556 research outputs found

    Spontaneous decay of an excited atom placed near a rectangular plate

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    Using the Born expansion of the Green tensor, we consider the spontaneous decay rate of an excited atom placed in the vicinity of a rectangular plate. We discuss the limitations of the commonly used simplifying assumption that the plate extends to infinity in the lateral directions and examine the effects of the atomic dipole moment orientation, atomic position, and plate boundary and thickness on the atomic decay rate. In particular, it is shown that in the boundary region, the spontaneous decay rate can be strongly modified.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Transport in bilayer graphene near charge neutrality: Which scattering mechanisms are important?

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    Using the semiclassical quantum Boltzmann equation (QBE), we numerically calculate the DC transport properties of bilayer graphene near charge neutrality. We find, in contrast to prior discussions, that phonon scattering is crucial even at temperatures below 40K. Nonetheless, electron-electron scattering still dominates over phonon collisions allowing a hydrodynamic approach. We introduce a simple two-fluid hydrodynamic model of electrons and holes interacting via Coulomb drag and compare our results to the full QBE calculation. We show that the two-fluid model produces quantitatively accurate results for conductivity, thermopower, and thermal conductivity.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum Boltzmann equation for bilayer graphene

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    A-B stacked bilayer graphene has massive electron and hole-like excitations with zero gap in the nearest-neighbor hopping approximation. In equilibrium, the quasiparticle occupation approximately follows the usual Fermi-Dirac distribution. In this paper we consider perturbing this equilibrium distribution so as to determine DC transport coefficients near charge neutrality. We consider the regime β∣μ∣≲1\beta |\mu| \lesssim 1 (with β\beta the inverse temperature and μ\mu the chemical potential) where there is not a well formed Fermi surface. Starting from the Kadanoff-Baym equations, we obtain the quantum Boltzmann equation of the electron and hole distribution functions when the system is weakly perturbed out of equilibrium. The effect of phonons, disorder, and boundary scattering for finite sized systems are incorporated through a generalized collision integral. The transport coefficients, including the electrical and thermal conductivity, thermopower, and shear viscosity, are calculated in the linear response regime. We also extend the formalism to include an external magnetic field. We present results from numerical solutions of the quantum Boltzmann equation. Finally, we derive a simplified two-fluid hydrodynamic model appropriate for this system, which reproduces the salient results of the full numerical calculations.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures, fixed typos, add a section on a two-fluid mode

    Interaction effects and charge quantization in single-particle quantum dot emitters

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    We discuss a theoretical model of an on-demand single-particle emitter that employs a quantum dot, attached to an integer or fractional quantum Hall edge state. Via an exact mapping of the model onto the spin-boson problem we show that Coulomb interactions between the dot and the chiral quantum Hall edge state, unavoidable in this setting, lead to a destruction of precise charge quantization in the emitted wave-packet. Our findings cast doubts on the viability of this set-up as a single-particle source of quantized charge pulses. We further show how to use a spin-boson master equation approach to explicitly calculate the current pulse shape in this set-up.Comment: 5+5 pages, 3 figures, fixed typos, update Supplement Material and update figure

    Transport properties of multilayer graphene

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    We apply the semi-classical quantum Boltzmann formalism for the computation of transport properties to multilayer graphene. We compute the electrical conductivity as well as the thermal conductivity and thermopower for Bernal-stacked multilayers with an even number of layers. We show that the window for hydrodynamic transport in multilayer graphene is similar to the case of bilayer graphene. We introduce a simple hydrodynamic model which we dub the multi-fluid model and which can be used to reproduce the results for the electrical conductivity and thermopower from the quantum Boltzmann equation.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Fermi arc reconstruction in synthetic photonic lattice

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    The chiral surface states of Weyl semimetals have an open Fermi surface called Fermi arc. At the interface between two Weyl semimetals, these Fermi arcs are predicted to hybridize and alter their connectivity. In this letter, we numerically study a one-dimensional (1D) dielectric trilayer grating where the relative displacements between adjacent layers play the role of two synthetic momenta. The lattice emulates 3D crystals without time-reversal symmetry, including Weyl semimetal, nodal line semimetal, and Chern insulator. Besides showing the phase transition between Weyl semimetal and Chern insulator at telecom wavelength, this system allows us to observe the Fermi arc reconstruction between two Weyl semimetals, confirming the theoretical predictions.Comment: Main text: 4 pages, 4 figures. Supplemental materials: 19 pages, 18 figure

    Enhancing Few-shot Image Classification with Cosine Transformer

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    This paper addresses the few-shot image classification problem, where the classification task is performed on unlabeled query samples given a small amount of labeled support samples only. One major challenge of the few-shot learning problem is the large variety of object visual appearances that prevents the support samples to represent that object comprehensively. This might result in a significant difference between support and query samples, therefore undermining the performance of few-shot algorithms. In this paper, we tackle the problem by proposing Few-shot Cosine Transformer (FS-CT), where the relational map between supports and queries is effectively obtained for the few-shot tasks. The FS-CT consists of two parts, a learnable prototypical embedding network to obtain categorical representations from support samples with hard cases, and a transformer encoder to effectively achieve the relational map from two different support and query samples. We introduce Cosine Attention, a more robust and stable attention module that enhances the transformer module significantly and therefore improves FS-CT performance from 5% to over 20% in accuracy compared to the default scaled dot-product mechanism. Our method performs competitive results in mini-ImageNet, CUB-200, and CIFAR-FS on 1-shot learning and 5-shot learning tasks across backbones and few-shot configurations. We also developed a custom few-shot dataset for Yoga pose recognition to demonstrate the potential of our algorithm for practical application. Our FS-CT with cosine attention is a lightweight, simple few-shot algorithm that can be applied for a wide range of applications, such as healthcare, medical, and security surveillance. The official implementation code of our Few-shot Cosine Transformer is available at https://github.com/vinuni-vishc/Few-Shot-Cosine-Transforme

    Magic configurations in Moir\'e Superlattice of Bilayer Photonic crystal: Almost-Perfect Flatbands and Unconventional Localization

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    We investigate the physics of photonic band structures of the moir\'e patterns that emerged when overlapping two uni-dimensional (1D) photonic crystal slabs with mismatched periods. The band structure of our system is a result of the interplay between intra-layer and inter-layer coupling mechanisms, which can be fine-tuned via the distance separating the two layers. We derive an effective Hamiltonian that captures the essential physics of the system and reproduces all numerical simulations of electromagnetic solutions with high accuracy. Most interestingly, \textit{magic distances} corresponding to the emergence of photonic flatbands within the whole Brillouin zone of the moir\'e superlattice are observed. We demonstrate that these flatband modes are tightly localized within a moir\'e period. Moreover, we suggest a single-band tight-binding model that describes the moir\'e minibands, of which the tunnelling rate can be continuously tuned via the inter-layer strength. Our results show that the band structure of bilayer photonic moir\'e can be engineered in the same fashion as the electronic/excitonic counterparts. It would pave the way to study many-body physics at photonic moir\'e flatbands and novel optoelectronic devices.Comment: 6 pages + Supplement. Comments are welcome
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