for energy scaling in passively mode-locked fiber lasers

    1.6  μm emission based on linear loss control in a Er:Yb doped double-clad fiber laser

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    Based on the control of the linear losses of the cavity, we demonstrate the possibility to achieve filterless laser emission above 1.6 μm, from a C-band double-clad Er:Yb doped fiber amplifier. The concept is validated in both continuous wave and mode-locked regimes, using a figure-of-eight geometry. A unidirectional ring cavity is also tested in the continuous regime. Spectral properties of laser emissions are characterized as a function of the intracavity linear losses

    High power L-band mode-locked fiber laser based on topological insulator saturable absorber

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    We demonstrate a passive mode-locked Er:Yb doped doubleclad fiber laser using a microfiber-based topological insulator (Bi2Se3) saturable absorber (TISA). By optimizing the cavity loss and output coupling ratio, the mode-locked fiber laser can operate in L-band with high average output power. With the highest pump power of 5 W, 91st harmonic mode locking of soliton bunches with average output power of 308 mW was obtained. This is the first report that the TISA based erbium-doped fiber laser operating above 1.6 ÎĽm and is also the highest output power yet reported in TISA based passive mode-locked fiber laser

    1.61 ÎĽm high-order passive harmonic mode locking in a fiber laser based on graphene saturable absorber

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    We demonstrate a passive mode-locked Er:Yb doped double-clad ring fiber laser based on graphene saturable absorber. By adjusting the polarization controller and minimizing the cavity loss, the laser can operate at hundreds of harmonics of the fundamental repetition frequency of the resonator with the central wavelength of 1.61 ÎĽm. Up to 683rd harmonic (which corresponds to 5.882 GHz) of the fundamental repetition frequency was achieved
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