5 research outputs found

    Changes in liver and plasma enzymes of Clarias gariepinus exposed to sublethal concentration of diesel

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    This study investigated the effects of graded levels of sub-lethal concentrations of diesel on the biochemistry profile of Clarias gariepinus after exposure for a period of 28 days. 118 (male and female) C. gariepinus were used for the study. They were divided into four groups. Group 1 served as the untreated control (0) while Groups 2, 3 and 4 were treated with graded levels of diesel 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9 part per millon (ppm) for the study of liver enzymes. For plama enzymes study, Group 1 served as the untreated control (0), while Groups 2, 3 and 4 were treated with graded levels of diesel of 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ml stock solutions for 28 days. The liver samples were collected and analysed for liver enzyme. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were assessed on days 14, 21, and 28. Liver enzymes showed that exposure to diesel led to significant reduction (p<0.05) in ALT, AST and ALP activities after 14, 21 and 28 days of assessment. Evalution of the plasma enzymes showed that exposure to diesel led to significant increases (p<0.05) in plasma ALT, AST and ALP activity all through the studies except for Group B (0.4 ml) in which ALP was significantly higher (p<0.05) when compared to the control after 14 days of exposure. In plasma enzymes, a low significant relationship was observed between enzyme ALP and AST (r=0.338, P<0.05), low significant relationship was observed between enzyme ALT and ALP (r=0.485, P<0.05) also a low significant relationship was observed between enzyme ALT and AST (r=0.868, P<0.01).Keywords: Liver and plasma enzymes, Clarias gariepinus, diesel, clinical chemistryAfrican Journal of BiotechnologyVol. 12(4), pp. 414-41

    Effect of oral administration of sublethal concentration of atrazine on the haematological profile of albino rat

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    The study investigated the effects of 28 day exposure of albino rats to graded sublethal concentrations of atrazine on the haematological profile. Thirty six (36) male albino rats used for the study were divided into four groups of nine rats each. Group I served as the untreated control while groups II, III and IV were treated with atrazine at 150, 200 and 300 mg/kg body weight orally administered for 28 days. Packed cell volume (PCV), red blood cell (RBC) count, haemoglobin concentration (Hb), total white blood cell (WBC) count and differential WBC count were assessed on day 14, 21, and 28. The exposure to atrazine led to significant reductions in PCV, Hb and RBC of the treated groups especially on day 21 and 28. The treated groups also had significantly higher (p<0.05) total WBC counts all through the study, and group IV rats had significantly higher (p<0.05) lymphocytes and significantly lower (p<0.05) neutrophil on day 28 when compared with the control.Keywords: Albino rat, Rattus norvegicus, Atrazine, HaematologyAnimal Research International(2012) 9(2): 1572 ā€“ 157

    Substitution of soyabean meal with bioactive yeast in the diet of Clarias gariepinus: Effect on growth rate, haematological and biochemical profile

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    The effects of substituting soyabean meal with yeast (Sacharomyces cerevisae) meal in diets fed to Clarias gariepinus was studied for 60 days. Growth response, haematological and biochemical parameters were evaluated. 105 juvenile three-weeks old C. gariepinus composed of seven treatment groups replicated thrice were used for the study. Each replicate had five fishes. The Groups (A to G) were: Group A, 0% yeast meal (YM) (15 juveniles); Group B, 10% YM; Group C, 20%; Group D 30%; Group E, 40%; Group F, 50%; and Group G, 100% YM. The acceptability of yeast based diets by C. gariepinus was studied using the time to strike index, and their growth responses studied using ā€˜weight gainā€™ and ā€˜specific growth rateā€™ while the haematological and biochemical indices were assessed using the different blood parameters. The results indicate that substituting yeast meal for soyabean meal in diets fed C. gariepinus juveniles slightly increased the growth response. All the catfishes fed with 100% yeast meal (diet G) died within the first week. Increasing proportion of substitutions of yeast meal in diets fed to C. gariepinus juveniles, led to weight increase in all dietary types with exception of diet G and higher growth induction in catfishes fed diets with exception of diet B. Diet F induced better mean growth than the control diet. Substitution of various levels of soyabean meal with yeast meal after 30 days led to better result on haemoglobin (HB), red blood cell (RBC), packed cell volume (PCV) and white blood cell (WBC) in diet C Group when compared to the control, while after 60 days, diet F Group had better HB,Ā  RBC, PCV and WBC values than the control. Substitution of variedĀ Ā Ā Ā Ā  percentages of soyabean meal with yeast meal for 60 days led to significantly higher (P < 0.05) serum, total protein and cholesterol in some of the groups on yeast meal inclusion when compared to the control, and significantly higher (p < 0.05) serum aspartate aminotransferase activity in all the groups given yeast meal based diets when compared to the control (Group A). There were however no significant differences (p > 0.05) between those on yeast inclusion and the control in the serum alanineĀ  aminotransferase activity. This study shows that yeast inclusion at 50% (diet F) led to significantly better growth, weight gain, haematological and biochemical profile than other diets. This study shows that yeast inclusion may have a better effect on fish diet at lower levels of inclusion. Diet F (50% yeast inclusion) was considered the best level of inclusion because of enhanced nutritional status, better blood parameters and improved health of fishes.Key words: Clarias gariepinus, soyabean, yeast, growth, haematology, biochemistry, serum, total protein, cholesterol, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase


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    The parasitic fauna of freshwater fishes of the Warri River, Delta State, Nigeria, with reference to their prevalence, intensity and differences in metazoan parasites between fish sexes, was investigated. A total of 85fish samples comprising of 21 Tilapia zillii (Cichlidae: Perciformes), 23 Synodontisclarias (Mochokidae: Siluriformes), 23 Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus (Claroteidae: Siluriformes), 16 Hepsetus odoe (Hepsetidae: Characiformes)and 2 Clarias anguillaris (Clariidae: Siluriformes) collected from the Warri River, Delta State, Nigeria, were subjected to parasitological examination.The overall metazoan parasite prevalence was 32.9%. The metazoan parasites recovered were mainly the acanthocephalans: Neoechinorhynchusprolixum, Pomphorhynchus spp., Acanthocephalus spp. and unidentified acanthocephalan, and nematodes: Camallanus polypteri, Capillariapterophylli, C. cichlasomae, Procamallanus laeviconchus, Philometroides africanus and Railletnema synodontis. Although the acanthocephalans constituted 75.6% and nematodes 22.2% of the parasites recovered, thenematodes had the highest prevalence (23.5%) compared to the acanthocephalans (9.4%). Similarly, variable prevalences were observed for the other metazoan parasite taxa recovered, namely trematoda; Clinostomumcomplanatum (1.2%), Leech; Pisciola geometra (2.4%) and Crustaceans (1.2%). The highest parasite prevalence (39.1%) was observed in S. clarias, while the least (23.8%) was observed in T. zillii. Generally, the prevalenceof parasites was higher in female (35.7%) than in the males (31.6%), although statistically no significant difference was observed in the prevalence by sex (X2 = 0.145, P = 0.807). The relatively high overall parasite prevalence in fishes inhabiting the Warri River may be attributed to the relatively high level of pollution.Ovo istraživanje bavi se proučavanjem parazitofaune slatkovodnih riba iz rijeke Warri u državi Delti u Nigeriji s obzirom nazastupljenost, intenzitet pojave i razlike u viÅ”estaničnim parazitima kod različitih spolova. ParazitoloÅ”kom pregledu podvrgnutoje ukupno 85 jedinki ribe iz rijeke Warri u državi Delti u Nigeriji: 21 Tilapia zillii (Cichlidae: Perciformes), 23 Synodontisclarias (Mochokidae: Siluriformes), 23 Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus(Claroteidae: Siluriformes), 16 Hepsetus odoe (Hepsetidae: Characiformes) i dvije Clarias anguillaris (Clariidae: Siluriformes).Ukupna zastupljenost viÅ”estaničnih parazita bila je 32,9%. Otkriveni viÅ”estanični paraziti uglavnom su bili akantocefali, Neoechinorhynchus prolixum, Pomphorhynchus spp., Acanthocephalus spp., a isto tako i neidentificirani akantocefali i nematode, Camallanus polypteri, Capillaria pterophylli,C. cichlasomae, Procamallanus laeviconchus, Philometroides africanus i Railletnema synodontis. Među otkrivenim parazitimaakantocefala je bilo 75,6%, a nematoda 22,2%, no usprkos manjem postotku, nematode su imale veću zastupljenost (23,5%) u usporedbi s akantocefalima (9,4%). Isto tako, praćena je i zastupljenost drugog viÅ”estaničnog parazitaā€“ trematoda (metilja): Clinostomum complanatum (1,2%), zatim pijavica (Leech); Pisciola geometra (2,4%) i račića (Crustaceans)(1,2%). Najveća zastupljenost parazita zabilježena je kod S. Clarias, a najmanja (23,8%) kod T. zillii. Sveukupno gledajući, zastupljenost parazita bila je veća kod ženki (35,7%)nego kod mužjaka (31,6%), iako statistički nema velike razlike u zastupljenosti parazita po spolu ( 2 = 0,145, P = 0,807). Relativno visoka ukupna zastupljenost parazita kod riba možese pripisati relativno visokoj razini onečiŔćenja

    Comparative analysis of acon-Plasmodium falciparum rapid malaria diagnostic test with routine microscopy among school children and pregnant women in a rural community in Enugu State, Nigeria

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    There are currently two methods for the direct diagnosis of malaria: the thin blood smear and the thick smear. A third method called the Acon-Plasmodium falciparum (Acon-Pf) (a new cheap malaria rapid diagnostic test) has been developed. This was the first study comparing the three methods in rapid malaria diagnosis among school children and pregnant women in Enugu State, Nigeria, using qualitative and quantitative questionnaires that address their knowledge, attitude, behaviour and practice. In this study, 352 whole blood samples of individuals with suspected falciparum malaria were investigated among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic and school children in rural communities in Enugu State. The following parameters were determined: intrinsic validity, predictive values, species diagnostic power and logistic factors. Acon-Pf had the following characteristics: 91.5 % sensitivity, 87.2 % specificity, 64.3 % positive predictive values, 97.6 % negative predictive values, high malaria infection rate determination of 58.7%, reduced mean packed cell volume (0.25 mmol/L) in malaria patients, correct species diagnosis including both the trophozoite and gametocyte stages of Plasmodium falciparum. The Acon-Pf positive test result ranged from light to thick coloured bands and the time required for the test was 1.3 ā€“ 15 Ā± 5 minutes. The cost per Acon-Pf test cassette at bulk purchase was N112.50 (US0.90)withouttheservicechargeascomparedwiththicksmear(N300.00,US0.90) without the service charge as compared with thick smear (N 300.00, US 2.50) and N 350.00 (US$ 2.90) for thin smear. The study found that Acon-Pf is suitable along side microscopy in the accurate diagnosis of malaria in Enugu State. The use of Acon- Pf and thick smear tests in parallel, first collecting the Acon-Pf results, as it contributes in reading the thin smear result for confirmation of species, diagnosis and assessment of parasitaemia. Thus, Acon-Pf test device is a viable cost effective adjunct to routine microscopy and a reliable option for malaria diagnosis in remote and emergency situations.Keywords: Acon-Pf, Routine microscopy sensitivity, Specificity, Intrinsic validity, Predictive values, Parasitaemia, Trophozoite, Gametocyte, Diagnostic power, Epidemiology, Logistic factorsAnimal Research International (2012) 9(2): 1585 ā€“ 160