317 research outputs found

    Gas Trapping During Foamed Flow in Porous Media

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    Effect of silica nanoparticles on clay swelling and aqueous stability of nanoparticle dispersions

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    The results of the effects of electrolyte type and concentration, nanoparticle concentration, pH, and temperature on the mobility and aqueous stability of polyethylene glycol (PEG)-coated silica nanoparticles are presented. Nanoparticle mobility was evaluated based on the ability to inhibit montmorillonite swelling in aqueous solutions through visual swelling tests, and the results were quantified in terms of the swelling index. The presence of PEG-coated silica nanoparticles was found to have a positive influence on the inhibition of clay swelling only in the presence of electrolytes. Quantification of nanoparticle stability in the presence of montmorillonite particles was achieved using ultraviolet–visible (UV–vis) spectrophotometry. At the highest concentration of montmorillonite dispersion studied, interaction between the dispersed montmorillonite particles and PEG-coated silica nanoparticles resulted in nanoparticle aggregation as indicated by increased turbidity and absorbance readings. Both nanoparticle concentration and montmorillonite dispersion concentration, in addition to the presence and concentration of NaCl, were found to strongly influence the stability of the mixture

    A node-based strain smoothing technique for free vibration analysis of textile-like sheet materials

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    This paper presents an implementation of the node-based smoothed finite element method and Reissner-Mindlin plate theory for a four node isoparametric shell element to improve the numerical precision and computational efficiency subjected to free vibration analysis of textile-like sheet materials. A one smoothing cell integration scheme in the strain smoothing technique is implemented to contrast the shear locking phenomenon that may exists in the analysis for moderatelythick and thick shell models. Various numerical results of free vibration analysis for a multi-layer nonwoven fabric sample are compared with other existing analytical solutions and numerical solutions in literatures to demonstrate the effectiveness of the present method. An advantage of the present formulation is that it can improve the numerical precision without decreasing the computational efficiency.The first and fourth author acknowledge FCT for the conceded financial support through Project UID/CTM/00264/2019 of 2C2T – Centro de Ciência e Tecnologia Têxtil, hold by National Founds of FCT/MCTES. The second and third author acknowledge support by FCT/MCTES through national funds and when applicable co-funded EU funds under the project SFRH/BD/136554/2018

    Improving quality of health care for gender-based violence victims at health facilities in Viet Nam

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    This report presents the results of the May 2009 baseline (pre-intervention) assessment among health care providers (HCPs), and the July 2010 pre- and post-Training of Trainers assessments among HCPs, in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) and Da Nang, regarding the issue of quality of care for victims of gender-based violence (GBV) at health facilities in Vietnam. The views of HCPs detailed in this report represent an important foundation for project development and implementation in the study locations. The pre- and post-Training of Trainers questionnaire aimed to assess the HCPs on the topics covered in the training course. The results showed that basic knowledge of hospital staff about GBV improved significantly as an immediate result of training. After the training all the participants were aware of the GBV Laws and related regulations. Many HCPs in Vietnam seek information independently to help them better serve patients who are victims of GBV. Results of this report encourage continuing support of additional training, hospital protocols, and a network of referral agencies

    A comprehensive study in efficacy of Vietnamese herbal extracts on whiteleg shrimp (<em>Penaeus vannamei</em>) against <em>Vibrio parahaemolyticus</em> causing acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND)

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    Traditional Vietnamese herbal species were examined for their antimicrobial activity and disease resistance in whiteleg shrimp. In-vitro screening, the extracts of ten herbs were conducted to test the inhibition ability against Vibrio parahaemolyticus, causing acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease. The results showed that five out of ten herbal species, including Pithecellobium dulce, Melaleuca leucadendron, Eucalyptus globulus, Mimosa pirga, and Hibiscus sabdariffa displayed potent antibacterial activity. Besides, three types of extracts of H. sabdariffa, E. globulus, and M. pirga were coated to the pellet feed at a concentration of 1%. After 30 days of feeding, the whiteleg shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) were challenged by V. parahaemolyticus through immersion. The growth performance (such as growth rate in length and weight, survival rate), hematological parameters of total hemocytes (THC), hyaline hemocytes (HC), and granulocytes (GC), and hepatopancreas recovery under the treatments with herbal extracts of the whiteleg shrimp were significantly enhanced as compared with the control (without herbal extract). The mortality and the bacterial density in the hepatopancreas of shrimp decreased. Specifically, the mortality of shrimp in the treatment supplemented with the methanol extract of H. sabdariffa was the lowest, followed by M. pirga and E. globulus. The experimental results also indicated that H. sabdariffa, E. globulus, and M. pirga could improve immune parameters and disease resistance; therefore, they should be employed in sustainable shrimp, practical farming

    Complete Nucleotide Sequence of the Maize (Zea mays L.) Sucrose Synthase 2 cDNA

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    Mapping for engagement: setting up a community based participatory research project to reach underserved communities at risk for Hepatitis C in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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    Background: Approximately 1. 07 million people in Vietnam are infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV). To address this epidemic, the South East Asian Research Collaborative in Hepatitis (SEARCH) launched a 600-patient cohort study and two clinical trials, both investigating shortened treatment strategies for chronic HCV infection with direct-acting antiviral drugs. We conducted ethnographic research with a subset of trial participants and found that the majority were aware of HCV infection and its implications and were motivated to seek treatment. However, people who inject drugs (PWID), and other groups at risk for HCV were under-represented, although injecting drug use is associated with high rates of HCV. Material and Methods: We designed a community-based participatory research (CBPR) study to engage in dialogues surrounding HCV and other community-prioritized health issues with underserved groups at risk for HCV in Ho Chi Minh City. The project consists of three phases: situation analysis, CBPR implementation, and dissemination. In this paper, we describe the results of the first phase (i.e., the situation analysis) in which we conducted desk research and organized stakeholder mapping meetings with representatives from local non-government and community-based organizations where we used participatory research methods to identify and analyze key stakeholders working with underserved populations. Results: Twenty six institutions or groups working with the key underserved populations were identified. Insights about the challenges and dynamics of underserved communities were also gathered. Two working groups made up of representatives from the NGO and CBO level were formed. Discussion: Using the information provided by local key stakeholders to shape the project has helped us to build solid relationships, give the groups a sense of ownership from the early stages, and made the project more context specific. These steps are not only important preliminary steps for participatory studies but also for other research that takes place within the communities