258 research outputs found

    Simultaneous Measurements of the Velocity and Vorticity Vector Fields in the Turbulent Near Wake of a Circular Cylinder

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    Hot-wire measurements of all components of the instantaneous velocity and vorticity vectors in the wake of a circular cylinder are presented. The experiments were performed at x / d = 20 and 30, at Reα = 2000, using a miniature 12-sensor probe for the simultaneous velocity-vorticity measurements and a 4-sensor probe for the velocity-only measurements. A calibration and a data reduction method for multi-sensor hot-wire probes are introduced. The calibration technique is independent of the number of sensors and requires minimal information about probe geometry. The data reduction scheme involves the solution of an overdetermined nonlinear algebraic system of equations in a least-squares sense. The measurements indicate that the Karman vortices are accurately resolved. Statistical characteristics of the velocity aJ1d vorticity fields in this flow, including moments, probability distributions and one-dimensional spectra components are documented for the first time. Conditional analysis of the measurements at x/ d = 30 with respect, to the passage of the Karman vortices are presented. The vortex center and the saddle regions are identified and characterized. The instanteaneous velocity and vorticity signals are decomposed into mean, coherent and incoherent parts using the triple decomposition technique. A significant percentage of the incoherent fluctuations are observed to be phase-locked to the Karman vortices. The enstropy balances are computed for three decomposed parts. The generation of incoherent enstrophy due to incoherent vortex stretching is detected to be the most dominant term and is balanced by the viscous dissipation

    Uloga osobina ličnosti u oblikovanju poduzetničke namjere: Komparativna studija Južne Koreje i Vijetnama

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    This paper investigates the role of personality traits in nurturing entrepreneurial intention in South Korea and Vietnam. We developed a research model to examine the integrated influence of both positive entrepreneurial characteristics and dark triad on entrepreneurial intention in South Korea and Vietnam. Primary data was collected from 550 students in South Korea and 700 students in Vietnam using the convenient sampling method in a self-administered questionnaire survey. We used structural equation modelling (SEM) to analyse structural relationships between positive entrepreneurial attributes, dark triads, and entrepreneurial intention in two samples. T-tests were also performed to explore any differences in students’ entrepreneurial intention in South Korea and Vietnam regarding their family background and gender. Findings showed that positive entrepreneurial attributes and dark triads influence entrepreneurial intention differently in the two countries. While the dark triad mainly influenced Vietnamese students’ intention to startup, Korean students received more impact from the positive entrepreneurial characteristics such as risk tolerance, locus of control, and entrepreneurial alertness. Surprisingly, both gender and family tradition do not affect students’ entrepreneurial intention. Based on our findings, we suggested that policymakers and higher education institutions in both South Korea and Vietnam promote students’ entrepreneurial intentions in the future.Ovaj rad istražuje ulogu osobina ličnosti u njegovanju poduzetničkih namjera u Južnoj Koreji i Vijetnamu. Razvili smo znanstveni model za ispitivanje integriranog utjecaja pozitivnih poduzetničkih karakteristika kao i utjecaj mračne trijade na poduzetničke namjere u Južnoj Koreji i Vijetnamu. Primarni podaci dobiveni anketiranjem 550 studenata u Južnoj Koreji i 700 studenata u Vijetnamu prikupljeni su korištenjem prikladne metode uzorkovanja u anketi koju su sami proveli. Koristili smo modeliranje strukturnim jednadžbama (SEM) za analizu strukturnih odnosa između pozitivnih poduzetničkih atributa, tamnih trijada i poduzetničke namjere u dva uzorka. Također su provedeni T-testovi kako bi se istražile razlike u poduzetničkim namjerama studenata u Južnoj Koreji i Vijetnamu s obzirom na njihovo obiteljsko porijeklo i spol. Rezultati su pokazali da pozitivne poduzetničke osobine i mračne trijade različito utječu na poduzetničke namjere u dvije zemlje. Dok je mračna trijada uglavnom utjecala na namjeru vijetnamskih studenata da se pokrenu, korejski studenti dobili su veći utjecaj od pozitivnih poduzetničkih karakteristika kao što su tolerancija na rizik, lokus kontrole i poduzetničke budnosti. Iznenađujuće, spol i obiteljska tradicija ne utječu na poduzetničke namjere studenata. Na temelju naših otkrića, predložili smo da kreatori politika i visokoškolske ustanove u Južnoj Koreji i Vijetnamu promiču poduzetničke namjere studenata u budućnosti


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    Abstract: Thua Thien Hue is a locality with many potentials to develop craft village products. In the context of deep integration, the use of intellectual property tools, namely collective mark, is one of the prerequisites for craft villages to show their strength and value of brands and better export products to international markets. This study clarifies the status of building collective marks for craft village products in Thua Thien Hue province. The research analyzes the secondary data, uses the descriptive statistics of primary data obtained from in-depth interviews with 5 experts and surveys 28 collective mark owners in the locality. The results reflect the status of collective marks for craft products in Thua Thien Hue province through two aspects: (i) the status of collective mark registration and (ii) support activities for building and managing collective marks for craft village products of management agencies in Thua Thien Hue province. Thereby, the study points out outstanding issues and proposes solutions to building and developing collective marks for craft village products in Thua Thien Hue.Keywords: collective mark, craft village product, Thua Thien Hu


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    Abstract: The purpose of this study is to examine the factors affecting the motivation of civil servants at the People's Committee of Thua Thien Hue province. Based on data collected from 181 officers at the People's Committee of Thua Thien Hue Province,  researchers processed all data by SPSS with some techniques such as: descriptive statistics, Cronbach's Alpha, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Multivariate Regression Analysis... The research results show that there are 6 factors affecting the motivation of officers at the People's Committee of Thua Thien Hue province, including: (i) Working conditions; (ii) Nature of work; (iii) Career development opportunities; (iv) Income and benefits; (v) Relationship with leaders and (vi) Relationships with colleagues. Based on the research results, a number of solutions have been proposed to improve the work motivation in the People's Committee of Thua Thien Hue.Keywords: work motivation, civil servants, Thua Thien Hue Provincial People's Committe


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    Quality Assessment During the Fermentation of Cocoa Beans: Effects of Partial Mucilage Removal

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    Fermentation of cocoa beans is the most important process contributing to the flavor in chocolate and other related products. The present study aimed to investigate the fermentation at a laboratory scale of cocoa beans with and without 10% w/w mucilage removal (whole beans). The physicochemical properties and microorganism development were monitored for six days of continuous fermentation (sampling was conducted every 24 hours). The results indicated the effects of partial mucilage removal of cocoa beans before the fermentation, in which the temperature, pH, and mucilage content (with/without mucilage removal) were recorded as 36.5 oC/38.6 oC, 3.44/3.31, and 18.41%/21.84%, respectively at the final day. Besides, the density of microorganisms (yeast-mold, lactic acid bacteria, and acetic acid bacteria) of cocoa beans with partial mucilage removal was higher than whole cocoa beans due to the increased aeration of the beans with mucilage removal, creating favorable conditions for the growth of microorganisms. After the fermentation, several physicochemical properties of the two cocoa bean types were compared, which demonstrated the more favorable quality of the cocoa beans with partial mucilage removal compared to the whole cocoa beans for the fermentation, e.g., lower seed shell content (14.1% vs. 17.8%), lower total acid (1.67% vs. 2.77%), and pH of around 5.0


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    Physical education is one of the compulsory courses at Ho Chi Minh City College of Economics. However, students have been observed to be less engaged in physical activities. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the solutions of teaching and learning physical education at this institution. In particular, fifteen solutions are proposed to enhance the quality of teaching and learning physical education.  Article visualizations

    Delving into Ipsilateral Mammogram Assessment under Multi-View Network

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    In many recent years, multi-view mammogram analysis has been focused widely on AI-based cancer assessment. In this work, we aim to explore diverse fusion strategies (average and concatenate) and examine the model's learning behavior with varying individuals and fusion pathways, involving Coarse Layer and Fine Layer. The Ipsilateral Multi-View Network, comprising five fusion types (Pre, Early, Middle, Last, and Post Fusion) in ResNet-18, is employed. Notably, the Middle Fusion emerges as the most balanced and effective approach, enhancing deep-learning models' generalization performance by +2.06% (concatenate) and +5.29% (average) in VinDr-Mammo dataset and +2.03% (concatenate) and +3% (average) in CMMD dataset on macro F1-Score. The paper emphasizes the crucial role of layer assignment in multi-view network extraction with various strategies


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    This paper investigates the role of personality traits in nurturing entrepreneurial intention in South Korea and Vietnam. We developed a research model to examine the integrated influence of both positive entrepreneurial characteristics and dark triad on entrepreneurial intention in South Korea and Vietnam. Primary data was collected from 550 students in South Korea and 700 students in Vietnam using the convenient sampling method in a self-administered questionnaire survey. We used structural equation modelling (SEM) to analyse structural relationships between positive entrepreneurial attributes, dark triads, and entrepreneurial intention in two samples. T-tests were also performed to explore any differences in students’ entrepreneurial intention in South Korea and Vietnam regarding their family background and gender. Findings showed that positive entrepreneurial attributes and dark triads influence entrepreneurial intention differently in the two countries. While the dark triad mainly influenced Vietnamese students’ intention to startup, Korean students received more impact from the positive entrepreneurial characteristics such as risk tolerance, locus of control, and entrepreneurial alertness. Surprisingly, both gender and family tradition do not affect students’ entrepreneurial intention. Based on our findings, we suggested that policymakers and higher education institutions in both South Korea and Vietnam promote students’ entrepreneurial intentions in the future