25 research outputs found

    Gravitational lensing of charged Ayon-Beato-Garcia black holes and non-linear effects of Maxwell fields

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    Non-singular Ayon-Beato-Garcia (ABG) spherically symmetric static black hole (BH) with charge to mass ratio qq is metric solution of Born-Infeld nonlinear Maxwell-Einstein theory. Central region of the BH behaves as (anti-) de Sitter for (∣q∣>1) ∣q∣<1.(|q|>1)~|q|<1 . In case of ∣q∣=1|q|=1 the BH central region behaves as Minkowski flat metric. Nonlinear Electromagnetic (NEM) fields counterpart causes to deviate light geodesics and so light rays will forced to move on effective metric. In this paper we study weak and strong gravitational lensing of light rays by seeking affects of NEM fields counterpart on image locations and corresponding magnification. We set our calculations to experimentally observed Sgr A∗^* BH. In short we obtained: For large distances the NEM counterpart is negligible reaching to linear Maxwell fields. The NEM makes enlarge the BH photon sphere radius as linearly by raising ∣q∣>1|q|>1 but deceases by raising ∣q∣≤1.|q|\leq1. Sign of deflection angle of bending light rays is changed in presence of NEM effects with respect to ones obtained in absence of NEM fields. Absolute value of deflection angle raises by increasing ∣q∣→1.|q|\to1. Weak image locations decreases (increases) by raising 0<∣q∣<10<|q|<1 in presence (absence) of NEM fields. By raising the closest distance of the bending light rays weak image locations changes from left (right) to right (left) in absence (presence) of NEM fields. Einstein rings radius and corresponding Magnification centroid become larger (smaller) in presence (absence) of NEM fields in case of weak lensing. Angular separation ss between the innermost and outermost relativistic images increases (decreases) by increasing 0<∣q∣<10<|q|<1 in absence (presence) of NEM fields. Corresponding magnification rr decreases (increases) by raising 0<∣q∣<10<|q|<1 in absence (presence) of NEM fields. s(r)s (r) raises (decreases) by increasing ∣q∣>>1.|q|>>1.Comment: 36 Pages, 7 Figures and 2 Tabl

    Weak Gravitational lensing from regular Bardeen black holes

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    In this article we study weak gravitational lensing of regular Bardeen black hole which has scalar charge gg and mass m.m. We investigate the angular position and magnification of non-relativistic images in two cases depending on the presence or absence of photon sphere. Defining dimensionless charge parameter q=g2mq=\frac{g}{2m} we seek to disappear photon sphere in the case of ∣q∣>245/125|q|>{24\sqrt5}/{125} for which the space time metric encounters strongly with naked singularities. We specify the basic parameters of lensing in terms of scalar charge by using the perturbative method and found that the parity of images is different in two cases: (a) The strongly naked singularities is present in the space time. (b) singularity of space time is weak or is eliminated (the black hole lens).Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures with some revision

    Smoking, alcohol consumption and the use of drugs by pupils of schools for special education, vocational education and truants' projects 1990

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    In addition to an earlier survey "Smoking, alcohol consumption and the use of drugs by schoolchildren from the age of ten" (Steinmetz Archive Nr. P1057) among pupils of regular schools, pupils of schools for special education have been interviewed about this subject. Smoking behaviour / number of cigarettes per day / attitude of parents towards smoking / use of alcohol, kind of drinks / r. drunk at last occasion / how and did r. get the drinks / opinions of parents about drinking alcohol by r. / knowledge and use of soft drugs, use of it by friends and opinion of parents / use of sleeping pills, tranquillizers, cocaine, heroine, xtc, amphetamine / absenteeism Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ education/ religio

    Roken, drinken en druggebruik onder scholieren van het Speciaal Onderwijs, het KMBO en door deelnemers aan spijbelprojecten 1990

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    In addition to an earlier survey "Smoking, alcohol consumption and the use of drugs by schoolchildren from the age of ten" (Steinmetz Archive Nr. P1057) among pupils of regular schools, pupils of schools for special education have been interviewed about this subject. Smoking behaviour / number of cigarettes per day / attitude of parents towards smoking / use of alcohol, kind of drinks / r. drunk at last occasion / how and did r. get the drinks / opinions of parents about drinking alcohol by r. / knowledge and use of soft drugs, use of it by friends and opinion of parents / use of sleeping pills, tranquillizers, cocaine, heroine, xtc, amphetamine / absenteeism Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ education/ religio

    Smoking, alcohol consumption and the use of drugs by schoolchildren from the age of 10, 1988-1989

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    Smoking habits, alcohol consumption and the use of drugs by schoolchildren from the age of ten / frequency of absence, truancy / having a payed job, earnings allowance / knowledge of hashish and marihuana / use of alcohol, tobacco, amphetamines, sedatives, marihuana, hashish, cocaine, heroine, glue etc. / frequency and quantity of use, now and in past / reaction of parents / use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs by friends / obtainability of alcohol and drugs. Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/ residence/ occupation/employment/ education/ religio

    Repeated Repeat Problems: Combinatorial Effect of C9orf72-derived Dipeptide Repeat Proteins

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    A microsatellite expansion mutation in C9orf72 is the most common genetic cause of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD). The expansion mutation leads to C9orf72 loss of function, RNA foci formation, and generation of five species of non-AUG RAN translated dipeptide repeat proteins (DPRs), such as poly(GA), poly(GP), poly(GR), poly(PA), and poly(PR). Although one cell can contain more than type of DPRs, information about interplay between different DPR species is limited. Here we show that the combined expression of distinct C9orf72-derived dipeptide repeat species produces cellular outcomes and structural differences that are unique compared to the expression of a single DPR species, suggesting the complex biological interactions that occur when multiple DPR variants are simultaneously expressed. Our data highlights the need for further analysis of how combined expression of different DPRs affects the disease state