14 research outputs found

    Redesigning Emergency Room Psychiatry in New York

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    Significant changes in the characteristics of persons using psychiatric emergency services have resulted in increased demands beyond the needs emergency services traditionally have been expected to meet. In New York City, these changes caused a crisis in psychiatric emergency services. The authors report a state statute that gave the New York State Office of Mental Health the authority to license a specialized psychiatric emergency service, a comprehensive psychiatric emergency program, within general hospitals designed to provide specialized assessment, stabilization, and referral services

    Current Policy Context for Education Efforts to Help Young Parents Meet Their Multiple Challenges

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    Recent increases in the adolsecent birth rate can be in part attributable to a variety of factors including limited sex education in schools, the decline in family planning services, and rising dropout rates. This paper explores the importance of education for adolescent parents, particularly the inclusion of pregnancy prevention programs and services for young parents as part of the educational mainstream. Copyright 1994 by The Policy Studies Organization.

    The British Columbia Continuing Care system: Service delivery and resource planning

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