24 research outputs found
Les collaborations entre le CNRS et le CEA
Co-operations between CNRS and CEA CNRS and CEA have a long mutual history through projects in which both organizations have brought their best specialists. Those fruitful links, established on the basis of complementarity, have notably allowed endowing France with large instruments to lead jointly researches at the highest international level. Today, many joint structures, made up by researchers, engineers and technicians of both organizations, grapple with complex problems in fields as various as particle physics, nuclear physics, climate sciences, medical imaging, micro and nano-technologies, etc. Those close co-operations show the synergy between both organizations to develop a French research at the highest level and to improve it in collaboration with industry to create wealth and employment in France
5. Des pollutions peu visibles…
Toute activité humaine produit des déchets, des effluents ou des rayonnements (particules ou ondes). Nos ancêtres étaient déjà de gros pollueurs, mais ils étaient peu nombreux. Aujourd’hui, la planète abrite 7 milliards d’habitants et accueille avec eux de nouveaux types de pollutions. L’impact humain sur Terre ne peut donc plus être considéré comme une simple perturbation. La pollution est une modification défavorable du milieu naturel, qui peut être d’origine naturelle, comme lors d’éruptio..
Besoins énergétiques : évolution ou révolution ?
L’énergie va devenir plus chère, notamment les combustibles fossiles. L’utilisation de ces derniers contribue aussi à accroître l’effet de serre. On ne peut extrapoler l’évolution de la consommation énergétique actuelle sans aller à la catastrophe. Il va falloir changer la manière dont on consomme l’énergie sans diminuer notre niveau de vie et en augmentant celui des pays en voie de développement. C’est possible en évoluant mais aussi en substituant peu à peu d’autres sources d’énergie aux combustibles fossiles, ce qui est une révolution. Cet article fait un rapide survol de la situation énergétique actuelle et des possibilités pour le futur
Our Nanotechnology Future
This book explores nanotechnology, a rapidly evolving and growing field with applications in a large number of areas. The concepts and physics are highlighted through topics such as nanoscience, quantum effects, nanostructures, and new forms of carbon. Applications and potential health and safety implications of nanomaterials are discussed for healthcare, food production, electronics, defence and more. Accessible and timely, this introduction to nanotechnology will interest students, teachers, politicians, and everyone else eager to learn more about this dynamic field
Our Nanotechnology Future
This book explores nanotechnology, a rapidly evolving and growing field with applications in a large number of areas. The concepts and physics are highlighted through topics such as nanoscience, quantum effects, nanostructures, and new forms of carbon. Applications and potential health and safety implications of nanomaterials are discussed for healthcare, food production, electronics, defence and more. Accessible and timely, this introduction to nanotechnology will interest students, teachers, politicians, and everyone else eager to learn more about this dynamic field
Nanotechnology in a nutshell: from simple to complex systems
This book shows where nanotechnology is now―a fascinating time when the science is transitioning into complex systems with impact on new products. Present and future developments are addressed, as well as a larger number of new industrial and research opportunities deriving from this domain. The authors provide an overview for professionals, researchers and policy-makers of this very rapidly expanding field---including many applications such as information and communication technologies, environmental sciences and engineering, societal life, and medicine, with provision of customized treatments. Brief chapters and colour figures with a contained overall length make the book attractive—a must for every professional’s shelf.A new high-level book for professionals from Atlantis Press providing an overview of nanotechnologies now and their applications in a broad variety of fields, including information and communication technologies, environmental sciences and engineering, societal life, and medicine, with provision of customized treatments. The book shows where nanotechnology is now - a fascinating time when the science is transitioning into complex systems with impact on new products. Present and future developments are addressed, as well as a larger number of new industrial and research opportunities derivin
Fusion and deep inelastic collisions studied on the Ar + Au system - I. Influence of the bombarding energy
We investigated the Ar + Au system at two different bombarding energies 201 and 248 MeV. The mass and the energy of the products have been measured at different angles. Mass distributions exhibits two components separated at the low bombarding energy and partly merging into each other at the high bombarding energy. One of them can be attributed to fission following complete fusion, the other one is centered around mass 40 and corresponds to deep inelastic products. These two different mechanisms correspond to different time scales. Angular distributions d2σ/dθdM are peaked a little bit forward the grazing angle for products close to the projectile and, when the mass transfer increases, becomes constant. For deep inelastic collisions the mass transfer occurs in the way predicted using potential energy considerations, but the small FWHM and the slight shift of the position of the maximum of these distributions indicates a short contact time. Due to the increase of the temperature, the FWHM of the mass distribution of deep inelastic products increases with the bombarding energy. The mean total kinetic energy studied as a function of the detection angle shows the influence of statistical fluctuations at backward angles. One also observes for this system that the relaxation time connected with the mass asymmetry degree of freedom is larger than the one associated to the energy damping. Complete fusion cross sections measurements were also done at 183, 189 and 195 MeV which allowed to draw the excitation function for this process. Calculations of the fusion cross section using the concept of critical distance are in agreement with the data. © 1977 Springer-Verlag.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe
Quasi-fission mass distributions as a random walk process. The 63Cu+197Au system
The quasi-fission mass distributions have been measured at 365 and 443 MeV lab bombarding energy. Assuming a Markov process, a Fokker-Planck equation has been derived, the coefficient of which have been calculated using an analogy with the classical theory of Brownian motion. These coefficients have been shown to be energy dependent and they have been expressed in terms of a correlation function calculated in an equilibrium situation. This model has been successfully applied to the Cu+Au system at two different bombarding energies. © 1976.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe