79 research outputs found

    Delving into Ipsilateral Mammogram Assessment under Multi-View Network

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    In many recent years, multi-view mammogram analysis has been focused widely on AI-based cancer assessment. In this work, we aim to explore diverse fusion strategies (average and concatenate) and examine the model's learning behavior with varying individuals and fusion pathways, involving Coarse Layer and Fine Layer. The Ipsilateral Multi-View Network, comprising five fusion types (Pre, Early, Middle, Last, and Post Fusion) in ResNet-18, is employed. Notably, the Middle Fusion emerges as the most balanced and effective approach, enhancing deep-learning models' generalization performance by +2.06% (concatenate) and +5.29% (average) in VinDr-Mammo dataset and +2.03% (concatenate) and +3% (average) in CMMD dataset on macro F1-Score. The paper emphasizes the crucial role of layer assignment in multi-view network extraction with various strategies

    Remote Sensing for Monitoring Surface Water Quality in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta: The Application for Estimating Chemical Oxygen Demand in River Reaches in Binh Dai, Ben Tre

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    In this study, the method of Fault Movement Potential (FMP) proposed by Lee et al. (1997) is used to assess the Surface water resources played a fundamental role in sustainable development of agriculture and aquaculture. They were the main sectors contributing to economic development in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta. Monitoring surface water quality was also one of the essential missions especially in the context of increasing freshwater demands and loads of wastewater fluxes. Recently, remote sensing technology has been widely applied in monitoring and mapping water quality at a regional scale replacing traditional field-based approaches. The aims of this study were to assess the application of the Landsat 8 (OLI) images for estimating Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) as well as detecting spatial changes of the COD concentration in river reaches of the Binh Dai district, Ben Tre province, a downstream area of the delta. The results indicated the significant correlation (R=0.89) between the spectral reflectance values of Landsat 8 and the COD concentration by applying the Artificial Neuron Network (ANN) approach. In addition, the spatial distribution of the COD concentration was found slightly exceeded the national standard for irrigation according to the B1 column of QCVN 08:2015.References Ackerman S., Richard F., Kathleen S., Yinghui L., Chris M., Liam G., Bryan B., and Paul M., 2010. Discriminating clear-sky from cloud with MODIS algorithm theoretical basis document (MOD35). Ali Sheikh A.A., Ghorbanali A., and Nouri N., 2007. Coastline change detection using remote sensing. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 4(1), 61-66. Bonansea M., María C. R., Lucio P., and Susana F., 2015. Using multi-temporal Landsat imagery and linear mixed models for assessing water quality parameters in Río Tercero reservoir (Argentina). Remote Sensing of Environment 158, 28-41. 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A comparative assessment of support vector regression, artificial neural networks, and random forests for predicting and mapping soil organic carbon stocks across an Afromontane landscape. Ecological Indicators 52: 394-403. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2014.12.028. Wu J.L., Chung-Ru H., Chia-Ching H., Arun L.S., Jing-Hua T., and Yao-Tung L., 2014. Hyperspectral sensing for turbid water quality monitoring in freshwater rivers: Empirical relationship between reflectance and turbidity and total solids. Sensors (Switzerland) 14(12), 22670-22688. Yusop S.M., Abdullah K., Lim H.S., and Md N.A.B., 2011. Monitoring water quality from Landsat TM imagery in Penang, Malaysia. Proceeding of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Space Science and Communication (IconSpace), 249-253. Zhu Z. and Curtis E.W., 2012. Object-based cloud and cloud shadow detection in Landsat imagery. Remote Sensing of Environment 118, 83-94. Zhu Z. Shixiong W., and Curtis E.W., 2015. Improvement and expansion of the Fmask algorithm: Cloud, cloud shadow, and snow detection for Landsats 4-7, 8, and Sentinel 2 images. Remote Sensing of Environment 159, 269-277


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    Tua Chua Karst Plateau - a living area of the Mong ethnic group with spectacular natural landscapes, cool weather, and unique indigenous cultural values. They are all prerequisites for tourism development. This study aims to evaluate the potential of community-based ecotourism development in the Tua Chua Karst Plateau. This research uses the AHP method. Evaluation criteria include (i) uniqueness of natural landscape, (ii) indigenous cultural value, (iii) stakeholder engagement, (iv) local tourism development policy, (v) quality of infrastructure, (vi) quality of tourism facilities, (vii) accessibility, (viii) connectivity. The evaluation system includes eight criteria that have classified tourism resources according to each resource point and identified suitable internal and external potentials to exploit the geological value of the plateau and preserve indigenous culture. Results of this study reveal that the indigenous cultural values, the participation of local communities, and the uniqueness of the natural landscape have an important impact on the development of ecotourism. Tua Chua Karst Plateau has great potential for community-based ecotourism development with 14 tourist resource sites, of which 8 are highly appreciated

    Lung Volume Reduction Surgery in Patients with Heterogenous Emphysema: Selecting Perspective

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    BACKGROUND: Lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS) was introduced to alleviate clinical conditions in selected patients with heterogenous emphysema. Clarifying the most suitable patients for LVRS remained unclear. AIM: This study was undertaken to specifically analyze the preoperative factor affecting to LVRS. METHODS: The prospective study was conducted at 103 Military Hospital between July 2014 and April 2016. Severe heterogenous emphysema patients were selected to participate in the study. The information, spirometry, and body plethysmographic pulmonary function tests in 31 patients who underwent LVRS were compared with postoperative outcomes (changing in FEV1 and CAT scale). RESULTS: Of the 31 patients, there was statistically significant difference in the outcome of functional capacity, lung function between two groups (FEV1 ≤ 50% and > 50%) (∆FEV1: 22.46 vs 18.32%; p = 0.042. ∆CAT: 6.85 vs 5.07; p = 0.048). Changes of the FEV1 and CAT scale were no statistically significant differences in three groups residual volume. Patients with total lung capacity < 140% had more improved than others (∆FEV1: 23.81 vs 15.1%; p = 0.031). CONCLUSION: Preoperative spirometry and body plethysmographic pulmonary function tests were useful measures to selected severe heterogenous emphysema patients for LVRS. Patients with FEV1 ≤ 50%, TLC in the range of 100-140% should be selected


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    Vocabulary learning is extremely important when learning a foreign language. Fluency in a language depends on vocabulary and its use in specific situations. Speaking well is using vocabulary flexibly and speaking fluently. Researching the popularity of vocabulary is analyzing the prevalence of vocabulary used by linguistics students in communication from discourse analysis. This is a topic the research team is working on. This project will help the researchers learn about common vocabulary that students often use to communicate outside or in the classroom. Thereby understanding whether the vocabulary that students use is diverse, rich, and for the right purpose or not. This study will help students have a more comprehensive view of the ways to use words in communication. In addition, it also helps students improve their communication vocabulary, helps in exams and can be useful for later work. In this study, the research team will investigate the students' ability to use spoken vocabulary, i.e., frequency and extent of vocabulary usage.  Article visualizations

    A novel hybrid evidential belief function-based fuzzy logic model in spatial prediction of rainfall-induced shallow landslides in the Lang Son city area (Vietnam)

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    The main objective of this study is to investigate potential application of an integrated evidential belief function (EBF)-based fuzzy logic model for spatial prediction of rainfall-induced shallow landslides in the Lang Son city area (Vietnam). First, a landslide inventory map was constructed from various sources. Then the landslide inventory map was randomly partitioned as a ratio of 70/30 for training and validation of the models, respectively. Second, six landslide conditioning factors (slope angle, slope aspect, lithology, distance to faults, soil type, land use) were prepared and fuzzy membership values for these factors classes were estimated using the EBF. Subsequently, fuzzy operators were used to generate landslide susceptibility maps. Finally, the susceptibility maps were validated and compared using the validation dataset. The results show that the lowest prediction capability is the fuzzy SUM (76.6%). The prediction capability is almost the same for the fuzzy PRODUCT and fuzzy GAMMA models (79.6%). Compared to the frequency-ratio based fuzzy logic models, the EBF-based fuzzy logic models showed better result in both the success rate and prediction rate. The results from this study may be useful for local planner in areas prone to landslides. The modelling approach can be applied for other areas

    Study on total lipid content, lipid class composition of some fire and soft corals collected in Nha Trang, Vietnam

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    For the first time, the total lipid content and lipid class composition of  the Vietnamese soft corals (Sinularia brassica, Sinularia flexibilis) and fire corals (Millepora dichotoma, Millepora platyphylla) were investigated. The results indicated that the total lipid content of the investigated species was significantly different. Compositions of the lipid classes were analyzed using TLC and image analysis program Sorbfil TLC Videodensitometer DV and the results showed that phospholipids (PL, 10.91–16.02%), monoalkyldiacylglycerols (MADAG, 20.69-39.92%) and hydrocarbon wax (HW, 29.83-37.17%) were the main lipid classes of the total lipid in soft coral species. Meanwhile, PL (24.11-33.23%), TG (14.27–34.92%), ST (10.10–14.50%) and HW (12.08–19.95%) were predominant in fire coral species. ST, TG and FFA contents in soft and fire corals were at low level. DG was only present in the Sinularia flexibilis but not in other studied corals