156 research outputs found


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    東京海洋大学博士学位論文 2019年度(2020年3月) 応用生命科学 課程博士 甲第540号指導教員:大迫一史東京海洋大学201

    Productivity, net returns and efficiency: land and market reform in Vietnamese rice production

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    Extensive land and market reform in Vietnam has resulted in dramatic increases in rice output over the past thirty years. The land and market reforms in agriculture were pervasive, moving the system of rice production from commune-based public ownership and control to one with effective private property rights over land and farm assets, competitive domestic markets and individual decision making over a wide range of agricultural activities. The effect of this reform period and beyond is detailed with measures of total factor productivity (TFP), terms of trade and net returns in rice production in Vietnam from 1985 to 2006. Results show that TFP rises considerably in the major rice growing areas (the Mekong and Red River Delta areas) during the early years of reform, and beyond, but also that there is clear evidence of a productivity “slow-down” since 2000. The differences over time and by region speak directly to existing land use regulations and practices, suggesting calls for further land and market reform. To illustrate this, additional frontier and efficiency model estimates detail the effects of remaining institutional and policy constraints, including existing restrictions on land consolidation and conversion and poorly developed markets for land and capital. Estimates show that larger and less land-fragmented farms, farms in the major rice growing areas, and those farms that are better irrigated, have a greater proportion of capital per unit of cultivated land, a clear property right or land use certificate and access to agricultural extension services are more efficient


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    With the occurrence of the COVID-19 crisis, there has been dramatically growth and adoption of online education. As a consequence of the epidemic, institutes have been compulsory to close, and teaching and learning have changed fully to home studying. As a result, numerous educational institutions have adopted online teaching and learning on a massive scale. To combine the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach with a framework of computer-assisted language learning seems to be the best strategy during a coronavirus outbreak. This study offers a survey of the literature on Communicative Language Teaching in the situation of online teaching and studying. This paper begins with an overview, definition, and characteristics of CLT. It then examines how CLT can be beneficial in a virtual classroom: advantages and disadvantages. Besides, it discusses the approaches to using CLT in online teaching and learning. This paper's goal is to provide an effective overview that can be used for online language instruction. The study will add to our understanding of Communicative Language Teaching and its use in an online setting.  Article visualizations


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    Through the years, difficulties in English listening and listening strategies have been conducted by many researchers. Most of studies have pointed out the common difficulties and strategies which students often have. Focusing on the same subject with a new perspective, this research aimed at understanding English majors’ difficulties in listening and use of listening strategies. A total of ninety eight freshmen English-majored students at Mien Dong University took part in answering the questionnaire and five students answered the semi-structure interview questions. The data gained from the questionnaire were analyzed by SPSS version 20.0 in terms of descriptive statistic. The findings revealed that English-majored students had many difficulties in listening such as the difficulties related to the listener, the content of the dialogue, the speaker, the physical setting and the linguistic factors. In terms of listening strategies, the finding showed that the cognitive listening strategies were used more frequently than metacognitive and socio-affective strategies. Based on the findings, some implications were made to contribute to the administrations, teachers and students at Mien Dong University of Technology.  Article visualizations

    Teaching English vocabulary to young learners through total physical response method

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    This study attempts to investigate the effect of the Total Physical Response (TPR) Method on vocabulary retention and explore the young learners’ attitudes toward it. It involved sixty two English young learners (YLs) aging from 10 to 11. All of them were attending English classes at Viet Uc English Language Center (henceforth called VUC) in Bien Hoa City where the current study was conducted. Both quantitative and qualitative data was obtained through the three instruments, namely pre- and post-test and interview. Descriptive statistics was employed for data analysis. The results revealed that TPR had effect on the YLs’ vocabulary knowledge through an increase in their vocabulary retention after they underwent the treatment. Similarly, the findings of the study also revealed that the YLs had positive attitudes toward the use TPR in vocabulary teaching and learning. This study is expected to shed light to the implementation of teaching vocabulary methods in the VUC context and other similar contexts

    Bridging Cultures in Academia: The Role of Mindfulness in Enhancing Intercultural Communication and Social Capital among Scholars

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    Studies that comprehensively incorporate mindfulness therapies and the theory of intercultural communication into the investigation of social capital are lacking in the body of existing literature. This restricts our comprehension of how these important components interact and affect social relationships in academic communities as a whole. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate how mindfulness practices affect cross-cultural communication and, in turn, build social capital in academic environments. A mixed method was adopted in the study. In the first stage, focused group interviews are employed in the first stage with seven groups of nine Australian alumni, for a total of 63 participants who have experience conducting research and teaching abroad or in multicultural settings. In the second stage, 149 alumni were surveyed, and Process Macro SPSS\u27s Hayes model was used to analyse the data. The results showed that those who practice mindfulness are more likely to approach cross-cultural encounters with a greater awareness of and respect for different points of view. According to the findings, mindfulness can be a potent instrument for boosting perception of the community, networking, trust and safety, scholarly participation, citizen power, life values and diverse perspectives among academics. Scholars who engage in mindfulness practices have the potential to cultivate closer ties within academic communities, which could result in joint research opportunities, information exchanges, and career assistance. This study might offer academics a fresh theoretical viewpoint that improves the conceptual frameworks for mindfulness practice for enhancing academic social capital via intercultural communication

    The Impact of FDI, International Trade, and National Economy on People’s Standard of Living in ASEAN Countries

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    This research paper analyzes the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI), international trade, and national economy on the standard of living of people in ASEAN member countries, using data from 2012-2021. The study uses data from this period to examine the effects of these variables on the standard of living in ASEAN member countries. The results indicate that international trade and national economy have a significant influence on people's standard of living in the region. However, the effect of FDI varies depending on the level of development of the country. While FDI doesn't have much effect on developing countries, it has a negative impact on developed countries. The study also provides insights for policymakers on how to promote economic growth and improve the quality of life for people in the ASEAN. Keywords: FDI, international trade, national economy, the standard of living, ASEAN DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/15-6-10 Publication date:March 31st 2023


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    The parameters used for measuring water quality of Dan Kia reservoir were temperature, pH, conductivity, secchi disk depth, dissolved oxygen (DO), chlorophyll a,  nutrients: nitrogen (ammonia, nitrate) and phosphate. There are five influents for the reservoir, therefore the water quality of Dan Kia reservoir depends on activities around these channels. S1 stream has the highest flow into the reservoir (8.2×106m3/year) but most of the nutrients were discharged from S4 and S5 stream. Concentration of ammonia, nitrate and phosphate from these channels is accounting for 89.82, 58.15 and  57.16% into the lake, respectively. The study constructed three scenarios and run them using AQUATOX model. The first scenario, all existing inflows are discharging into the lake, present situation. The second scenario, none is discharging. The third scenario, all are discharging except S4 stream and S5 stream. The result from the first scenario showed that the concentrations from the model consistent with measurements in the reservoir. In case the second and third scenarios happened the concentrations considerably decreased.Các thông số chất lượng nước hồ Đan Kia được khảo sát hàng tháng trong năm 2014 gồm có nhiệt độ, pH, độ dẫn diện, độ sâu secchi, oxy hòa tan, các hợp chất chứa nitơ (amoni, nitrat),  phốt pho (PO43-) và chlorophyll-a. Có 5 nhánh suối dẫn nước vào hồ vì vậy chất lượng nước hồ phụ thuộc vào các hoạt động trên lưu vực hồ và 5 nhánh suối này. Trong đó, nhánh suối S1 có lưu lượng nước chảy vào hồ cao nhất (8.2×106m3/năm) nhưng phần lớn chất dinh dưỡng được đưa vào hồ từ nhánh suối S4 và S5. Nồng độ amoni, nitrat và phốt phát từ hai nhánh suối này lần lượt chiếm đến 89.82, 58.15 và 57.16% tổng tải lượng dinh dưỡng vào hồ. Nghiên cứu đã xây dựng ba kịch bản và mô phỏng ba kịch bản này bằng mô hình AQUATOX. Kịch bản thứ nhất, tất cả các con suối vẫn được dẫn nước vào hồ như hiện tại. Kịch bản thứ hai, không cho bất kỳ con suối nào đổ nước vào hồ. Kịch bản thứ ba, tất cả các nguồn trên vẫn được đưa vào hồ trừ suối S4 và S5. Kết quả từ mô hình AQUATOX cho thấy với kịch bản đầu tiên, nồng độ các chất dinh dưỡng từ mô hình phù hợp với nồng độ đo đạc và đều vượt ngưỡng cho phép. Ở kịch bản thứ 2 và 3, nồng độ các chất dinh dưỡng giảm đáng kể, hầu hết các giá trị đều nằm dưới tiêu chuẩn cho phép đới với nước mặt. Từ kết quả này, nghiên cứu đề nghị các cơ quan chức năng cần tập trung quản lý tình trạng canh tác nông nghiệp trên lưu vực hồ Đan Kia, đặc biệt là khu vực phía Đông Nam hồ. Nghiên cứu cũng đã mô phỏng xu hướng phát triển và thành phần động thực vật phù trong hồ Đan Kia

    Unexpected cases in field diagnosis of African swine fever virus in Vietnam: The needs consideration when performing molecular diagnostic tests

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    Background: The first confirmed case of African swine fever (ASF) in Vietnam was reported officially in February 2019. To date, ASF virus (ASFV) have been detected in 63/63 provinces in Vietnam. Currently, real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is considered to be a powerful tool for viral detection in field samples, including ASFV. However, some recent reports have suggested that mismatches in primer and probe binding regions may directly affect real-time PCR qualification, leading a false-negative result.Aim: This study aims to further examine a conflicting result obtained from two OIE recommended methods, conventional PCR and real-time PCR, for ASFV detection.Methods: Two ASF suspected pigs from different provinces in the north of Vietnam were selected for this study based on clinical signs and postmortem lesions. The different results obtained by OIE-recommended conventional PCR and real-time PCR were further analyzed by the Sanger sequencing method and virus isolation in combination with hemadsorption (HAD) test using porcine alveolar macrophages cells.Results: The results showed that when the primer sequence matched perfectly with the sequences of field isolates, a mutation in probe binding region was found, indicating that a single mismatch in the probe binding site may cause a false-negative result by real-time PCR in detecting ASFV in clinical samples in Vietnam. An agreement between conventional PCR, using PPA1/PPA2 primers and two golden standard methods, virus isolation in combination with HAD assay, and sequencing method was observed in this study.Conclusion: A single mismatch in the probe binding site caused a failse-negative result by realtime PCR method in field diagnosis of ASFV. The needs consideration when selecting the appropriate molecular diagnostic methods is based on the current databases of ASFV sequences,  particularly for epidemiological surveillance of ASF. Keywords: African swine fever, PCR, Pigs, Real-time PCR, Vietna