394 research outputs found

    Factores que afectan el ciclo de vida del producto en las empresas electrónicas: evidencia de un país emergente

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    Introduction:This paper is the product of the study “Factors affecting product life cycle in electronic enterprises – Evidence from an emerging country” developed at the Electric Power University and National Economics University between 2020 and 2022. Problem:The electronic manufacturing industry is increasingly developing in emerging markets and integrating into the global economy. The life cycle of electronic products is shorter and requires management.Objective:The paper aims to study factors that affect the product life cycle in Vietnamese electronic enterprises. The study helps managers in cost management. Methodology:The paper used a survey of non-probability sampling, and applied regression analysis to examine Vietnamese electronic enterprises. The analysis is done by SPSS and Smart PLS software. Results:The research results indicate that technology, consumer trends, and R&D are factors affecting product life cycle and post-sale service, and disposal has no impact on electronic products’ life cycle. This could be explained by the fact that electronic products are constantly updating and their life cycle is short, that post-sales service does not play a key role, and that waste treatment after sales is not taken seriously by manufacturers, customers, or other related parties. Conclusion:The results give some meaningful insights for electronics or other enterprises in Vietnam to use effective management of product life cycle. Originality:The results of this paper provide practical insights into the management of product life cycle and cost management of product life cycle for researchers and managers.Limitations:The research model should be expanded and the sample size increased to get an overview and greater insight.Introducción: Este artículo es producto del estudio “Factores que afectan el ciclo de vida del producto en empresas electrónicas – Evidencia de un país emergente” desarrollado en la Electric Power University y la National Economics University entre 2020 y 2022.Problema: La industria de fabricación electrónica se está desarrollando cada vez más en los mercados emer-gentes y se está integrando a la economía global. El ciclo de vida de los productos electrónicos es más corto y requiere gestión. Objetivo: El documento tiene como objetivo estudiar los factores que afectan el ciclo de vida del producto en las empresas electrónicas vietnamitas. El estudio ayuda a los gerentes en la gestión de costos. Metodología: El documento utilizó una encuesta de muestreo no probabilístico y aplicó un análisis de regresión para examinar las empresas electrónicas vietnamitas. El análisis se realiza mediante el software SPSS y Smart PLS. Resultados: Los resultados de la investigación indican que la tecnología, las tendencias de consumo y la I+D son factores que afectan el ciclo de vida del producto y el servicio postventa, y que el desecho no tiene impacto en el ciclo de vida de los productos electrónicos. Esto podría explicarse por el hecho de que los productos electrónicos se actualizan constantemente y su ciclo de vida es corto, que el servicio posventa no juega un papel clave y que el tratamiento de residuos posventa no es tomado en serio por los fabricantes, clientes u otras partes relacionadas. Conclusión: Los resultados brindan algunas ideas significativas para la electrónica u otras empresas en Vietnam para utilizar una gestión eficaz del ciclo de vida del producto. Originalidad: los resultados de este documento brindan información práctica sobre la gestión del ciclo de vida del producto y la gestión de costos del ciclo de vida del producto para investigadores y gerentes.Limitaciones: el modelo de investigación debe ampliarse y aumentar el tamaño de la muestra para obtener una visión general y una mayor comprensión

    Bake hardening effect of the low strength interstitial free steel

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    This paper investigates the influence of pre-strain and temperature on the bake hardening (BH) effect of the low strength interstitial free (IF) steel with the yield strength of 137 MPa. The tensile specimens were pre-strained to 2-4-6 % at room temperature followed by baking at temperatures of 150-200-250 oC for 20 minutes. The BH strength was determined by a standard procedure based on the difference between the lower yield strength of the baked specimen and the flow stress of the initial one. The microstructure of the IF steels was characterized by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy for the purpose of explaining the BH effect. All the initial and baked steels show a microstructure that includes the ferrite phase, of an average grains size of 45 µm. This observation was consistent with the mechanical properties of the initial steel. The BH strengths have been achieved from 12 to 35 MPa, in which the maximum value was found for the specimen that pre-strained to 6 % and baked at 200 oC. The BH strengths increased with increasing the pre-strain, but slightly decreased when the baking temperature was 250 oC. This mechanism is attributed to pinning of dislocation by carbon solute atoms during the baking process, and the BH strength was correlated with grain boundary segregation

    Adsorption Isotherm Measurement and Correlation of Toluene and n-Hexane on Activated Carbon in an Aqueous Solution / by Nguyen My Anh Hoa, QD 501 .H678 2005

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    Thenumber of hazardous waste disposals reported has increased in recentyearsdue to improper management of chemical generated by chemical and petrochemical industries. Volatile organic compounds are one of the major pollutants to the environment. Two of the volatile organics compounds selected for this study are toluene and n-hexane are The adsorption measurement in aqueous solutions has been carried out by using batch system at 35°C, 55°C and 65°C with the range of initial concentration between 10 to 200ppm. There are three types of activated carbon that have been used, which are Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) 2.5mm, Granular Activated Carbon 0.25mm, and Powder Activated Carbon. The objectives of this study are to determine the adsorption isotherms of toluene and n-hexane on activated carbon through the adsorption process, to investigate the effect of temperature on the adsorption capacity of toluene and n-hexane, and to model the experimental adsorption isotherm databy using the established adsorption isotherm equations on activated carbon. The equilibrium concentrations have been analyzed using UV-Vis Spectrophotometer and Gas Chromatography with Purge and Trap after the solutions were adsorbed for 24 hours. The toluene adsorption isotherm has the S-shaped form and of type V isotherm based on the classification of Brunaeur, Deming, Deming and Teller (BDDT). Among the three temperature conditions, it is found that the adsorption favors the lowest temperature (35°C). This indicates that adsorption process is exothermic, lower the temperature will shift the adsorption equilibrium to adsorption rather than desorption. GAC 2.5 mm is found to have the highest adsorption capacityamongthe others. It is impossible to carry out the experimentwith n-hexane due to its high volatility. The amount of n-hexane is considered negligible in aqueous solution and adsorption process does not require. Freundlich isotherm is the most popular model which is widely used in the correlation of liquid adsorption. Sips isotherm which is the combination between Langmuirand Freundlichequation is an alternative model. However, the techniques were not successful with toluene isotherm measurement

    The influences of the number of concrete dowels to shear resistance based on push out tests

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    To reduce the depth of floor-beam structures and to save the cost of headed-shear studs, many types of shallow composite beam have been developed during the last few years. Among them, the shallow-hollow steel beam consists of web openings, infilled with in-situ concrete (named concrete dowel) has been increasingly focused recently. In this new kind of structure, this concrete dowel plays an important role as the principal shear connector. This article presents an investigation on the shear transferring mechanism and failure behavior of the trapezoid shape concrete dowel. An experimental campaign of static push-out tests has been conducted with variability in the number of web openings (WOs). The results indicate that the mechanical behavior of concrete dowel could be divided into crushing, compression, and tension zones and exhibits brittle behavior. The longitudinal shear resistance and specimen's stiffness are strongly affected by the number of considered WO

    Public private partnership in sustainable tourism development in Trang An landscape complex : Ninh Binh in the context of climate change

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    The aim was to understand how rapid changes to Trang An through urbanization, tourism, and climate change, are affecting people’s well-being in Truong Yen Commune (Viet Nam). The paper examines the drivers of these changes, and assesses the adaptive capacity of residents, local governments, and the private sector. In an innovative arrangement, the Trang An tourism complex operates through a public-private partnership (PPP) between the Ninh Binh Provincial People’s Committee and the Xuan Truong Corporation, a private company. Local government plays a key role. Proactive comprehensive planning involving government, the private sector, and civil society can reduce environmental and social risks of tourism.The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)Thailand Environment Institute (TEI

    Effect of shell thickness on heterostructure of CdSe/CdS core/shell nanocrystals

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    Core/shell hetero-nanostructures are promising materials for fabricating optoelectronic devices, photodetectors, bioimaging, and biosensing. The CdSe/CdS core/shell nanocrystals (NCs) were synthesized in a wet chemical reaction. The shell thickness was modified by varying reaction times. The structure and optical properties as a function of the CdS shell thickness were investigated. A systematic redshift of the first exciton absorption peaks and photoluminescent (PL) spectra occurred after coating with CdS confirmed the shell growth over the CdSe core. The PL's intensity increased compared with that of bare NCs. The formation of high-quality NCs with uniform size distribution was shown in the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image and confirmed by the narrow PL band and small FWHM