17 research outputs found

    Brundan-Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture for general linear Lie superalgebras

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    In the framework of canonical and dual canonical bases of Fock spaces, Brundan in 2003 formulated a Kazhdan-Lusztig type conjecture for the characters of the irreducible and tilting modules in the BGG category for the general linear Lie superalgebra for the first time. In this paper, we prove Brundan's conjecture and its variants associated to all Borel subalgebras in full generality.Comment: 64 pages, Notes in the Introduction and Remark 3.14 adde

    Character Formula for Infinite Dimensional Unitarizable Modules of the General Linear Superalgebra

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    The Fock space of m+pm+p bosonic and n+qn+q fermionic quantum oscillators forms a unitarizable module of the general linear superalgebra glm+p∣n+qgl_{m+p|n+q}. Its tensor powers decompose into direct sums of infinite dimensional irreducible highest weight glm+p∣n+qgl_{m+p|n+q}-modules. We obtain an explicit decomposition of any tensor power of this Fock space into irreducibles, and develop a character formula for the irreducible glm+p∣n+qgl_{m+p|n+q}-modules arising in this way.Comment: 25 Pages, LaTeX forma

    Gaudin Hamiltonians on unitarizable modules over classical Lie (super)algebras

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    Let MM be a tensor product of unitarizable irreducible highest weight modules over the Lie (super)algebra G\mathcal{G}, where G\mathcal{G} is gl(m∣n)\mathfrak{gl}(m|n), osp(2m∣2n)\mathfrak{osp}(2m|2n) or spo(2m∣2n)\mathfrak{spo}(2m|2n). We show, using super duality, that the singular eigenvectors of the (super) Gaudin Hamiltonians for G\mathcal{G} on MM can be obtained from the singular eigenvectors of the Gaudin Hamiltonians for the corresponding Lie algebras on some tensor products of finite-dimensional irreducible modules. As a consequence, the (super) Gaudin Hamiltonians for G\mathcal{G} are diagonalizable on the space spanned by singular vectors of MM and hence on MM. In particular, we establish the diagonalization of the Gaudin Hamiltonians, associated to any of the orthogonal Lie algebra so(2n)\mathfrak{so}(2n) and the symplectic Lie algebra sp(2n)\mathfrak{sp}(2n), on the tensor product of infinite-dimensional unitarizable irreducible highest weight modules

    Quadratic and cubic Gaudin Hamiltonians and super Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations for general linear Lie superalgebras

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    We show that under a generic condition, the quadratic Gaudin Hamiltonians associated to gl(p+m∣q+n)\mathfrak{gl}(p+m|q+n) are diagonalizable on any singular weight space in any tensor product of unitarizable highest weight gl(p+m∣q+n)\mathfrak{gl}(p+m|q+n)-modules. Moreover, every joint eigenbasis of the Hamiltonians can be obtained from some joint eigenbasis of the quadratic Gaudin Hamiltonians for the general linear Lie algebra gl(r+k)\mathfrak{gl}(r+k) on the corresponding singular weight space in the tensor product of some finite-dimensional irreducible gl(r+k)\mathfrak{gl}(r+ k)-modules for rr and kk sufficiently large. After specializing to p=q=0p=q=0, we show that similar results hold as well for the cubic Gaudin Hamiltonians associated to gl(m∣n)\mathfrak{gl}(m|n). We also relate the set of singular solutions of the (super) Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations for gl(p+m∣q+n)\mathfrak{gl}(p+m|q+n) to the set of singular solutions of the Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations for gl(r+k)\mathfrak{gl}(r+k) for rr and kk sufficiently large

    Finite conformal modules over the N=2,3,4 superconformal algebras

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    In this paper we continue the study of representation theory of formal distribution Lie superalgebras initiated in q-alg/9706030. We study finite Verma-type conformal modules over the N=2, N=3 and the two N=4 superconformal algebras and also find explicitly all singular vectors in these modules. From our analysis of these modules we obtain a complete list of finite irreducible conformal modules over the N=2, N=3 and the two N=4 superconformal algebras.Comment: 36 pages, no figures, LaTeX forma