4 research outputs found

    Syndromic Surveillance of Motor Vehicle Crash Related Injuries in Nebraska

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    Objective The objective of this pilot study is to demonstrate the value of emergency department (ED) syndromic surveillance (SS) data to aid the surveillance of motor vehicle crash (MVC) related injuries in Nebraska

    Validation of SyS Data to Inform Surveillance of Health Disparities in Nebraska

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    The objective of this pilot study was to evaluate emergency department (ED) syndromic surveillance (SyS) data quality by cross-validating reported diagnostic codes associated to racial/ethnic injury health disparities in Nebraska. The percent of completeness of core data elements in SyS data and hospital discharge data (HDD) was also determined. Significant correlations were observed between Hospital A 2013 ED HDD and NDHHS ED SyS data for assault-related injury, and suicide and self-inflicted injury. Results suggest that the characterization of the burden of injury health inequalities could potentially be improved by using NDHHS SyS data to complement the surveillance of health disparities

    Syndromic Surveillance of Motor Vehicle Crash Related Injuries in Nebraska

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    Traffic crashes cost Nebraska $1.6 billion a year, are the leading cause of injury death, and the fourth leading cause of injury hospital treatment in Nebraska. This pilot study demonstrates the value of emergency department syndromic surveillance data to aid the surveillance of motor vehicle crash (MVC) related injuries in Nebraska. Results of this study suggests that emergency department syndromic surveillance data can be used for the timely identification of MVC-related injuries in Nebraska. This will allow stakeholders to identify accident hot spots and better deployments of accident prevention assets and procedures