94 research outputs found

    An updated list of monogenoidea from marine fishes of Vietnam

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    In this paper, we updated the list of monogenean species from marine fishes of Vietnam. Taxonomic position of monogenean species were arranged according to the current classification system. A total of 220 monogenean species from 152 marine fish species were listed. Distribution, hosts and references of each species were given. In addition, amendations of taxonomic status of taxa were also updated. 

    Growth, survival and food utilization efficiency of longfin batfish (<em>Platax teira</em> Forsskål, 1775) larvae reared under different salinity levels

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    Salinity is crucial in fish larval rearing. In longfin batfish (Platax teira), little research has been conducted regarding the specific effects of salinity on growth, survival, deformity, and food utilization efficiency. This study aimed to determine the optimal salinity level for larval rearing of the longfin batfish by testing five different salinity levels (10, 15, 20, 25, and 30‰). Larvae of 1.5 cm in length and 0.2 g/fish in weight were stocked in cylindrical fiberglass tanks (300 L) at a density of 1 fish/L. The fish were fed to meet their dietary requirement and divided into four daily feedings. Each treatment was replicated three times over a 28-day period of rearing. The results revealed that salinity significantly influenced the growth (length, weight, biomass), and food utilization efficiency of the longfin batfish larvae. Overall, larvae reared at salinity levels of 15-20‰ exhibited superior performance compared to those exposed to salinity levels of 10, 25, and 30‰. However, salinity did not affect the coefficient of variation, survival, and deformity. From these findings, it is recommended to rear longfin batfish larvae at a salinity of 15-20‰ to achieve optimal growth and food utilization efficiency. This study provides valuable insights for longfin batfish larval rearing guidance, contributing to the aquaculture development of this economically valuable species

    Risk Management at Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank in Vietnam

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    This research is conducted for examining the framework for risk management in the Basel II accord, the Basel II risk management model at the Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank. Data were collected from annual reports for the period from 2015 to 2017 of the Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank. The results show that the implementation of risk management under Basel II at Military Bank still faces many difficulties in the pressure of capital increase, database system, human resource quality, and cost of implementation. The study suggest some solutions for Military Bank to implement successfully Basel II, emphasizing the role of human resource quality, modernizing the data system and the specific mechanism for raising capital. The results of this research is a reference for Vietnamese commercial banks in identifying, controlling and responding various risks in banking activities in the context of Vietnam. Keywords: Basel II, Risk management, Military Bank DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/10-12-06 Publication date:June 30th 201

    Energy Consumption Minimization for Autonomous Mobile Robot: A Convex Approximation Approach

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    In this paper, we consider a trajectory design problem of an autonomous mobile robot working in industrial environments. In particular, we formulate an optimization problem that jointly determines the trajectory of the robot and the time step duration to minimize the energy consumption without obstacle collisions. We consider both static and moving obstacles scenarios. The optimization problems are nonconvex, and the main contribution of this work proposing successive convex approximation (SCA) algorithms to solve the nonconvex problems with the presence of both static and moving obstacles. In particular, we first consider the optimization problem in the scenario with static obstacles and then consider the optimization problem in the scenario with static and moving obstacles. Then, we propose two SCA algorithms to solve the nonconvex optimization problems in both the scenarios. Simulation results clearly show that the proposed algorithms outperform the A* algorithm, in terms of energy consumption. This shows the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms

    Thermal-hydraulic analysis of a research reactor on personal computer with TARR code

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    The code has been created for thermal-hydraulic calculation of stationary regime of nuclear research reactor, using personal computer. The main objective of the code is to compute the thermal parameters in the reactor core in order to avoid any accident. The code can be applied for many fuel assemblies available in research reactors

    Challenges in Employing BASEL II at Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank

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    This paper is conducted for examining the framework for risk management in the Basel II accord, the Basel II risk management model at the Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank. Data were collected from annual reports for the period from 2015 to 2017 of the Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank. The results show that the implementation of risk management under Basel II at Military Bank still faces many difficulties in the pressure of capital increase, database system, human resource quality, and cost of implementation. The study suggests some solutions for Military Bank to implement successfully Basel II, emphasizing the role of human resource quality, modernizing the data system and the specific mechanism for raising capital. The results of this research is a reference for Vietnamese commercial banks in identifying, controlling and responding various risks in banking activities in the context of Vietnam in particular and in emerging countries in general. Keywords: Basel II, Risk management, Military Ban

    Design a cryptosystem using elliptic curves cryptography and Vigenère symmetry key

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    In this paper describes the basic idea of elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) as well as Vigenère symmetry key. Elliptic curve arithmetic can be used to develop elliptic curve coding schemes, including key exchange, encryption, and digital signature. The main attraction of elliptic curve cryptography compared to Rivest, Shamir, Adleman (RSA) is that it provides equivalent security for a smaller key size, which reduces processing costs. From the theorical basic, we proposed a cryptosystem using elliptic curves and Vigenère cryptography. We proposed and implemented our encryption algorithm in an integrated development environment named visual studio 2019 to design a safe, secure, and effective cryptosystem

    Student Satisfaction with Quality of Accounting and Auditing Education: The Case of Vietnam

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    This research is conducted to examine and evaluate determinants influencing the level of student satisfaction in the quality of auditing and accounting training at Vietnamese universities. Data were collected from 213 students of accounting and auditing field in three universities of National Economics University, University of Commerce and Academy of Finance. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and linear regression models were employed to determine the determinants influencing student satisfaction about quality of accounting and auditing. The findings show that the strongest impact on student satisfaction was the ability to serve; then training program; infrastructure component, and the last of teaching team. Based on the results, some recommendations are proposed for improving the satisfaction levels of students of accounting and auditing. Keywords: Quality of service; Quality of training; Satisfactio

    Determining the optimal range of vitamin C for early red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) juveniles

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    Vitamin C plays an important role for fish survival, growth and disease resistance. However, the optimal vitamin C for rearing red drum Sciaenops ocellatus juveniles in Vietnam is not known. To address this issue, a 70-day feeding trial was conducted to evaluate the optimal dietary vitamin C requirements for red drum juveniles. Seven isonitrogenous (55.35% protein) and isolipidic (9.07% lipid) diets were formulated to include graded vitamin C concentrations of 23.2, 124.5, 235.2, 423.8, 626.7, 824.6, and 1,027.3 mg/kg, respectively. The results showed that fish fed on 423.8 mg/kg vitamin C diet had the highest growth rate, which can be linked to the increased feed utilization. Broken-line analysis indicated that the optimal dietary vitamin C requirements of red drum juveniles were 342.92 and 405.80 mg/kg for growth parameters, feed utilization, body composition and biochemical parameters of serum. Based on these parameters the optimal vitamin C supplementation level for red drum juveniles was estimated in the range of 342.92–405.80 mg/kg vitamin C in the diets with direct applications in producing artificial feed for rearing juveniles of this species in Vietnam


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    Internal waves often occur in the East Vietnam Sea and have been determined mainly based on RADAR images. By means of dataset of VNREDSAT-1 satellite images and other imagery sources, for the first time, internal waves in the East Vietnam Sea have been identified by multispectral images; Also the formation mechanism of internal wave in the nearshore waters of Central Vietnam has been found. The analytical results show that the phenomenon of internal wave occurs in the nearshore waters of Central Vietnam mainly in the Southwest monsoon season (from June to September every year) and is located along the edge of the continental shelf. Internal waves formed along the waters of Central Vietnam mainly include the signals that have been generated at the shelf by large waves, through the basin from Luzon Strait. The study results have discovered a new applied aspect of VNREDSAT-1 satellite images in oceanographic research in general and detailed studies on internal waves in particular.Sóng nội thường xuyên xuất hiện ở Biển Đông và đã được các học giả nước ngoài xác định chủ yếu dựa trên tư liệu ảnh RADAR. Bằng sử dụng nguồn ảnh viễn thám đa phổ, đa nguồn, đa thời gian bao gồm cả các ảnh viễn thám đa phổ VNREDSAT-1 (do Việt Nam bay chụp) thu thập trong thời gian gần đây, lần đầu tiên đã nhận dạng hiện tượng sóng nội ở Biển Đông bằng tư liệu ảnh đa phổ cũng như phát hiện ra quy luật hình thành sóng nội ở vùng biển miền Trung Việt Nam. Kết quả phân tích cho thấy, hiện tượng sóng nội xuất hiện ở vùng biển miền Trung Việt Nam, chủ yếu xuất hiện vào mùa gió Tây Nam (từ tháng 6 đến tháng 9 hàng năm) và nằm ở ven rìa của thềm lục địa. Sóng nội hình thành dọc theo vùng biển miền Trung Việt Nam chủ yếu là các tín hiệu được sinh ra tại vùng thềm bởi các sóng lớn, xuyên qua lưu vực từ eo biển Luzon. Kết quả nghiên cứu đã phát hiện ra một khía cạnh ứng dụng khác của ảnh viễn thám VNREDSAT-1 trong lĩnh vực hải dương học nói chung và nghiên cứu chi tiết sóng nội nói riêng