10 research outputs found

    The Association of Family Characteristics with Dietary Diversity among Adolescent Girls in Denpasar City, Bali, Indonesia

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    Background: The three main nutritional problems in adolescent girls are chronic energy deficiency, obesity, and anemia. These problems are associated with food quality or dietary diversity, often influenced by family characteristics. Objectives: This study aimed to determine the association of dietary diversity among adolescent girls in Denpasar City with family characteristics, such as parents' occupation, education and income, type and size of family, government social programs, and food security. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted involving 516 adolescent girls selected through a multistage sampling. The first stage involved the selection of 12 villages in 4 sub-districts, and the second involved using simple random sampling to select respondents from each village. Data were obtained using the Minimum Dietary Diversity for Women questionnaire, and Multiple logistic regression was applied to identify the determinant of dietary diversity. Results: The result showed a mean score of 6.7 (SD±1.7) with a maximum of 8.4, and the proportion of inadequate dietary diversity was 11.4%. Based on a bivariable test, six variables were found to be significantly associated with dietary diversity among adolescent girls. After including these variables in a multiple logistic regression model, it was observed that family size (AOR=6.986; 95% CI: 2.718 -17.957; p-value=0.000), mother's education (AOR =1.904; 95% CI: 1.029-3.525; p-value=0.04), and household income (AOR=0.422; 95% CI: 0.227-0.784; p-value=0.006) were significantly associated with dietary diversity. Conclusions: In conclusion, family characteristics, such as having a family size of five or more, a lower level of mother’s education, and household monthly income below the district minimum wage, were significantly associated with inadequate dietary diversity. This condition required intervention in the form of promoting food diversification at the family level

    Assessment of Rabies Control Attitudes During the COVID-19 Pandemic through Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling

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    The COVID-19 pandemic disrupts rabies control activities in the community. A new approach is needed to control rabies during the COVID-19 pandemic through digital health interventions by conducting digital surveillance and education. This study aimed to determine key attitude indicators in controlling rabies during the COVID-19 pandemic. A cross-sectional study on 166 participants in Denpasar City with a total of 31 indicators measuring five variables: perceptions of the benefits of rabies control (6 indicators), perceptions of rabies risk (6 indicators), perceptions of obstacles to rabies control (5 indicators), perceptions of the need for technology (7 indicators), and attitudes toward rabies control (7 indicators) were analyzed using partial least square-structural equation modeling. The results revealed that 80.7% of participants owned a dog, and sources of rabies information were from social media (45%), the internet (33.7%), and rabies volunteers (33%). The model explained that perception of the benefits of rabies control and the need for technology had a direct effect on attitudes toward rabies control (p-value <0.001 and 0.015). In brief, perceived benefits and the need for technology influence attitudes toward rabies control during the COVID-19pandemic


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    The Covid-19 pandemic caused health problems in various countries including Indonesia. Various efforts have been made as a strategy to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 including the implementation of restriction on community activity to reduce mobility, implementing health protocols, namely wearing masks, social distancing, washing hands, tests, search, follow-up, and vaccinations.  The Covid-19 resilient village program was organized to raise public awareness about covid-19 infections and how to maintain physical and mental health. The Covid-19 resilient village program was implemented in Pikat Village, Klungkung Regency, Bali Province. The activity took place in July-August 2021. The target of the activity is the entire community in Pikat Village. The activity was carried out by a combination method online and offline in related the Covid-19 pandemic situation and the implementation of restrictions on activities for all communities including in Pikat Village. The Covid-19 resilient village program consists of 5 activities, namely Covid-19 contact trackers, mask waste processing education, mental health education, benefits education as an immunity-enhancing material, distribution of masks and handsanitizers for the community. This activity runs smoothly and provides benefits for the community so that it needs to be maintained the continuity of activities to educate the community in accordance with needs


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    Background: The challenges in overcoming the rabies epidemic include the public's lack of knowledge and attitudes regarding the control and first aid in dog bites. Sibangkaja is one of the villages in Badung Regency, which is an endemic area for rabies. Purpose: This study aimed to describe the knowledge, attitudes, and factors influencing the behavior of the residents of Sibangkaja Village, Badung, regarding rabies. Methods: This descriptive observational study was carried out using a cross-sectional design. The samples were 250 residents of Sibangkaja Village, taken by convenience sampling. Data were collected from February to March 2020 through interviews using the digital questionnaire. The variables were knowledge and community attitudes toward rabies vaccination in the village. Results: The results showed that the respondents' knowledge was good, but 34% did not know the symptoms of rabies. It was discovered that attitudes toward rabies prevention and management are significantly more in favor of vaccination than eliminating dogs. Furthermore, there is an association between knowledge and dog ownership on people's attitudes (p-value=0.01). Conclusion: Information and education about the symptoms of rabies is needed for residents to exercise caution and pay more attention to themselves and the surrounding dogs. Results: The results showed that the respondents' knowledge of rabies was good, but 34% of the people of Sibangkaja Village did not know the symptoms of rabies. Attitudes toward rabies prevention and management are largely in favor of vaccination than elimination of dogs. Conclusion: Information and education is needed regarding the symptoms of rabies so that residents are able to be careful and pay more attention to themselves and the dogs around them

    ヤーコン(Smallanthus sonchifolius) の根がもたらす効果 : 生理機能、発酵生産物、ラットの腸内微生物叢の変化 [全文の要約]

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    Implementasi Fuzzy Tsukamoto dalam Prediksi Produksi Madu Trigona

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    Madu trigona merupakan madu yang penuh khasiat. Selain penuh khasiat, madu trigona pada saat panen tidak memerlukan kemampuan atau skill khusus serta mudah dalam proses pemeliharaan. Di daerah Kerandangan (Lombok Barat) terdapat sebuah kelompok tani yang membudidayakan madu ini. Kelompok tani ini memiliki beberapa titik lokasi untuk peternakan lebah madu. Jumlah permintaan menyebabkan produksi madu mengalami fluktuatif yang berimbas pada penghasilan dari kelompok tani ini. Selain itu fluktuatifnya jumlah permintaan menyebabkan tidak efisiennya penggunaan tenaga kerja dalam proses produksi. Kelompok tani ini sering kali salah dalam melakukan prediksi dalam jumlah produksi dari madu yang dihasilkan. Fuzzy Tsukamoto merupakan metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini. Salah satu kelebihan dari metode ini memiliki kemampuan berupa intuisi dengan informasi yang bersifat kualitatif. Nilai produksi minimal madu trigona pada kelompok tani ini sebanyak 3 botol dan nilai maksimal produksi sebanyak 10 botol. Terdapat 4 inferensi rule yang digunakan pada penelitian ini. Hasil dari penggunaan metode menghasilkan nilai akurasi prediksi sebesar 92.40 %

    Validation of integrated health services data on coverage of weighing programs of children under five

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    The discrepancies between the numbers of children suffering from severe malnutrition and/or wasting and children being detected was likely owing to the low socio-economic background of the children and distance needing to be traveled to access integrated health service location. These children did not undergo regular weight for age screening, thus became disengaged with integrated health services and were not sufficiently observed by health workers. This situation provided impetus to conduct a study into the validation of collected weighing coverage data from integrated health services with the reality in the field (D/S). This case study was conducted in Dusun Jumenang, Bukit village, Karangasem Regency. The study compared weighing coverage and nutritional secondary data on those children who have undergone screening at the integrated health service with the number of children identified through active case finding in the field. Five village health workers were trained in mobile measuring skills with a focus on nutritional status and were asked to actively search and find all under-five children living in the village. Nutritional status data were collected through weighing scales and the nutritional status table

    Prioritizing management strategies to achieve multiple outcomes in a globally significant Indonesian protected area

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    The multiple values delivered by protected areas around the world are threatened and in decline. We propose a structured decision science prioritization approach for justifying and guiding increased investments in protected area management to improve outcomes for a suite of important values. Using Bali's only national park, Taman Nasional Bali Barat (TNBB) as a case study, we draw from existing park documentation and 80 participating experts in TNBB's ecology, society and management to define goals that describe a successful outcome for nine core values of the park: threatened species, ecosystem function, ecosystem habitats, scientific research, food and health, spiritual values, traditional fishing, community prosperity, and ecotourism. Participants estimated that without increased investment, the extent of goal achievement is likely to be below 30% for all values at the end of the 15-year planning time frame. However, implementing nine strategies, at an increased annual investment of 5.5 billion Indonesian rupiah (US$385,666) per year, would achieve the goals for all values. The most cost-effective strategies were predicted to be collaboration and planning, monitoring and managing invasive species, followed by establishing and using a research and management fund, adapting to climate change, managing illegal resource use, waste and human impacts, as well as improving the captive breeding program for the iconic and critically endangered bird, curik Bali. Our approach may be useful for systematically comparing costed sets of management investments in other conservation areas worldwide.</p

    Dog Ecology and Rabies Knowledge of Owners and Non-Owners in Sanur, A Sub-District of the Indonesian Island Province of Bali

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    This study gained an understanding of dog demographics, owner behaviour, and knowledge, attitudes and practices relating to rabies in three villages in Sanur, Bali, providing insights for an intervention to improve responsible dog ownership. A combination of a census of all dogs, street surveys of roaming dogs, and a Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) survey was used to study both dogs and people. A total of 6009 dogs were recorded, of which only 3.3% appeared to be unowned; unowned dogs had poorer welfare and were more likely to be wary of attempted approaches by people. The source of dogs, method of confinement used by owners, and whether dogs were sterilised differed between three breed types; purebred dogs, mixed breed, and Bali dogs (native breed). Three variables were found to have significant effects on the chances of not being vaccinated: age, dog type, and confinement. A mean of 3.81 roaming dogs per km of street surveyed was recorded along 28 sub-village routes. Responses to attitude statements showed that most people had a positive attitude towards dogs and vaccination and did not agree with culling. Knowledge of appropriate bite treatment and symptoms of rabies in dogs was good