2,285 research outputs found

    Current Status of Commune-Level Leadership Cadres and Activities for Enhancing the Capacity of Commune-Level Leadership Cadres in Thai Nguyen Province, VietNam

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    Thai Nguyen is one of the regional centers of the midland and mountainous provinces in the North of Vietnam. Thai Nguyen Province comprises 9 administrative units, including 3 cities (Thai Nguyen city, Song Cong city, Pho Yen city) and 6 districts (Phu Binh, Dong Hy, Vo Nhai, Dinh Hoa, Dai Tu, Phu Luong) with 177 commune-level administrative units, consisting of 126 communes, 41 wards, and 10 towns. The cadre of commune-level leaders in Thai Nguyen Province is currently fewer than the prescribed number (due to one person holding multiple positions). However, in recent times, the number of commune-level officials and civil servants has increased rapidly, significantly affecting the effectiveness of commune-level government operations. This article focuses on reflecting the current situation of commune-level cadres and the activities of enhancing the capacity of commune-level leaders in Thai Nguyen Province


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    L. Nguyen Ai, A. Sato, D. Inoue, K. Sei, S. Soda, M. Ike,Enrichment of arsenite oxidizing bacteria under autotrophic conditions and the isolation and characterization of facultative chemolithoautotrophic arsenite oxidizing bacteria for removal of arsenic from groundwater, Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 707-714, 2012Nguyen Ai Lea, Akiko Satoa, Daisuke Inouea, b,Kazunari Seia, b, Satoshi Sodaa, Michihiko Ike, Bacterial community succession during the enrichment of chemolithoautotrophic arsenite oxidizing bacteria at high arsenic concentrations, Journal of Environmental Sciences, vol. 24, no. 12, pp. 2133–2140, 2012


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    This study aims to assess Vietnamese consumer behavior towards fish sauce product. It consists of two experiments. In the first experiment, consumer concept was explored using word association method. It was performed on 300 Vietnamese consumers with the prompt word as “fish sauce”. The data were analyzed by a triangulation method. The results evoke six factors associated with fish sauce as Sensory Appeal, Health, Price, Convenience, Traditional Value, Quality and Safety. These findings were the starting point for a modification of food choice questionnaire (FCQ) adapted to fish sauce product. In the second experiment, the modified FCQ with 18 items was used to assess the consumer behavior. The survey was performed on 300 Vietnamese consumers. The data were analyzed by using Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The obtained model with five factors was adapted to fish sauce for Vietnamese consumers ( = 1.67, GFI = 0.93, CFI = 0.92, RSME = 0.47). In this, Sensory Appeal is the most important factor which might affect consumer food choice motivations. We expect that these results will be useful for the local manufacturers who want to develop traditional food products and/or enlarge national market

    Effect of plant growth regulators on growth and lipid accumulation of microalgal Haematococcus pluvialis Flotow in two-stage culture

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    Haematococcus pluvialis cells were cultured in aerated liquid Bold’s Basal medium in two-stage (initial stage during in 7 weeks for increased biomass growth and second stage during in 3 weeks for increased lipid accumulation) with different volumes 250 mL, 10 L, and 1,000 L. With a volume of 250 mL, the medium was supplied with benzyl adenine (BA), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) or gibberellic acid (GA3) at concentration from 0.1 - 0.2 mg/L in initial stage and IAA or GA3 at concentration from 0.1 - 0.2 mg/L in second stage. After 10 weeks of culture, results showed that supplement of 0.1 mg/L BA in initial stage and 0.125 mg/L IAA in second stage increased cell density, and microalgal cells had green color with a spherical shape. On the contrary, supplement of 0.15 mg/L IAA in initial stage and 0.175 mg/L GA3 in second stage increased lipid accumulation, and microalgal cells had red color with a spherical shape. With a volume of 10 L, the medium was supplied with 0.1 mg/L BA in initial stage, and treated with separation or combination from 2 - 3 of these factors (nitrogen starvation, 0.5% NaCl, 4.98 mg/L FeSO4) were applied in second stage. The result showed that the cultures was treated with nitrogen starvation increased dry biomass and biofuel, but treated with 4.98 mg/L FeSO4 only increased biofuel. With a volume of 1,000 L, microalgal cells were cultured in BB liquid medium in initial stage, and treated with 4.98 mg/L FeSO4 increased fresh 78.67 mg/mL and dry biomass 2.05 mg/L and total lipid content 28.24 %/ DW

    The Influence of the Three-Component Commitment Model on the Intention to Leave of Employees Working in Insurance Enterprises

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    Using appropriate research methods and adhering to the research objectives helped us complete the article and clarifythe necessary content. The document research method helped us build a theoretical basis for the article. The content of thetheoretical basis presented in the article includes Organizational Commitment and the three-component commitment model(affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment) which is the basis and foundation for the analysisand proposed solutions. Using the random sampling method to ensure objectivity, 240 valid surveys were used to analyze andevaluate the commitment of employees working at Vietnamese insurance enterprises. Data analysis results show that thecommitment factor is rated at a low average level. The surveyed employees stated that their commitment to their organization isnot high, which means that the possibility of leaving the job is very high. To increase attachment and commitment to the business,we have proposed a number of solutions such as building corporate culture, developing serious recruitment regulations and alwayshaving supportive interactions between employees in the work environmen

    Geographical variation in morphological leaf traits of Huperzia serrata (lycopodiaceae) from Vietnam

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    Morphological leaf traits can be used to assess adaptive responses of plants to environmental conditions. To assess how the representation of Huperzia serrata leaf traits, such as leaf length (LL), leaf width (LW) and leaf area (LA) response to changes in mean annual temperature (MAT), sunshine duration (SuH), mean annual precipitation (MAP), air humidity (Hu), intraspecific variation of the morphological leaf traits of the species was analyzed along a geographical gradient of Vietnam. The results showed that among the three populations at the three sites, leaf sizes increased with MAT and MAP. Huperzia serrata, climatic factors, morphological leaf traits, Vietnam.


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    Through the years, difficulties in English listening and listening strategies have been conducted by many researchers. Most of studies have pointed out the common difficulties and strategies which students often have. Focusing on the same subject with a new perspective, this research aimed at understanding English majors’ difficulties in listening and use of listening strategies. A total of ninety eight freshmen English-majored students at Mien Dong University took part in answering the questionnaire and five students answered the semi-structure interview questions. The data gained from the questionnaire were analyzed by SPSS version 20.0 in terms of descriptive statistic. The findings revealed that English-majored students had many difficulties in listening such as the difficulties related to the listener, the content of the dialogue, the speaker, the physical setting and the linguistic factors. In terms of listening strategies, the finding showed that the cognitive listening strategies were used more frequently than metacognitive and socio-affective strategies. Based on the findings, some implications were made to contribute to the administrations, teachers and students at Mien Dong University of Technology.  Article visualizations

    Effects of Electroporation on Biological Membranes Exposed to High Potentials

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    This study first considers that voltages of cellular organelle membranes could significanly surpass these of plasma membranes under the influence of ultrashort and high-intensity electric pulse. This is due to the voltages induced on the membrane. Using an approximate theory coordinated with the Kotnik's analytical method, considering the electroporation, we focus on the reactions of cell membranes placed in a trapezoidal pulse. Then, we discuss conductive power dissipations of normal cell and cancer cell generated by a sinusoidal exposure which include dielectric relaxation effects. In comparison with  the complex numerical calculations of Joshi \textit{et al}, our results are in very good agreement


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    ABSTRACT Silver ions (Ag+) were introduced at first into the porous zeolite 4A lattice by an ion-exchange route. And then silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were synthesized in the zeolite framework by chemical reduction method using hydrazine hydrate (N2H4. H2O) as reducing agent. The synthesized AgNPs/zeolite product was characterized by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-vis), X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The results showed the maximum absorption wavelength (lmax) of AgNPs/zeolite at 427 nm and the average size of the metallic AgNPs doped in the zeolite of about 30 nm. The synthesis process has been considered as suitable one to prepare AgNPs/zeolite with AgNPs content in zeolite of about 1.2% on large scale. The obtained AgNPs/zeolite product has been used for production of porous ceramic water filters with efficiently bacterial disinfection effect for treatment of drinking water