7 research outputs found

    Field Screening of Lentil Genotypes Against Aphid Infestation in Inner Tarai of Nepal

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    Twenty lentil (Lens culinaris Medik) genotypes received from Grain Legumes Research Program, Khajura, Banke were screened for relative tolerance against aphid (Aphis craccivora Koch.) at the research field of National Maize Research Program, Rampur, Chitwan during winter seasons of two consecutive years 2016 and 2017. The design of the experiment was Randomized Complete Block having three replications. The unit plot size was 4m × 1 m with 25cm row to row spacing and continue plant to plant spacing was maintained and net harvested plot was 4 square meters. The recommended dose of fertilizer was 20:40:20 N:P2O5:K2O kg/ha and seed rate 30 kg/ha. Insect data were collected based on aphid population found at apical twigs (10 cm) per plant and scoring was done during flowering and pod formation stage. The grain yield was recorded. All screened genotypes differed significantly (p<0.05) on aphid population and grain yield.  Genotypes, ILL 9924, RL 83, ILL 10856, ILL 6458 and RL 67 were less susceptible with higher grain yield. These results have important implications for the development of aphid tolerant high yielding lentil variety in inner Tarai of Nepal

    Management of Anthracnose in Soybean Using Fungicide

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    Experiments on soybean (Glycine max L. Meril) were carried out aiming to control anthracnose (pod blight) caused by fungus, Colletotrichum truncatum with five treatments represented by different fungicidal sprays against control receiving no spray with three replicates of each under field conditions during two consecutive years from 2012 to 2013. In 2012, the higher Percent Disease Control (PDC) and Percent Yield Increase (PYI) were estimated in plot treated with SAAF (Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63%) followed by Mancozeb fungicides. The mean Pod Infection (PI) was low in plots treated with SAAF followed by Mancozeb. Almost similar trends of disease control were observed in 2013. The lower Percent Disease Index (PDI) was 46.25% and mean PI was 29.67% with higher yield value of 2431.25 kg/ha obtained from the plots sprayed with SAAF then by Mancozeb. The results showed that, the combined treatment with fungicides, SAAF followed by Mancozeb were effective to control anthracnose or pod blight disease of soybean to increase the yield.Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council Vol.1 2015 pp.29-3

    Differential Resistance Reaction of Maize Genotypes to Maize Stem Borer (Chilo Partellus Swinhoe) at Chitwan, Nepal

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    Maize stem borer (MSB), Chilo partellus Swinhoe, Lepidoptera: Pyralidae is one of the most important insect pest of maize in Nepal. Host plant resistance is the cost-effective, ecologically sound and stable approach to reduce damage by stem borers. Forty four maize genotypes were screened for resistance to maize stem borer at the research field of National Maize Research Program, Rampur during spring seasons (March to June) of two consecutive years 2013 and 2014. The maize genotypes were evaluated in randomized complete block design with three replications and data were collected on foliar damage rating, tunnel length and number of exit holes made by the borer. The foliar damage and tunnel length damage were significant for genotypes for both the years. The exit holes were not significant in 2013 but significant in 2014 ranging from 2-6 scale. The foliar rating ranged from 2 to 5.5 in 2013 and 1.1 to 4.5 in 2014 on a 1-9 rating scale. The highly resistant genotypes (<2.0 score) were R-POP-2 and RML-5/RML-8. The tunnel length ranged from 3.2 to 22.5 cm in 2013 and 4.2 to 20.4 cm in 2014 on 0- >10 cm scale. The least susceptible genotypes (<5 cm) were RampurSO3F8, RampurSO3FQ02 and RampurS10F18. The genotypes having least exit holes (2.0) in 2014 were RampurSO3F8, RampurSO3FQ02, RampurS10F18. Thus less damage parameters were observed in R-POP-2, RML-5/RML-8, RampurSO3F8, RampurSO3FQ02 and RampurS10F18 and therefore they can be used as parents or as sources of resistance in breeding program

    Assessment of Proso Millet Genotypes Against Blast Caused by Pyricularia Grisea (Cooke) Sacc. Under Field Condition at Mid Hill Region of Nepal

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    A total of 14 proso millet genotypes, including the farmers' variety, which was the most commonly cultivated landrace in the Karnali region and most susceptible to blast disease as a susceptible check, were evaluated for resistance to leaf blast at the Hill Crops Research Program, Kabre, Dolakha, Nepal during the summer seasons of 2020 and 2021. The experiment was conducted under natural epiphytotic conditions. The experiment revealed that none of the tested genotypes were found immune or highly resistant. Most of the genotypes showed moderately susceptible and susceptible reactions to the leaf blast disease for both experimental years. However, genotypes C04654, Humla-239, and C04651 were found to have lower blast severity and produce higher grain yields. Genotype C04654 was found as resistant with 34.6% disease severity and high yielding (2.6 t/ha), followed by Humla-239 and C04651 as moderately susceptible with 44.8 and 45.9% disease severity resulting grain yields of 2.5 and 2.4 t/ha, respectively. The higher disease severity (68.1%) with lower grain yield (1.4 t/ha) was recorded in the farmer's variety (susceptible check). The genotypes reported with lower blast severity and higher grain yield could be the source for the release of a leaf blast resistant and high-yielding proso millet variety in the mid-hill region of Nepal

    Screening of Maize Genotypes Against Maize Leaf Aphid [Rhopalosiphum Maidis (Fitch)] Under Field Condition at Chitwan, Nepal

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    Thirty maize genotypes including five hybrids, eight quality protein (QPM) and seventeen full season open pollinated (OP) were screened for their resistance against maize leaf aphid (Rhopalosiphum maidis Fitch) at the research field of National Maize Research Program, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal during the year 2019 and 2020. The design of the experiment was randomized incomplete block with three replications. The plot size was 2 rows of 5 m long with the spacing of 60 cm × 25 cm. The recommended dose of fertilizer for full season OP and QPM were 120:60:40 and for hybrid maize 180:60:40 N: P2O5:K2O kg/ha with farmyard manure 10 t/ha and seed rate was 20 kg/ha. Data on aphid incidence, severity, yield and yield components were recorded. Maize hybrids RML-95/RML-96 (18%) and Rampur Hybrid-10 (22%), two quality protein maize (QPM) S00TLYQ-AB (22%) and S99TLYQ-A (23%) and two full season OP genotypes TLBRS07F16 (24%) and ZM 627 (26%) were less susceptible to aphid infestation and resulted in higher grain yield. The findings could aid in the selection of maize genotypes for the development of aphid resistant and high-yielding maize varieties

    Evaluation of Maize Genotypes Against Post Flowering Stalk Rot Under Terai Region of Nepal

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    The inadequate source of resistance materials in maize against major biotic stresses is one of the main reasons for considerable loss of grain yield in Nepal. Post flowering stalk rot disease caused by Fusarium moniliforme is a serious disease that exposes high incidence at grain filling stage of maize in terai region of Nepal during summer season. This study was done to evaluate level of resistance, or tolerance in selected genotypes against the post flowering stalk rot disease of maize. Accordingly, thirty maize genotypes were tested for maize stalk rot resistance during summer season of 2016 and 2017 at National Maize Research Program, Rampur (NMRP), Chitwan. The experiment was done under natural epiphytotic condition at hot spot of the disease by using Randomized Complete Block design with 2 replications for each treatment. The package of practices was followed as per national recommendation. The summer season of 2016 and 2017 were affable for post flowering stalk rot of maize at NMRP, Rampur. Out of 30 genotypes, most of the tested entries showed susceptible reaction during both the years; however, RML-95/RML-96, Across-9942/Across-9944, ZM-401, Rampur 34, RamS03F08 and TLBRS07F16 showed resistant reaction against the disease and might be useful for the development of post flowering stalk rot resistant maize varieties for terai region of Nepal