5 research outputs found

    Development of pediatric hydronephrosis patients visiting the San Vicente Foundation University Hospital, Medellín, Colombia

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    ABSTRACT: Hydronephrosis is one of the most common congenital malformations detected on prenatal ultrasounds. Moderate and severe cases are often associated with urological abnormality. Objetive: To describe a series of pediatric patients diagnosed with hydronephrosis determining their etiology, prenatal diagnosis and frequency of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Materials and methods: A descriptive, retrospective study. Results: The records of 924 patients between the ages of 0 and 18 years were evaluated, 35.7% female and 64.3% male. In 14.4% (133) the diagnosis was prenatal. Hydronephrosis was bilateral in 198 patients (28.5%). In 18.3% (169) no associated urological abnormality was found, reaching 4.2% in CKD (7). Ureteropelvic stenosis was diagnosed in 23.3% (216) followed with 21.5% VUR (199) and posterior urethral valves in 9.4% (87), reaching 10.2% ERC (93). When the hydroneprhosis was diagnosed by urography, those patients presented 11.3% of chronic kidney disease vs. 8.4% in whom the diagnosis was made by ultrasound, when the hydronephosis diagnosed was by prenatal vs postnatal ultrasound, the percentage of CKD was 4.8% vs 10.8%, respectively. Conclusion:Early diagnosis of hydronephrosis allows the detection of urologic abnormalities susceptible of treatment. Although there are still many questions about which one is the ideal strategy of follow up; the ultrasonography, voiding cystourethrogram, urography, scintigraphy and magnetic resonance urography in selected patients are the most useful tools in order to evaluate urinary tract anomaly

    Evolution of pediatric patients diagnosed with hydronephrosis at Hospital Universitario San Vicente Fundación, in Medellín, Colombia between 1960 and 2010

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    ABSTRACT: Hydronephrosis is one of the most common congenital malformations detected on prenatal ultrasounds. Moderate and severe cases are often associated with urological abnormalities. Objective: To describe the causes of hydronephrosis, and the frequency of its prenatal diagnosis and of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in a series of pediatric patients. Materials and methods: A descriptive, retrospective study of 924 patients under 18 years of age seen at a university hospital in Medellín, Colombia, between 1960 and 2010. Results: 64.3% were male. Diagnosis was prenatal in 133 (14.4%). Hydronephrosis was bilateral in 198 patients (28.5%). In 169 (18.3%) no associated urological abnormality was found; 7 of these (4.2%) reached CKD. Ureteropelvic stenosis was diagnosed in 216 (23.3%) followed by vesicoureteral reflux in 199 (21.5%) and posterior urethral valves in 87 (9.4%); 93 (10.2%) reached CKD. When hydronephrosis was diagnosed by urography, patients developed CKD in 11.3% vs. 8.4% in those whose diagnosis was made by ultrasound; frequency of CKD was 4.8% when diagnosis by ultrasound was prenatal, and 10.8% when it was postnatal. Conclusion: Early diagnosis of hydronephrosis allows the detection of urologic abnormalities susceptible to treatment. There is controversy about the best imaginological method for the follow-up of these patients.RESUMEN: La hidronefrosis es una de las malformaciones congénitas detectadas comúnmente en la ecografía prenatal. Los casos moderados y graves frecuentemente se asocian a anomalías de la vía urinaria. Objetivo: describir las causas de la hidronefrosis, la frecuencia de su diagnóstico prenatal y la de enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) en una serie de pacientes pediátricos. Materiales y métodos: estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo de 924 pacientes atendidos entre 1960 y 2010 en un hospital universitario de Medellín. Resultados: hubo predominio de hombres (64,3%); en el 14,4% el diagnóstico fue prenatal. En el 18,3% no se encontraron anomalías urológicas asociadas. Siete de estos (4,2%) llegaron a la ERC. La estenosis pieloureteral fue la anomalía hallada con mayor frecuencia (28,6%) seguida por el reflujo vesicoureteral (21,5%) y las valvas de la uretra posterior (9,4%); el 10,2% de los pacientes llegaron a la enfermedad renal crónica; al agrupar los pacientes de acuerdo con el método utilizado para el diagnóstico de hidronefrosis, el grupo en que se hizo por urografía excretora tuvo ERC en el 11,3%, en contraste con el 8,4% en quienes el diagnóstico se hizo por ecografía renal; por otro lado. al agrupar los pacientes con diagnóstico ecográfico de hidronefrosis prenatal o posnatal, el porcentaje de ERC fue de 4,8% frente a 10,8%, respectivamente. Conclusión: el diagnóstico temprano de la hidronefrosis permite detectar anomalías urológicas susceptibles de seguimiento o corrección quirúrgica. Todavía existe mucha controversia acerca del mejor seguimiento imaginológico para estos pacientes

    Curso clínico de asma de niños tratados con Omalizumab: estudio multicéntrico Colombia

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    Objective: To describe the clinical characteristics of pediatric patients aged6 to 17 years diagnosed with moderate to severe allergic asthma undergoingtreatment with omalizumab (OMB) from January 2007 to February 2014 in6 cities in Colombia. Methods: This retrospective, longitudinal cohort studyincluded 63 children and adolescents. Evaluated outcomes includedsymptoms control, exacerbations frequency, decreased use of asthmacontrol drugs and presence of adverse events before starting treatment andafter 4 and 12 months of OMB use. Results: after 4 and 12 months oftreatment 89% and 96.6% of children under 12 years of age (p ¼ 0.0015) and78% and 91.6% of children over 12 years of age (p ¼ 0.0145) had goodsymptom control, respectively. Furthermore, after 12 months, the number ofexacerbations decreased to 2 (p ¼ 0.00), the frequency of beta2 rescueinhaler use decreased to 0.37 days (p ¼ 0.00), and the use of controller drugsdecreased in 73% of patients, including decreased use of inhaledcorticosteroids in 62%. Only one severe adverse event was reported inone patient. Conclusion: OMB is an effective drug for the clinical control ofmoderate and severe allergic asthma. It reduces asthma symptoms andexacerbations and exhibits good tolerance and few severe adverse even

    Tracheo-esophageal fistula in children: a diagnosis to keep in mind. Two case reports and review of the literature

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    RESUMEN: La fístula traqueoesofágica sin atresia esofágica es un tipo infrecuente de malformación del esófago, de etiología multifactorial, incluyendo factores ambientales y genéticos. Se manifiesta con tos y ahogo con los alimentos, cianosis y/o neumonía recurrente. El diagnóstico requiere un alto índice de sospecha clínica y su confirmación se hace por imágenes como el estudio de las vías digestivas superiores y la video-fluoroscopia, o por broncoscopia visualizando directamente la fístula, o con azul de metileno para observar el paso de este líquido. El tratamiento puede hacerse por vía endoscópica o quirúrgica, con buenos resultados.ABSTRACT: Tracheo-esophageal fistula without esophageal atresia is a rare type of esophageal malformation. It has a multifactorial etiology including environmental and genetic factors. Common clinical manifestations are coughing and choking after meals, cyanosis and/or recurrent pneumonia. Diagnosis requires a high clinical suspicion index. Fistula confirmation is done with imaging studies including upper digestive series, video-fluoroscopy or with the use of bronchoscopy which allows direct visualization of the fistula or methylene blue passage through the abnormal communication. Fistula closure can be done endoscopically or surgically, in both cases with good results

    Tracheo-esophageal fistula in children: a diagnosis to keep in mind. Two case reports and review of the literature = Fístula traqueoesofágica en niños: un diagnóstico para tener en cuenta. Reporte de dos casos y revisión de la literatura

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    The tracheo-esophageal fistula without esophageal atresia is a rare type esophageal malformation. It has a multifactorial etiology including environmental and genetic factors. Common clinical manifestations are coughing and choking after meals, cyanosis and/or recurrent pneumonia. Diagnosis requires a high clinical suspicion index. Fistula confirmation is done with imaging studies including upper digestive series, video-fluoroscopy or with the use of bronchoscopy wich allows direct visualization of the fistula or methylene blue passage through the abnormal communication. Fistula closure can be done endoscopically or surgically, in both cases with good results