467 research outputs found

    Teaching the Carceral Crisis: An Ethical and Pedagogical Imperative

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    Teaching the Carceral Crisis: An Ethical and Pedagogical Imperative, demonstrates that although mass incarceration and mass conviction has increased in the United States, law school curricula has continued to lack any substantive discussion on these issues. The article highlights the need for law schools to improve their current curricula in order to prevent further stigmatization of criminal offenders and the continued increase of incarceration rates

    Dignity Contradictions: Reconstruction as Restoration

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    Aesthetics of Space Organization: Lessons From Traditional European Cities

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    For centuries the aesthetic significance of space organization has been one of the significant subjects of study for most artists, architects, urban designers and philosophers. Cities which experience diverse stages of growth transmit dissimilar aesthetic values due to their locations, culture, history and background. This research will try to take out the aesthetic values of the traditional European cities through the literature on aesthetic of urban design. Accordingly, this study reflects the term urban aesthetics in spatial organization. It tries to answer the question of how space organization can lead to the aesthetic understanding of a place. The methodology for this study developed based on grounded theory study and qualitative assessments of European cities thorough the literature review. Overall, the study assessed integration, visual connectivity, vitality, spatial quality, as the main factors in shaping the aesthetic quality of the urban environment in European traditional cities. At the end, it proposed the findings to apply in contemporary urban designing

    Implementation of Lean Warehouse to Minimize Wastes in Finished Goods Warehouse of PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Semarang

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    PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia Semarang is one of the largest poultry feed companies in Indonesia. To store the finished products that are ready to be distributed, it needs a finished goods warehouse. To minimize the wastes that occur in the process of warehousing the finished goods, the implementation of lean warehouse is required. The core process of finished goods warehouse is the process of putting bag that has been through the process of pallets packing, and then transporting the pallets contained bags of feed at finished goods warehouses and the process of unloading food from the finished goods warehouse to the distribution truck. With the implementation of the lean warehouse, we can know whether the activities are value added or not, to be identified later which type of waste happened. Opinions of stakeholders regarding the waste that must be eliminated first need to be determined by questionnaires. Based on the results of the questionnaires, three top wastes are selected to be identified the cause by using fishbone diagram. They can be repaired by using the implementation of 5S, namely Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke. Defect waste can be minimized by selecting pallet, putting sack correctly, forklift line clearance, applying working procedures, and creating cleaning schedule. Next, overprocessing waste is minimized by removing unnecessary items, putting based on the date of manufacture, and manufacture of feed plan. Inventory waste is minimized by removing junks, putting feed based on the expired date, and cleaning the bar

    Faktor Penyebab Menurunnya Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Pembelajaran Sosiologi di SMA

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    The title of this researchis the Decline Causes of Student Results In Learning Sociology at SMA PGRI 02 Ella Downstream Melawi. The method usedis descriptive method. The data collection techniquesin this study is using observation, interviews, and documentation studies. Inthis study, the data source is in highschool students PGRI 02 Ella Hilir RegencyMelawi.Suggests that student learning out come sarede clining due to multiple factors. Both internal factor sare factors that originate from with in the students them selvesas well as external factor sare factors that originate from out side the student(student environment it self). The factor sare derived from the student (internal) are: a) theattitudefactor, b) lazyfactor, c) timefactor, d)oversimplifthetask, e) How students learning, f) Too Relaxed, That factor derived fromself esteem, so that student learning out comes lately decreased. The external factor sare factors that are beyond the student or individual (student environment it self)include: a)Environmental Family or parents, b)Environmental School, c) Community Environment. From the aboveit can be conclud that the definition ofstudent learning outcomesis the change that happens to students after participating in a learning process, learning out come the feedback given by the students

    Isolasi dan Identifikasi Bakteri pada Sampah Organik Pasar Kota Pekanbaru dan Potensinya sebagai Rancangan Lembar Kerja Siswa (Lks) Biologi SMA

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    This research aimed to isolation and identification of bacteria market organic waste Pekanbaru city om march-June 2016. Result of the research use for make a material learning design the form student worksheet in biologi SMA. The research conducted with 2 phase namely experimental research and design or material learning the from student worksheet. Method of the research is purvosive sampling method wich set sampel taked location based on waste spread. Identification of bacteria wich macroscopis observation is cell shape, edge cell and colour cell wall bacteria, gram colour, and Biohchemical test. Result of research showed 10 genus bacteria found from 4 market Pekanbaru city, 10 genus of bacteri consist of genus Enterobacter, Streptococcus, Streptomyces, Holobacterium, Proteus, Eschericia, Neisseria, Pseudomonas, Klebseilla and Bacillus. Result og the reseasch isolation and identification of bacteria market organic waste Pekanbaru city can use as material learning design the from student worksheet on eubacteria matter biology SMA

    Characterization and Study of Iron(III)-Released From Alginate/Zeolite/Fe Composite

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    Alginate is an organic polymer that is isolated from brown algae and bacteria, while the zeolite is an aluminosilicate mineral sample. The purpose of this study was to synthesize composite alginate / zeolite / Fe, characterize composite alginate / zeolite / Fe, and assessing the release properties of Fe (III) of the composite alginate / zeolite / Fe. Characterization of the composite is done by observing the color composite macroscopically, and observing the pattern of distribution of zeolite particles in composites using SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope). As for assessing the release of Fe (III) of the composite system made by soaking the composite in a solution of citric acid 0,33M for nine hours. Components of Fe (III) were dissolved in acid systems were analyzed using UV-Vis spectrophotometer.The results showed that the composite alginate / zeolite / Fe have colors that are significantly dependent on the component ratio of alginate and zeolitnya. SEM analysis provides information that the zeolites distributed evenly on alginate-Fe phase. The release profile of Fe (III) of the composite alginate / zeolite / Fe weight variation component alginate produced three mechanisms to increase and decrease the rate of release of Fe (III). While the release profile of Fe (III) of the composite alginate / zeolite / Fe by weight of the zeolite component generates two mechanisms that increase and decrease the rate of release of Fe (III)

    Pengaruh Ekstrak Daun Legundi (Vitex Trifolia Linn) Terhadap Kematian Larva Aedes Albopictus

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    Pengendalian Aedes albopictus penting dilakukan karena merupakan salah satu vektor penyakit yang mampumembawa dan menularkan virus Chikungunya. Di antara cara pengendalian yang perlu dikembangkan adalahpengendalian secara hayati, karena aman bagi manusia dan organisme lain serta ramah lingkungan. Pengendalian hayatiyang dapat digunakan adalah daun Legundi (Vitex trifolia linn). Vitex trifolia linn telah diketahui mengandung bahan aktifalkaloid, saponin, flafonoid. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh ekstrak daun Vitex trifolia linnterhadap kematianlarva Aedes albopictus.Jenis penelitian ini adalah quasi experiment, menggunakan Post Test OnlyControl Group Design. Obyekpenelitian ini adalah 750 ekor larva Aedes albopictus instar IV yang berasal dari hasil penangkaran di Balai BesarPenelitian dan Pengembangan Vektor dan Reservoir Penyakit (B2P2VRP) Salatiga, Jawa Tengah. Ekstrak etanol daunVitex trifolia linn dibuat dari daun Legundi segar yang didestilasi dengan suhu 100oC sampai pekat. Setiap kelompokmedia (gelas) penelitian diisi 100 ml air sumur, dan ekstrak etanol daun Vitex trifolia linn dengan konsentrasi 2,5 %, 5 %,7,5 %, 10 %, 12,5 % dan 0 % (kontrol). Selanjutnya pada setiap media dimasukkan 25 ekor larva Aedes albopictus,penghitungan kematian larva dilakukan setiap jam ke 1, 2, 4, dan 24. Replikasi dilakukan sebanyak 5 kali.Hasil uji statistik dengan Oneway Anova diperoleh p=0,000, sehingga (p<0,05) artinya ada perbedaan yangbermakna, yaitu ekstrak daun Vitex trifolia linn dapat mematikan larva Aedes albopictus. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalahpenggunaan ekstrak daun Vitex trifolia linn dengan konsentrasi 12,5 % paling efektif terhadap kematian larva Aedesalbopictus