34,817 research outputs found

    About quantum fluctuations and holographic principle in (4+n)-dimensional spacetime

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    In the article we present explicit expressions for quantum fluctuations of spacetime in the case of (4+n)(4+n)-dimensional spacetimes, and consider their holographic properties and some implications for clocks, black holes and computation. We also consider quantum fluctuations and their holographic properties in ADD model and estimate the typical size and mass of the clock to be used in precise measurements of spacetime fluctuations. Numerical estimations of phase incoherence of light from extra-galactic sources in ADD model are also presented.Comment: 5 page

    Critique of proposed limit to space--time measurement, based on Wigner's clocks and mirrors

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    Based on a relation between inertial time intervals and the Riemannian curvature, we show that space--time uncertainty derived by Ng and van Dam implies absurd uncertainties of the Riemannian curvature.Comment: 5 pages, LaTex, field "Author:" correcte

    Spacetime Foam, Holographic Principle, and Black Hole Quantum Computers

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    Spacetime foam, also known as quantum foam, has its origin in quantum fluctuations of spacetime. Arguably it is the source of the holographic principle, which severely limits how densely information can be packed in space. Its physics is also intimately linked to that of black holes and computation. In particular, the same underlying physics is shown to govern the computational power of black hole quantum computers.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX; Talk given by Jack Ng, in celebration of Paul Frampton's 60th birthday, at the Coral Gables Conference (in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on December 17, 2003). To appear in the Proceedings of the 2003 Coral Gables Conferenc

    From computation to black holes and space-time foam

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    We show that quantum mechanics and general relativity limit the speed Μ~\tilde{\nu} of a simple computer (such as a black hole) and its memory space II to \tilde{\nu}^2 I^{-1} \lsim t_P^{-2}, where tPt_P is the Planck time. We also show that the life-time of a simple clock and its precision are similarly limited. These bounds and the holographic bound originate from the same physics that governs the quantum fluctuations of space-time. We further show that these physical bounds are realized for black holes, yielding the correct Hawking black hole lifetime, and that space-time undergoes much larger quantum fluctuations than conventional wisdom claims -- almost within range of detection with modern gravitational-wave interferometers.Comment: A misidentification of computer speeds is corrected. Our results for black hole computation now agree with those given by S. Lloyd. All other conclusions remain unchange

    Physics of computation and light sheet concept in the measurement of (4+n)-dimensional spacetime geometry

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    We analyze the limits that quantum mechanics imposes on the accuracy to which (4+n)(4+n)-dimensional spacetime geometry can be measured. Using physics of computation and light sheet concept we derive explicit expressions for quantum fluctuations and explore their cumulative effects for various spacetime foam models.Comment: 5 page

    Integrated Wireless Multimedia Turbo-Transceiver Design Approaching the Rayleigh Channel's Capacity: Interpreting Shannon's Lessons in the Turbo-Era

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    Claude Shannon's pioneering work quantified the performance limits of communications systems operating over classic wireline Gaussian channels. However, his source and channel coding theorems were derived for a range of idealistic conditions, which may not hold in low-delay, interactive wireless multimedia communications. Firstly, Shannon's ideal lossless source encoder, namely the entropy encoder may have an excessive codeword length, hence exhibiting a high delay and a high error sensitivity. However, in practice most multimedia source signals are capable of tolerating lossy, rather than lossless delivery to the human eye, ear and other human sensors. The corresponding lossy and preferably low-delay multimedia source codecs however exhibit unequal error sensitivity, which is not the case for Shannon's ideal entropy codec. There are further numerous differences between the Shannonian lessons originally outlined for Gaussian channels and their ramifications for routinely encountered dispersive wireless channels, where typically bursty, rather than random errors are encountered. This paper elaborates on these intriguiging lessons in the context of a few turbo-transceiver design examples, using a jointly optimised turbo transceiver capable of providing unequal error protection in the context of MPEG-4 aided wireless video telephony. The transceiver investigated consists of Space-Time Trellis Coding (STTC) invoked for the sake of mitigating the effects of fading, Trellis Coded Modulation (TCM) or Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation (BICM) as well as two different-rate Non-Systematic Convolutional codes (NSCs) or Recursive Systematic Convolutional codes (RSCs). A single-class protection based benchmarker scheme combining STTC and NSC is used for comparison with the unequal-protection scheme advocated. The video performance of the various schemes is evaluated when communicating over uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels. It was found that the achievable performance of the proposed scheme is within 0.99~dB of the corresponding capacity of the Rayleigh fading channel

    Turbo-Detected Unequal Protection MPEG-4 Wireless Video Telephony using Multi-Level Coding, Trellis Coded Modulation and Space-Time Trellis Coding

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    Most multimedia source signals are capable of tolerating lossy, rather than lossless delivery to the human eye, ear and other human sensors. The corresponding lossy and preferably low-delay multimedia source codecs however exhibit unequal error sensitivity, which is not the case for Shannon’s ideal entropy codec. This paper proposes a jointly optimised turbo transceiver design capable of providing unequal error protection for MPEG-4 coding aided wireless video telephony. The transceiver investigated consists of space-time trellis coding (STTC) invoked for the sake of mitigating the effects of fading, in addition to bandwidth efficient trellis coded modulation or bit-interleaved coded modulation, combined with a multi-level coding scheme employing either two different-rate non-systematic convolutional codes (NSCs) or two recursive systematic convolutional codes for yielding a twin-class unequal-protection. A single-class protection based benchmark scheme combining STTC and NSC is used for comparison with the unequal-protection scheme advocated. The video performance of the various schemes is evaluated when communicating over uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels. It was found that the proposed scheme requires about 2.8 dBs lower transmit power than the benchmark scheme in the context of the MPEG-4 videophone transceiver at a similar decoding complexity

    Dimensionful deformations of Poincare' symmetries for a Quantum Gravity without ideal observers

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    Quantum Mechanics is revisited as the appropriate theoretical framework for the description of the outcome of experiments that rely on the use of classical devices. In particular, it is emphasized that the limitations on the measurability of (pairs of conjugate) observables encoded in the formalism of Quantum Mechanics reproduce faithfully the ``classical-device limit'' of the corresponding limitations encountered in (real or gedanken) experimental setups. It is then argued that devices cannot behave classically in Quantum Gravity, and that this might raise serious problems for the search of a class of experiments described by theories obtained by ``applying Quantum Mechanics to Gravity.'' It is also observed that using heuristic/intuitive arguments based on the absence of classical devices one is led to consider some candidate Quantum-Gravity phenomena involving dimensionful deformations of the Poincare' symmetries.Comment: 7 pages, Latex. (This essay received an ``honorable mention'' from the Gravity Research Foundation, 1998-Ed.
