5 research outputs found

    Design of a competency-based curriculum planning model as a benchmark for evaluating the training proposal of three faculties in Lima, 2021.

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    El objetivo de la investigaci贸n fue el dise帽o de un modelo de planificaci贸n curricular por competencias que permita evaluar la coherencia de la propuesta formativa de tres facultades de Lima, en el 2021; el enfoque de investigaci贸n fue cualitativo, de tipo descriptivo, bajo un paradigma interpretativo y el dise帽o de teor铆a fundamentada. Se generaron observaciones de manera inductiva que derivaron deductivamente en interpretaciones y pron贸sticos en torno a la realidad estudiada mediante la comparaci贸n de datos y la teor铆a explicativa -comprensiva que fue emergiendo; se aplicaron entrevistas con expertos en curr铆culo y se realiz贸 un focus group con docentes universitarios, siendo la muestra de juicio. Se obtuvo como resultado la constataci贸n del d茅bil manejo te贸rico-metodol贸gico del enfoque por competencias en la construcci贸n del curr铆culo y la identificaci贸n de inconsistencias en el desarrollo de cada uno de sus elementos y los desfases entre s铆. Se concluy贸 que el modelo de planificaci贸n curricular por competencias, como referente de evaluaci贸n, permite contar con informaci贸n para tomar decisiones que conlleven a la mejora continua de la propuesta formativa y al aseguramiento de la calidad de los aprendizajes a lograr por los estudiantes

    Competency-Based Curriculum Planning Model To Overcome Inconsistencies In Vocational Training

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    "The objective of the research was to evaluate the consistency of different training proposals, proposing as a reference a competency-based curriculum planning model. Qualitative methodology was used from an interpretive paradigm, making use of inductive and deductive analysis at the same time. Inductively, observations were generated through documentary analysis, interviews with experts, and a focus group with university professors, who then deductively derived interpretations and forecasts regarding curricular planning. As a result, it was obtained that the designed model, based on the triangulation of the information collected, allowed evaluating and determining the strengths and weaknesses of the priority elements of the university curriculum: the graduation profile, the study plan and the evaluation system. The main conclusion was that it is necessary to have clear parameters for specifying the university curriculum, through a referential model that allows the development of a virtuous circle of evaluation and continuous improvement of curricular planning.Keywords: -competencies; curriculum planning; consistency; discharge profile; Curriculum; evaluation systemINTRODUCTIONThe Bologna agreement signed by the European Union led to great transformations in the training processes of future professionals. One of these was that the university curriculum presents competencies to develop for the exercise of a certain career 18 . According to the Tuning Project for Latin America 45 , competencies are classified by their basic, transversal or specific nature. Basic skills allow people to function as individuals who are part of society and support the development of more complex skillsof analysis, synthesis, understanding and action, thanks to the cognitive skills of information processing, argumentation and interpretation 44 accompanied by of central aspects.Transversal, generic or soft skills are common to different professions, and increase performance expertise, employability, management and productivity in different work environments 8,14, 19,26,44 . The specific competencies are those specific to each profession, and establish the performance expected in each of the professional disciplines, which promote specialization, thanks to the development of specific training processes 2, 20, 39,44 .Another transformation was the management of curricular planningso that all the elements of the curriculum (profiles, objectives, competencies, contents, didactic strategies and evaluation strategies) converge harmoniously and, thus, achieve the graduation profile 11,38 . The design of a curricular planning by competencies must start by identifying the challenges and needs of each profession, this with the aim of contributing to the solution of the latent problems that society faces, for which the competencies to be trained for a suitable performance. All this with theaim of guaranteeing the articulation between the training proposal and the set of demands on the profession 6 .Based on the above, curricular planning is defined in a competency-based approach as the design process of each of the central components of the curriculum, taking into account the educational model of the university, which defines the fundamental orientations of training, as well as the environment of the profession, its demands and development trends.From this perspective, a Curriculum Planning Model for Competencies -hereinafter MPCC -becomes the reference for the construction, organization and readjustment of the competency-based training curriculum, which contains the description of the stages and processes that guarantee consistency, coherence, relevance and gradualness of the training process, likewise, it articulates the macro, meso and micro stages of curricular planning where the structure of each of its components is taken into account 3,24,25,41,50 .The fundamental elements of the MPCC are the graduate profile, the study plan and the evaluation system. The graduation profile is made up of the set of generic and specific competencies for performance in a certain profession, identified after

    "Curriculum Alignment To Ensure The Achievement Of The Teacher's Graduation Profile"

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    "Initial teacher training is recognized as one of the fundamental factors to improve the quality of educational processes in the classroom, therefore, it is relevant to ensure that future teachers acquire the disciplinary and pedagogical skills necessary for the exercise of a teaching practice appropriate to the diversity. In this sense, the purpose of this study was to analyze the curricular alignment process of the Initial Teacher Training (FID) curriculum for primary education in the training proposal of an Institute of Higher Pedagogical Education. The approach that is assumed is qualitative with a phenomenological design, which allows the description and interpretation of the incorporation and approach of the National Basic Curriculum Design (DCBN) of the FID in the levels and processes of management through documentary analysis and interviews that collect the experiences of the participants. The research made it possible to describe the meaning and specific character of the curricular alignment processes, the implications of assuming the transversality of research and pre-professional practice, and the relevance of integrative projects in the articulation of the curriculum and the improvement of the efficiency of initial teacher training in terms of skills development. Experience reveals that. to improve the coherence between the initial teacher training curriculum and the pedagogical practice aimed at achieving the teacher's graduation profile. Permanent reflection by the educational community and continuous improvement of their skills is required.

    Design of a competency-based curriculum planning model as a benchmark for evaluating the training proposal of three faculties in Lima, 2021.

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    El objetivo de la investigaci贸n fue el dise帽o de un modelo de planificaci贸n curricular por competencias que permita evaluar la coherencia de la propuesta formativa de tres facultades de Lima, en el 2021; el enfoque de investigaci贸n fue cualitativo, de tipo descriptivo, bajo un paradigma interpretativo y el dise帽o de teor铆a fundamentada. Se generaron observaciones de manera inductiva que derivaron deductivamente en interpretaciones y pron贸sticos en torno a la realidad estudiada mediante la comparaci贸n de datos y la teor铆a explicativa -comprensiva que fue emergiendo; se aplicaron entrevistas con expertos en curr铆culo y se realiz贸 un focus group con docentes universitarios, siendo la muestra de juicio. Se obtuvo como resultado la constataci贸n del d茅bil manejo te贸rico-metodol贸gico del enfoque por competencias en la construcci贸n del curr铆culo y la identificaci贸n de inconsistencias en el desarrollo de cada uno de sus elementos y los desfases entre s铆. Se concluy贸 que el modelo de planificaci贸n curricular por competencias, como referente de evaluaci贸n, permite contar con informaci贸n para tomar decisiones que conlleven a la mejora continua de la propuesta formativa y al aseguramiento de la calidad de los aprendizajes a lograr por los estudiantes