116 research outputs found

    The Impact of Network Relationships on Smes' Internationalization Process: A Case Study of Malaysian Firms

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    Today most business activities are global in scope. A firm that fails to make a global profit may well go out of business. Therefore, more and more Malaysian firms are striving to have an international presence. But when firms decided to explore international market, they begin to face a lot of challenges that require them to take strategic decisions. Therefore, this study intended to look into bow indigenous software firms use their network relationships to facilitate their internationalization process. This research used a multi-site case study methodology to more effectively identify and understand detailed international growth patterns and processes. Three respondent software finns were randomly selected from MSC (Multimedia Super Corridor) status SMEs (Small Medium-sized Enterprises). On top of that, a manufacturing firm was conveniently selected to compare differences on network relationships' influence on its internationalization process with those of manufacturing firms. In each case, upper level managers were interviewed. Information was also collected from printed documents or Internet to increase source validity. In summary, the evidences from the three software firms were found to support the firms' internationalization process in the following: • Network relationships trigger international opportunity. • Network relationships motivate firms to internationalize. • Network relationships influence firms' market selection decision. • Network relationships influence firms' entry mode decision. • Network relationships allow firms' to access additional relationships. • Network relationships allow firms' to access established channel. • Network relationships help lower cost and minimize risk. • Network relationships influence firms' internationalization pace and pattern. Therefore, managers need to have a better understanding of the impact of network relationships on firms' internationalization process as it facilitates their internationalization process through the above. A limitation of this study is that it focused on a single sector, software development firm, with only a manufacturing firm taken for comparison. It would be inappropriate to generalize the results too widely. Although case research provides a richness and depth of understanding, to enhance the qualitative approach, it is suggested that a quantitative research is adopted in future research to enhance or further reinforce the findings

    The impact of tourism service quality on satisfaction

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between tourism service quality with overall satisfaction, intention to revisit and willingness to recommend to relatives and friends. This study is significant in at least two ways. First, it extends the work of Rimmington and Yuksel (1998) who included transport as a general component. This study includes taxis as a separate component since taxis are a popular transportation mode. Second, it provides information to multiple government agencies on ways to improve satisfaction among tourists. Data is collected from foreign tourists who visited Kuala Lumpur. A total of 199 completed questionnaires were received. There are three notable findings; first, there is a significant relationship between accommodation service quality, hospitality, entertainment, transportation, taxi service quality and overall satisfaction. Second, there is a significant relationship between overall satisfaction and intention to revisit Kuala Lumpur. Third, there is a significant relationship between overall satisfaction and willingness to recommend Kuala Lumpur to friends and relatives

    The impacts of network relationships on SMEs' internationalization process.

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    In today's globalization era, more and more firms are striving to have an international presence, even though they face many challenges. Based on a multisite case study method, this article examines how indigenous Malaysian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) use their network relationships to facilitate their internationalization process. The evidence from the case of three software firms and one control firm in this study support the firms' internationalisation process in the ways that network relationships trigger and motivate them to internationalize, influence their market-selection decision and mode-of-entry decision, help them gain initial credibility, allow access to additional relationships and established channels, help in lowering cost and reducing risk, and influence their internationalization pace and pattern

    Antecedents and outcomes of flight attendants' job satisfaction

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    This paper develops and tests a comprehensive model for job satisfaction amongst flight attendants with antecedents and outcomes that are germane in the context of airlines. The antecedents are: jetlag, role overload, emotional exhaustion, personal accomplishment, and depersonalization, and the outcomes are; job performance and service recovery performance. A framework was tested using structural equation modelling. A survey was conducted of flight attendants working in Malaysia found exhaustion and personal accomplishment have a direct effect on job satisfaction; emotional exhaustion and personal accomplishment affect the level of depersonalization; and role overload has a positive relationship

    Mitigating the negative effect of air traffic controller mental workload on job performance: the role of mindfulness and social work support

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    Air traffic controllers (ATCOs) play a substantial part in securing the safety of flights, such that a compromise of the ATCOs’ performance may lead to tragedies. Given the mental workload that comes with the nature of ATCOs’ work, this study intends to investigate the impact of mental workload on ATCOs’ job performance and identify conditional factors that could mitigate the mental workload–ATCOs’ job performance relationship. Underpinned by the job demands–resources theory, a framework was developed to investigate the impact of job demands (mental workload) on job performance and whether personal resources (mindfulness and social work support) weaken the relationship. A total of 324 ATCOs across Saudi Arabia responded to the questionnaire. There were three notable findings. First, mental workload was indeed found to bring detrimental effects to ATCOs’ job performance. Second, mindfulness played a mitigating role, where more mindful ATCOs demonstrated less workload effect on performance. Thirdly, social work support also played a mitigating role, where ATCOs who perceived receiving greater job support experienced less detrimental impact from the workload on performance. This study verified the negative linkages between mental workload and job performance and identified the boundary conditions (mindfulness and social work support) that weaken the relationship. The limitations and future research directions are then discussed

    Malaysians' willingness to support Japanese expatriates

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    Expatriates' success studies have always focused on the expatriates' home country preparation, cross cultural adjustment ability and host country environment. This study examined the host country nationals' perspective, particularly their willingness to support Japanese expatriates. Malaysians' openness to change, openness to linguistic diversity and perceived reciprocity were found to significantly explain their willingness to support Japanese expatriates. The outcome of this study provided information to companies on strategies they can use in improving host country nationals' willingness to support expatriates

    The influence of cultural similarity and individual factors on visitation

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    This paper examined how Chinese, German and American individuals’ perceptions of cultural similarity/difference influence intentions to travel to New Zealand, a novel long-haul destination. The relationship was examined along with a set of potentially influential individual difference variables, including international travel experience, uncertainty avoidance, novelty seeking and ethnocentrism. Cultural similarity was a common positive predictor of travel intentions toward New Zealand across all three countries. Respondent’s travel experience and novelty seeking were also important positive influences for this long-haul destination, at least for Americans and Germans. Respondent’s level of uncertainty avoidance was only significant for Germany, where those with higher uncertainty were less likely to intend to visit New Zealand. Ethnocentrism was not a significant predictor in any country. These findings suggest that the perception of cultural similarity, which can be influenced by marketing campaigns, has a positive influence on travel intentions. Tourism marketers should stress elements of cultural similarity in their campaigns, especially for those markets where there may be lower levels of knowledge about the destination

    Information technology for supply chain performance: a mediated covariance modelling based on the Dynamic Capabilities Theory

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    Information technology is an important supply chain innovation typology that enhances the integration of people and processes. Although, there is large body of literature on information technology, supply chain capabilities and supply chain performance, empirical studies on how innovation capability relates with information technology and supply chain performance is unknown. To cover this important research gap, the study proposes four hypotheses on the relationship between information technology and supply chain performance, information technology and innovation capability, innovation capability and supply chain performance and the mediation effect of innovation capability between information technology and supply chain performance. The study followed post-positivism epistemology based on the methodology of cross-sectional survey. A cross-section of 286 top managers of manufacturing companies in Nigeria was examined based on cluster and stratified random sampling. A four-stage regression analysis in two models was performed to test the proposed hypotheses using structural equation modelling with Amos graphics. Result in model 1 found a significant relationship between information technology and supply chain performance. The findings in model 2 suggest that the relationship between information technology and innovation capability (X→M) as well as innovation capability and supply chain performance (M→Y) are both significant. The initial positive and significant relationship between information technology and supply chain performance became non-significant with the introduction of innovation capability as mediating variable. Therefore, it is concluded that innovation capability is a full mediator between information technology and supply chain performance. The study has both implication for the theory and practice. It, thus, provide guidelines to managers of manufacturing companies on strategies to improve supply chain performance

    Effect of advanced manufacturing technology, concurrent engineering of product design, and supply chain performance of manufacturing companies

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    As competition shifts away between competitors to supply chains, simultaneous sharing of technical expertise on product design is key to manufacturing success. Thus, purpose of this study is to examine the mediating effect of concurrent engineering of product design (CEPD) on the relationship between advanced manufacturing technology (AMT) and supply chain performance (SCP). The paper is a cross-sectional study, and data was collected among top managers of manufacturing companies. Cluster and systematic random sampling techniques were used to select the respondents. Structural equation modeling (Amos graphic) was used for analysis. The study found a positive relationship between advanced manufacturing technology and supply chain performance, advanced manufacturing technology and concurrent engineering of product design, and concurrent engineering of product design and supply chain performance. It also concluded that concurrent engineering of product design is a full mediator between advanced manufacturing technology and supply chain performance

    Measurement for supply chain collaboration and supply chain performance of manufacturing companies

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    Supply chain management (SCM) has changed from a strategically decoupled to strategically coupled area of research, as such partners have to improve relationships with one another. Although success of a supply chain (SC) depends on the integration of people, technology, and information, collaboration remains critical to these capabilities and processes. Thus, the aim of this study is to model and measure the relationship between the trust-intertwined SC collaborative process and supply chain performance (SCP) of manufacturing companies. This study followed a post-positivism epistemology based on a crosssectional survey. Previous measurements of SC collaborative process were investigated, integrated, and tested among 286 top managers of manufacturing companies. These companies are members of the Manufacturers’ Association of Nigeria (MAN). Questionnaires were distributed through face-to-face methodology with aid from trained research assistants. Cluster and stratified random sampling were used to select the respondents. SPSS was used during the exploratory factor analysis while covariance structural equation modeling was used to confirm the study’s measurement and structural models. Both models had satisfied recommended threshold values. This study found a significant and statistical relationship between supply chain collaboration (SCC) and SCP. The data and findings of this study fit the social exchange theory (SET). Thus, this study has implications for theory testing in SCC as well as guidance on ways to pursue collaboration by managers of manufacturing companies