12 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar IPS Siswa dengan Menggunakan Metode Latihan di Kelas IV SD Negeri 006 Tri Mulya Jaya Kecamatan Ukui

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    This research is a classroom action research is motivated by the low learning outcomes IPSfourth grade students SD Negeri 006 Tri Mulya Jaya Kecamatan Ukui. This study wasconducted by two cycles by applying the method of exercise. The data used in this study is theteacher and student activity data and the results of social studies students. The study statesthat the activities of teachers and students and learning outcomes IPS has increased after theaction, this is evidenced by: (a) the activities of teachers has increased, in the first cycle ofactivity for teachers to get a score of 19 (63.00%) with a category (quite perfect ). In thesecond cycle increased with the acquisition of a score of 22 (73.00%) with a category(perfect); (B) the activity of students also increased, in the first cycle of activity studentsobtain a score of 47 (60.00%) in the category "High". While on the second cycle increasedstudent activity with a score of 52 (67.00%) to the category of "high"; and (c) the results ofsocial studies has increased, students are worth being the same as the KKM (interval 65-74)are in the first cycle there are 7 people (54.00%) and the second cycle increased by 8 votes(62.00%). To score high value (interval 75-84) in the first cycle there were 3 people (23.00%)and the second cycle there are also 3 people (23.00%). Students who reach KKM in the firstcycle there are 10 people (77.00%) and the second cycle there are 11 people (85.00%)

    Penerapan Penilaian Autentik oleh Guru IPA di Smp/mts Negeri Se-kota Banda Aceh

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    This study aims to know the implementation of authentic assessment done by science teachers at Public Junior High School/ Public Islamic Junior High School in Banda Aceh area. This study uses a quantitative approach with descriptive methods. Data collection technique is done by using questionnaires where researcher distributes the questionnaires to science teachers and interviews some of them. The source data of this research are 20 science teachers in Public Junior High School/Public Islamic Junior High School Banda Aceh. The chosen schools are Public Junior High School number 1, 2, and 18 Banda Aceh. The results of this study is that not all of the teachers face difficulties in implementing authentic assessment in school due to most of the teachers (68%) at Public/Public Islamic Junior High School Banda Aceh have implemented the authentic assessment in each school. At the stage of readiness of authentic assessment, the majority of teachers (73.5%) have already implemented it well; the teachers can gather information of learners, can choose various teaching techniques, and conduct daily, midterm and final tests. In assessment planning (56.6%), it is still found that teaching planning which does not have clear assessments, such as questions instrument gratings, questions instrument, and scoring guidelines. While in implementing the authentic assessment, the majority of the teachers (74.5%) do assessment when teaching learning process goes

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Inkuiri Terbimbing untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas XI Mia 1 pada Materi Getaran Harmonis di Sman 12 Banda Aceh

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    The research is intended to identify improvement of student learning outcomes, activities of teachers and students, teacher's skills in managing learning, and students' responses to the implementation of guided inquiry learning model while learning process is going. The type of this research is the Classroom Action Research (PTK) and the approach used in the research is the descriptive statistic approach. The research consists of 3 cycles, where are the cycles consists of 4 components: plan, action, observation, refection. The subject is 28 students in class XI MIA 1 of SMAN 12 Banda Aceh, school year 2016/2017. Instruments of data collection used in this research are sheets of test learning outcomes, sheets teacher and student activity, sheets teacher's skill observation, and students' response towards learning. Those data are analyzed by using a percentage test. The results show that (1) the activity of teacher and students during the learning process increases, (2) teachers' skills in managing the learning increases from average to very good category, (3) the percentage of classical completeness generally increases from 1 to 3 cycles, they are 61%, 71%, and 89%, and (4) the students' response to guided inquiry learning model is positive. Based on data that are obtained from this research, it can be concluded that the application of guided inquiry learning model on Getaran Harmonis material can improve learning outcomes of students in class XI MIA 1 of SMAN 12 Banda Aceh in terms of both individual and classical completeness