53 research outputs found

    Autre cause de mort subite du nourrisson: à propos d’un cas clinique de syndrome du QT long congenital

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    Le syndrome du QT long congénital est une maladie rythmique liée à une mutation génétique et caractérisée par un espace QT allongé sur l'électrocardiogramme, des arythmies malignes type torsade de pointe et  fibrillation ventriculaire entraînant une mort subite. Les gènes impliqués dans ces mutations codent pour des sous unités des canaux ioniques responsables de l'activité électrique cardiaque. Le diagnostic est basé sur l'électrocardiogramme, une enquête familiale et l'étude génétique. Le traitement repose sur les  bêtabloquants, la sympathectomie et le stimulateur cardiaque. Nous rapportons le cas d'un nourrisson de 2 ans retrouvé en état de mort apparente. Nous discutons de sa prise en charge initiale, de l'enquête familiale et de son suivi ultérieur.Key words: Syndrome du QT long, canalopathie rythmique, mort subit

    Fistule artério-veineuse post-traumatique associée à un pseudo-anévrysme de l’artère brachiale : A propos d’un cas à l’Hôpital Général de Douala: Post-traumatic pseudo-aneurysm of brachial artery with arteriovenous fistula: a case report in Cameroon setting

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    Vascular wounds are a reality of open or closed trauma affecting the vascular axes. These vascular lesions may go unnoticed and discovered at complicated stages. Pseudoaneurysm and arteriovenous fistula represent two potential but rarely associated complications. We report the case of a 26-year-old patient with a pseudoaneurysm associated with an arteriovenous fistula following a gunshot wound. We recall the diagnostic issues and pitfalls to avoid in the management. Les plaies vasculaires sont une réalité des traumatismes ouverts ou fermés touchant les axes vasculaires. Ces lésions vasculaires peuvent passer inaperçus et découvertes au stade complications. Le faux anévrysme et la fistule artério-veineuse représentent deux complications potentielles mais rarement associées. Nous rapportons le cas d’un patient de 26 ans présentant un faux anévrysme associé à une fistule artério-veineuse suite à une plaie par arme à feu. Nous rappelons les enjeux diagnostics et les pièges à éviter dans la prise en charge

    hémodynamique artérielle et marqueurs métaboliques du risque cardiovasculaire dans deux populations camerounaises

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    Cette thèse évalue l'hémodynamique artérielle et les marqueurs métaboliques du risque cardio-vasculaire associé dans une population HIV et Pygmée du CamerounDoctorat en Sciences médicales (Médecine)info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    Notions de balistique et prise en charge des plaies par balle au niveau des members

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    Ballistic trauma is not the prerogative of battlefields and currently extends to civil environments. Any surgeon or emergency room can be faced with such trauma whose management requires an understanding of wound ballistics. The aim of this retrospective is reviewing the management of ballistic trauma within the C.H.U. Saint-Pierre hospital over a period of ten years. Data recorded included demographics data, lesions, clinical parameters, imaging, treatment and outcome. It appears that the wounds of the members have a low mortality rate but a significant rate of complications. Patients should be managed according to the ATLS protocol and according hemodynamic stability and location of the injury, benefit from imaging. Unstable patients will be operated in emergency, stable patients will be treated according to the extent of damage and the type of fracture either conservatively or by external fixator and intramedullary centromedullary. Debridement and antibiotics are recommended as a nerve exploration if there is a peripheral paralysis. The management of trauma in our sample appear not optimal in light of the literature especially in terms of setting the vascular point of debridement, antibiotic and nerve repair resulting in significant consequences. Two management protocols according to patients' hemodynamic status are offered.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Autre cause de mort subite du nourrisson: À propos d’un cas clinique de syndrome du QT long congénital

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    SCOPUS: ar.jSCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Recurrent endocarditis of a bicuspid aortic valve due to Q fever.

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    A 46-year-old man was referred to our institution for a recurrent endocarditis with negative blood culture. Clinical examination and complementary investigations confirmed the diagnosis of aortic valve endocarditis with left ventricular fistula. Blood culture was negative but serological tests were positive for Coxiella burnetti. Aortic valve replacement and fistula repair were done. A combination of Doxycycline and Chloroquine antibiotics was given postoperatively with a clinical improvement. Coxiella burnetti should be systemically searched for in all cases of endocarditis even with negative blood cultures. This case is interesting because of its rarity, diagnosis, therapeutic problems and its severe complication.Case ReportsJournal Articleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Mesocolon liposarcoma :a case report

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    Le liposarcome est, après le fibrosarcome, le plus fréquent cancer des tissus mous. Les extrémités et le rétropéritoine sont ses localisations les plus fréquentes. La cavité abdominale et particulièrement le mésocôlon sont des localisations rares. Nous rapportons le cas d’une patiente de 64 ans avec un liposarcome du mésocôlon droit de grade histologique 1 traité par une hémicolectomie droite étendue. Aucun traitement adjuvant n’a été proposé vu le bas grade et la résection en marges saines. La patiente ne présente aucun signe de récidive à un an. Rev Med Brux 2006 ;27 :111-3Liposarcoma is the second most common soft tissue sarcoma in adults after fibrosarcoma. Extremities and retroperitoneum are the most common sites. Intraabdominal and particulary mesocolic liposarcoma is a rare localisation. We report the case of a 64-year-old woman with a localized grade 1 liposarcoma of the right mesocolon treated by an extended right hemicolectomy. No further treatment was done because of the low grading and the disease-free margins. The patient is without any evidence of recurrence after one year. Rev Med Brux 2006 ;27 :111-3info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Plexopathie brachiale, complication grave d’une plaie pénétrante du cou par arme à feu : aspects clinique et neurophysiologique

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    English Title: Brachial plexopathy, serious complication of a penetrant wound neck with firearm: clinical and neurophysiological aspectsEnglish AbstractBackground: Brachial plexus paralysis following cervical trauma by firearm is a rare complication in our current practice.Case report: We report the observation of a 31-year-old soldier who was a victim oh a shooting with open trauma of the left cervical region. On examination, there is a penetrating wound of the left neck with motor deficit of the predominantly proximal left upper limb without sensory involvement. Biological examinations showed a surinfection of the traumatic wound. Radiological examinations are normal showing multiple lead bullets at the point of impact. The diagnosis of brachial plexus palsy is suspected before clinical examination and confirmed by neurophysiological investigations. Medical management consisted of antibiotic therapy targeted towards the isolated germ associated with daily dressings. Surgical treatment is underway to repair nerve damage associated with physiotherapy.Conclusion: In the event of any penetrating wound in the neck by a firearm, a initial thorough examination must be carried out urgently in search of signs of severity; Any motor deficit of the upper limb in this context must make suspect a brachial plexus injury.Keywords: Brachial plexus, firearm, neurophysiolog

    Computer tomography imaging of an unusual cause of appendicitis: a case report.

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    Foreign body occlusion of appendices lumen is a quite rare cause of appendicitis due to foreign body. We present a case of a 63-year-old male who presented with right lower quadrant pain since 24 hours. Computed tomography (CT) demonstrated an acute appendicitis due to a metallic foreign body which was found to be a bullet.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe
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