539 research outputs found

    Feministisk institutionalisme og kommunal strukturreform

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    Feminist institutionalism and local government reform275 Danish municipalities were amalgamated into 98 in January 2007 and the percentages of female city managers were reduced drastically. I demonstrate how a combination of gender studies and new institutionalism contribute to an understanding of the gendered development in the municipalities. This is inspired by FIIN, The Feminism and Institutionalism International Network which was formed in order to contribute to studies of gender, politics, power and change combining elements from feminism and new institutionalism. Furthermore, I discuss the weak points in the theoretical contributions and suggest some possibilities of improvements ina relation to studies of public organisations undergoing change

    Watching the City with Pleasure: Polite Disengagement, Aesthetic Pleasure and Life in the City in The Spectator

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    The essay examines the intersection between aesthetic the-ory and representations of the city in the periodical essay The Spectator (1711-1714). Focusing on this intersection allows for an analysis of the cultural work aesthetic pleasure is supposed to do according to The Spectator, and also shows key differenc-es between “spectatorial” and later, Kantian aesthetics. In The Spectator aesthetic pleasure has to do with producing a model for how one should relate to the realm of politics—rather than disin-terest, the precondition of aesthetic pleasure turns out to be disengagement. Read through the lens of the city, aesthetic pleasure turns out to be a key component in The Spectator’s vision of how to live a good life as a privileged subject of a modern state

    Toxic Behaviours in Esport:A Review of Data-Collection Methods Applied in Studying Toxic In-Gaming Behaviours

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    Online competitive multiplayer games (esports), although enabling positive social interactions and skillset growth, are notoriously known for their prevalence of toxic behaviours. Seeking to develop greater understandings and explanations of such behaviours, researchers have used a range of empirical data-collecting techniques, encompassing self-reports, log data, and observational methodologies. The objective of this article is to review the current research literature and its application of these methodological approaches for studying toxic behaviours in esports. Following systematic review procedures, 54 empirical research articles were reviewed. Based on this review, it is demonstrated that knowledge of toxic behaviours is typically based on self-reported accounts (e.g., through surveys and interviews), while lessestablished methodological techniques available for capturing naturalistic behaviours of toxic encounters stand under-used. Drawing on recent developments in video-based research on violence and bystander interventions, an argument is made that online video-based behavioural analysis holds promising potential to address this research gap.Online competitive multiplayer games (esports), although enabling positive social nteractions and skillset growth, are notoriously known for their prevalence of toxic behaviours. Seeking to develop greater understandings and explanations of such behaviours, researchers have used a range of empirical data-collecting techniques, encompassing self-reports, log data, and observational methodologies. The objective of this article is to review the current research literature and its application of these methodological approaches for studying toxic behaviours in esports. Following systematic review procedures, 54 empirical research articles were reviewed. Based on this review, it is demonstrated that knowledge of toxic behaviours is typically based on self-reported accounts (e.g., through surveys and interviews), while lessestablished methodological techniques available for capturing naturalistic behaviours of toxic encounters stand under-used. Drawing on recent developments in video-based research on violence and bystander interventions, an argument is made that online video-based behavioural analysis holds promising potential to address this research gap

    SÌrlige grønlandske forhold ... Rum, ret og uÌgteskabelige børn i det koloniale Grønland

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    Making allowance for the special conditions there ... Space, Law and Illegitimate Children in Colonial GreenlandThe ‘legally fatherless’ appeared before the Danish public in the spring of 2010 as they formed an association aiming at securing children born out of wedlock in Greenland legal rights towards their biological father equal to the ones bestowed on Danish children. The media framed their situation as the result of the colonial system having discharged Danish men from their responsibilities towards their illegitimate children in Greenland; that is, as a token of colonial discrimination. The following year, a historical investigation was organized in order to identify differences in the legal position of children born out of wedlock in Greenland and in Denmark over the period 1914-1974. The present article, authored by one of the contributors to the report, investigates the rules concerning children born out of wedlock in Greenland at three historical moments: The earliest rules of 1782; the first modern regulation from 1914; and the first post-colonial Children’s Act from 1962. What legal and colonial differences were at stake? How may one interpret the changing regulation? The analysis draws attention to shifting problematizations of the ‘illegitimate’ children, associated with changes in the colonial context. At the same time, however, it is argued that the regulation reflects a continuous colonial rationality by which the particularities of the colonial space came to legitimize fundamental differences between colony and metropolis, and between population categories in Greenland

    PĂŚdagogisk kompetenceudvikling pĂĽ de videregĂĽende uddannelser

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    Madelung, B. (2022). Pædagogisk kompetenceudvikling på videregående uddannelser. Frederiksberg. Frydenlund. Er du ansvarlig for pædagogisk kompetenceudvikling, og/eller er du underviser, der gerne vil for­stå rammerne for egne muligheder for pædagogisk opkvalificering, kan håndbogen Pædagogisk kompetenceudvikling på videregående uddannelser give nye indsigter og inspiration. I bogen er anlagt et holistisk syn i form af institutionel og organisatorisk kontekstualisering af pædagogisk udviklingsarbejde. Ens konkrete kontekst er vigtig at afkode for at forstå samspillet mellem organisation, ledelse og underviser. Bogen er teoretisk funderet og med øvelser undervejs, der kan bruges til at ”’oversætte” teorierne til egen praksis. Dertil kommer præsentation af mange konkrete værktøjer. 

    PĂŚdagogisk kompetenceudvikling pĂĽ de videregĂĽende uddannelser

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    Madelung, B. (2022). Pædagogisk kompetenceudvikling på videregående uddannelser. Frederiksberg. Frydenlund. Er du ansvarlig for pædagogisk kompetenceudvikling, og/eller er du underviser, der gerne vil for­stå rammerne for egne muligheder for pædagogisk opkvalificering, kan håndbogen Pædagogisk kompetenceudvikling på videregående uddannelser give nye indsigter og inspiration. I bogen er anlagt et holistisk syn i form af institutionel og organisatorisk kontekstualisering af pædagogisk udviklingsarbejde. Ens konkrete kontekst er vigtig at afkode for at forstå samspillet mellem organisation, ledelse og underviser. Bogen er teoretisk funderet og med øvelser undervejs, der kan bruges til at ”’oversætte” teorierne til egen praksis. Dertil kommer præsentation af mange konkrete værktøjer. 

    Undervisningsudvikling i en organisationsteoretisk optik

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    Forskning og undervisning skubbes ofte fra hinanden, nĂĽr krav om mere forskning eller mere undervisning bringes pĂĽ bane. I artiklen analyseres, hvilke organisatoriske betingelser der kan bidrage til at fremme udviklingsprojekter, hvor forskning og undervisning bringes tĂŚttere sammen, og den faglige synergi i form af studerendes lĂŚring samt input og inspiration til forskning er en realitet. Analytisk bruges en model for distribueret ledelse, og empirisk analyseres to eksempler om klyngevejledning fra KU

    VĂŚkstprincipper - Systemernes betydning i Inger Christensens 'alfabet'

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    VĂŚkstprincipper - Systemernes betydning i Inger Christensens 'alfabet'
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