18,034 research outputs found

    Q & A Experiment to Search for Vacuum Dichroism, Pseudoscalar-Photon Interaction and Millicharged Fermions

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    A number of experiments are underway to detect vacuum birefringence and dichroism -- PVLAS, Q & A, and BMV. Recently, PVLAS experiment has observed optical rotation in vacuum by a magnetic field (vacuum dichroism). Theoretical interpretations of this result include a possible pseudoscalar-photon interaction and the existence of millicharged fermions. Here, we report the progress and first results of Q & A (QED [quantum electrodynamics] and Axion) experiment proposed and started in 1994. A 3.5-m high-finesse (around 30,000) Fabry-Perot prototype detector extendable to 7-m has been built and tested. We use X-pendulums and automatic control schemes developed by the gravitational-wave detection community for mirror suspension and cavity control. To polarize the vacuum, we use a 2.3-T dipole permanent magnet, with 27-mm-diameter clear borehole and 0.6-m field length,. In the experiment, the magnet is rotated at 5-10 rev/s to generate time-dependent polarization signal with twice the rotation frequency. Our ellipsometer/polarization-rotation-detection-system is formed by a pair of Glan-Taylor type polarizing prisms with extinction ratio lower than 10-8 together with a polarization modulating Faraday Cell with/without a quarter wave plate. We made an independent calibration of our apparatus by performing a measurement of gaseous Cotton-Mouton effect of nitrogen. We present our first experimental results and give a brief discussion of our experimental limit on pseudo-scalar-photon interaction and millicharged fermions.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Modern Physics Letter

    Time-Frequency Analysis Reveals Pairwise Interactions in Insect Swarms

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    The macroscopic emergent behavior of social animal groups is a classic example of dynamical self-organization, and is thought to arise from the local interactions between individuals. Determining these interactions from empirical data sets of real animal groups, however, is challenging. Using multicamera imaging and tracking, we studied the motion of individual flying midges in laboratory mating swarms. By performing a time-frequency analysis of the midge trajectories, we show that the midge behavior can be segmented into two distinct modes: one that is independent and composed of low-frequency maneuvers, and one that consists of higher-frequency nearly harmonic oscillations conducted in synchrony with another midge. We characterize these pairwise interactions, and make a hypothesis as to their biological function

    The effect of the motion of the Sun on the light-time in interplanetary relativistic experiments

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    In 2002 a measurement of the effect of solar gravity upon the phase of coherent microwave beams passing near the Sun has been carried out with the Cassini mission, allowing a very accurate measurement of the PPN parameter γ\gamma. The data have been analyzed with NASA's Orbit Determination Program (ODP) in the Barycentric Celestial Reference System, in which the Sun moves around the centre of mass of the solar system with a velocity v⊙v_\odot of about 10 m/sec; the question arises, what correction this implies for the predicted phase shift. After a review of the way the ODP works, we set the problem in the framework of Lorentz (and Galilean) transformations and evaluate the correction; it is several orders of magnitude below our experimental accuracy. We also discuss a recent paper \cite{kopeikin07}, which claims wrong and much larger corrections, and clarify the reasons for the discrepancy.Comment: Final version accepted by Classical and Quantum Gravity (8 Jan. 2008

    Intrinsic Fluctuations and Driven Response of Insect Swarms

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    Animals of all sizes form groups, as acting together can convey advantages over acting alone; thus, collective animal behavior has been identified as a promising template for designing engineered systems. However, models and observations have focused predominantly on characterizing the overall group morphology, and often focus on highly ordered groups such as bird flocks. We instead study a disorganized aggregation (an insect mating swarm), and compare its natural fluctuations with the group-level response to an external stimulus. We quantify the swarm’s frequency-dependent linear response and its spectrum of intrinsic fluctuations, and show that the ratio of these two quantities has a simple scaling with frequency. Our results provide a new way of comparing models of collective behavior with experimental data

    Ellipsometry noise spectrum, suspension transfer function measurement and closed-loop control of the suspension system in the Q & A experiment

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    The Q & A experiment, aiming at the detection of vacuum birefringence predicted by quantum electrodynamics, consists mainly of a suspended 3.5 m Fabry-Perot cavity, a rotating permanent dipole magnet and an ellipsometer. The 2.3 T magnet can rotate up to 10 rev/s, introducing an ellipticity signal at twice the rotation frequency. The X-pendulum gives a good isolation ratio for seismic noise above its main resonant frequency 0.3 Hz. At present, the ellipsometry noise decreases with frequency, from 1*10^{-5} rad Hz^{-1/2} at 5 Hz, 2*10^{-6} rad Hz^{-1/2} at 20 Hz to 5*10^{-7} rad Hz^{-1/2} at 40 Hz. The shape of the noise spectrum indicates possible improvement can be made by further reducing the movement between the cavity mirrors. From the preliminary result of yaw motion alignment control, it can be seen that some peaks due to yaw motion of the cavity mirror was suppressed. In this paper, we first give a schematic view of the Q & A experiment, and then present the measurement of transfer function of the compound X-pendulum-double pendulum suspension. A closed-loop control was carried out to verify the validity of the measured transfer functions. The ellipsometry noise spectra with and without yaw alignment control and the newest improvement is presented.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, presented in 6th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves, June 2005, Okinawa Japan and submitted to Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Some modifications are made according to the referee's comments: mainly to explain the relation between the displacement of cavity mirror and the ellipticity noise spectru

    Numerical simulation of time delay interferometry for eLISA/NGO

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    eLISA/NGO is a new gravitational wave detection proposal with arm length of 10^6 km and one interferometer down-scaled from LISA. Just like LISA and ASTROD-GW, in order to attain the requisite sensitivity for eLISA/NGO, laser frequency noise must be suppressed to below the secondary noises such as the optical path noise, acceleration noise etc. In previous papers, we have performed the numerical simulation of the time delay interferometry (TDI) for LISA and ASTROD-GW with one arm dysfunctional by using the CGC 2.7 ephemeris. The results are well below their respective limits which the laser frequency noise is required to be suppressed. In this paper, we follow the same procedure to simulate the time delay interferometry numerically. To do this, we work out a set of 1000-day optimized mission orbits of the eLISA/NGO spacecraft starting at January 1st, 2021 using the CGC 2.7 ephemeris framework. We then use the numerical method to calculate the residual optical path differences in the second-generation TDI solutions as in our previous papers. The maximum path length difference, for all configurations calculated, is below 13 mm (43 ps). It is well below the limit which the laser frequency noise is required to be suppressed for eLISA/NGO. We compare and discuss the resulting differences due to the different arm lengths for various mission proposals -- eLISA/NGO, an NGO-LISA-type mission with a nominal arm length of 2 x 10^6 km, LISA and ASTROD-GW.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables, minor changes in description to match the accepted version of Classical and Quantum Gravity. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1102.496

    Suspension of the fiber mode-cleaner launcher and measurement of the high extinction-ratio (10^{-9}) ellipsometer for the Q & A experiment

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    The Q & A experiment, first proposed and started in 1994, provides a feasible way of exploring the quantum vacuum through the detection of vacuum birefringence effect generated by QED loop diagram and the detection of the polarization rotation effect generated by photon-interacting (pseudo-)scalar particles. Three main parts of the experiment are: (1) Optics System (including associated Electronic System) based on a suspended 3.5-m high finesse Fabry-Perot cavity, (2) Ellipsometer using ultra-high extinction-ratio polarizer and analyzer, and (3) Magnetic Field Modulation System for generating the birefringence and the polarization rotation effect. In 2002, the Q & A experiment achieved the Phase I sensitivity goal. During Phase II, we set (i) to improve the control system of the cavity mirrors for suppressing the relative motion noise, (ii) to enhance the birefringence signal by setting-up a 60-cm long 2.3 T transverse permanent magnet rotatable to 10 rev/s, (iii) to reduce geometrical noise by inserting a polarization-maintaining optical fiber (PM fiber) as a mode cleaner, and (iv) to use ultra-high extinction-ratio (10^{-9}) polarizer and analyzer for ellipsometry. Here we report on (iii) & (iv); specifically, we present the properties of the PM-fiber mode-cleaner, the transfer function of its suspension system, and the result of our measurement of high extinction-ratio polarizer and analyzer.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, presented in the 6th Edoardo Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves, Okinawa, Japan, June 2005, and accepted by "Journal of Physics: Conference Series". Modifications from version 2 were made based on the referees' comments on figures. Ref. [31] were update

    Pengaruh Pemberian Tepung Daun Salam (Syzygium Polyanthum Walp) Dalam Ransum Yang Disuplementasi Dengan Larutan Effective Microorganisms-4 (Em-4) Melalui Air Minum Terhadap Karkas Itik Bali Jantan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian tepung daun salam (Syzygium polyanthum Walp) dalam ransum yang disuplementasi dengan larutan Effective Microorganisms-4 (EM-4) melalui air minum terhadap karkas itik Bali jantan. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) dengan tujuh perlakuan dan tiga kelompok. Perlakuannya adalah sebagai berikut ransum tanpa kotoran itik, sekam padi, daun salam dan tanpa larutan EM-4 (A), ransum mengandung kotoran itik (B), perlakuan B + daun salam (C), ransum mengandung sekam padi (D), perlakuan D + daun salam (E), ransum mengandung serbuk gergaji kayu (F), perlakuan F + daun salam (G), perlakuan B, C, D, E, F, dan G mendapatkan larutan EM-4. Setiap kelompok berisi tiga ekor itik. Variabel yang diamati bobot potong, bobot karkas, persentase karkas dan komposisi fisik karkas. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian tepung daun salam dalam ransum yang disuplementasi larutan EM-4 melalui air minum dapat memperbaiki karkas itik Bali jantan
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