156 research outputs found

    Influence of technological treatments on bacterial communities in tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) as determined by 16S rDNA fingerprinting using polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE)

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    Food quality and safety are major concern among consumers throughout the world in the context of globalization. Hence, the origin and the history of a food item are of prime interest when food quality is questioned. Precise determination of contamination source relies on the use of efficient and reliable methods. This study was carried out to assess the microbial ecology of fish upon technological treatments using 16S rDNA polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) fingerprinting. Samples of tilapia from Montpellier (South-east of France) and Yagoua (far north of Cameroon) were used for this purpose. The technological treatments applied on fillets were marinade, drying, smoking and deep-freezing. When the 16S rDNA profiles were analysed by multivariate analysis, distinct microbial communities were detected. The band profiles of fish bacteria after each treatment were different and specific. Technological treatments applied on fillets from Montpellier did not have an effect on the biological markers present on the fillets. These bands could be used as specific markers for this region. One of the treatments, the marinade applied on the samples of Yagoua induced the disappearance of some bands on the DGGE profile. In spite of treatment applied on samples, it is possible to recover the geographical origin by using DNA of the bacterial community in fish even if it was treated.Keywords: Traceability, tilapia, polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE), bacterial community, technological treatment

    Efficacy of Formal Training and Education on Foster Child Abuse in Newly Hired Nurses

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    Foster care child abuse cases are more prevalent in the United States. Evidence suggests a significant gap between self reports of abuse and reports by health professionals. 120 nurses will be selected to participate in formal training. A time series design will be used to test the participant’s knowledge before, immediately after, and six months after the formal training. The data collected will be analyzed using descriptive statistics for demographic variables and an one-way ANOVA test will determine significant differences among group scores. Limitations to the study include accessibility to sample size, turnover of participants, the self reporting nature of the questionnaires, test taker anxiety, the ability of the training presenters, and the participants’ knowledge they are being observed

    4-(Dimethyl­amino)­pyridinium trans-diaqua­bis­[oxalato(2−)-κ2 O 1,O 2]chromate(III)

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    In the title salt, (C7H11N2)[Cr(C2O4)2(H2O)2], the asymmetric unit contains one half-cation and one half-anion. The Cr atom, the C and N atoms involved in C— N(exocyclic) bonding and the N and H atoms of N—H groups lie on twofold rotation axis. The CrIII atom of the complex anion is six-coordinated in a distorted (4 + 2) octa­hedral geometry with four equatorial O atoms of two nearly coplanar oxalate and two quasi-axial aqua O atoms. In the crystal, the protonated N atoms of the pyridine rings are hydrogen bonded to the carbonyl O atoms of the anions, forming chains along [010]. These chains are connected by lateral O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, stabilizing the structure

    Factors Affecting Yield of Crops

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    A good understanding of dynamics involved in food production is critical for the improvement of food security. It has been demonstrated that an increase in crop yields significantly reduces poverty. Yield, the mass of harvest crop product in a specific area, is influenced by several factors. These factors are grouped in three basic categories known as technological (agricultural practices, managerial decision, etc.), biological (diseases, insects, pests, weeds) and environmental (climatic condition, soil fertility, topography, water quality, etc.). These factors account for yield differences from one region to another worldwide. The current chapter will discuss each of these three basic factors as well as providing some recommendations for overcoming them. In addition, it will provide the importance of climate-smart agriculture in the increase of crop yields while facilitating the achievement of crop production in safe environment. This goes in line with the second goal of 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of United Nations in transforming our world formulated as end hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
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