1,362 research outputs found

    Accelerated Optimization Landscape of Linear-Quadratic Regulator

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    Linear-quadratic regulator (LQR) is a landmark problem in the field of optimal control, which is the concern of this paper. Generally, LQR is classified into state-feedback LQR (SLQR) and output-feedback LQR (OLQR) based on whether the full state is obtained. It has been suggested in existing literature that both the SLQR and the OLQR could be viewed as \textit{constrained nonconvex matrix optimization} problems in which the only variable to be optimized is the feedback gain matrix. In this paper, we introduce a first-order accelerated optimization framework of handling the LQR problem, and give its convergence analysis for the cases of SLQR and OLQR, respectively. Specifically, a Lipschiz Hessian property of LQR performance criterion is presented, which turns out to be a crucial property for the application of modern optimization techniques. For the SLQR problem, a continuous-time hybrid dynamic system is introduced, whose solution trajectory is shown to converge exponentially to the optimal feedback gain with Nesterov-optimal order 11κ1-\frac{1}{\sqrt{\kappa}} (κ\kappa the condition number). Then, the symplectic Euler scheme is utilized to discretize the hybrid dynamic system, and a Nesterov-type method with a restarting rule is proposed that preserves the continuous-time convergence rate, i.e., the discretized algorithm admits the Nesterov-optimal convergence order. For the OLQR problem, a Hessian-free accelerated framework is proposed, which is a two-procedure method consisting of semiconvex function optimization and negative curvature exploitation. In a time O(ϵ7/4log(1/ϵ))\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-7/4}\log(1/\epsilon)), the method can find an ϵ\epsilon-stationary point of the performance criterion; this entails that the method improves upon the O(ϵ2)\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-2}) complexity of vanilla gradient descent. Moreover, our method provides the second-order guarantee of stationary point

    Decentralized Stochastic Linear-Quadratic Optimal Control with Risk Constraint and Partial Observation

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    This paper addresses a risk-constrained decentralized stochastic linear-quadratic optimal control problem with one remote controller and one local controller, where the risk constraint is posed on the cumulative state weighted variance in order to reduce the oscillation of system trajectory. In this model, local controller can only partially observe the system state, and sends the estimate of state to remote controller through an unreliable channel, whereas the channel from remote controller to local controllers is perfect. For the considered constrained optimization problem, we first punish the risk constraint into cost function through Lagrange multiplier method, and the resulting augmented cost function will include a quadratic mean-field term of state. In the sequel, for any but fixed multiplier, explicit solutions to finite-horizon and infinite-horizon mean-field decentralized linear-quadratic problems are derived together with necessary and sufficient condition on the mean-square stability of optimal system. Then, approach to find the optimal Lagrange multiplier is presented based on bisection method. Finally, two numerical examples are given to show the efficiency of the obtained results

    Policy Optimization of Finite-Horizon Kalman Filter with Unknown Noise Covariance

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    This paper is on learning the Kalman gain by policy optimization method. Firstly, we reformulate the finite-horizon Kalman filter as a policy optimization problem of the dual system. Secondly, we obtain the global linear convergence of exact gradient descent method in the setting of known parameters. Thirdly, the gradient estimation and stochastic gradient descent method are proposed to solve the policy optimization problem, and further the global linear convergence and sample complexity of stochastic gradient descent are provided for the setting of unknown noise covariance matrices and known model parameters

    Continuous-time Mean-Variance Portfolio Selection with Stochastic Parameters

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    This paper studies a continuous-time market {under stochastic environment} where an agent, having specified an investment horizon and a target terminal mean return, seeks to minimize the variance of the return with multiple stocks and a bond. In the considered model firstly proposed by [3], the mean returns of individual assets are explicitly affected by underlying Gaussian economic factors. Using past and present information of the asset prices, a partial-information stochastic optimal control problem with random coefficients is formulated. Here, the partial information is due to the fact that the economic factors can not be directly observed. Via dynamic programming theory, the optimal portfolio strategy can be constructed by solving a deterministic forward Riccati-type ordinary differential equation and two linear deterministic backward ordinary differential equations