33 research outputs found

    When the Romance is Over: Follower Perspectives of Aversive Leadership

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    While leadership is indisputably one of the most pervasive topics in our society, the vast majority of existing research has focused on leadership as a positive force. Taking a follower- centric approach to the study of leadership, we integrate research on the Romance of Leadership and the dark side of leadership by examining followers’ perceptions of aversive leadership in the context of public high schools. Although Meindl, Ehrlich, and Dukerich (1985) demonstrated that the Romance of Leadership also includes the overattribution of negative outcomes to leaders, subsequent research has failed to explore the implications of this potentially darker side of romanticizing leaders. Specifically, we examine perceptions of principals’ aversive leadership and traditional affective, behavioral, and performance outcomes of followers in a sample of 342 dyads. Followers assessed their principals’ leadership behaviors and self-rated their levels of job satisfaction, self-efficacy, and resistance, while principals assessed their followers’ citizenship behaviors, complaining behaviors, and job performance. Results show that perceptions of aversive leadership are positively related to follower resistance and negatively related to followers’ job satisfaction. In addition, a usefulness analysis revealed that follower-rated variables were significantly related to perceptions of aversive leadership above and beyond leader-rated variables, suggesting that the relationship between negative outcomes and aversive leadership may be more constructed than real. In sum, the tendency to romanticize leadership may also lead to a proclivity to readily misattribute or overattribute blame to leadership as a convenient scapegoat for negative outcomes. Alors que le leadership est incontestablement l’un des thĂšmes les plus envahissants de notre sociĂ©tĂ©, la grande majoritĂ© des recherches existantes a portĂ© sur le leadership en tant que force positive. En adoptant une approche centrĂ©e sur le suiveur dans l’étude du leadership, nous examinant la perception qu’ont les collaborateurs du leadership insupportable dans le contexte des lycĂ©es publics. Quoique Meindl, Ehrlich, et Dukerich (1985) aient montrĂ© que la Romance du Leadership inclut aussi la surattribution de rĂ©sultats nĂ©gatifs aux leaders, les recherches ultĂ©rieures ont mĂ©connu les implications de cet aspect potentiellement plus sombre des leaders idylliques. Nous analysons en particulier sur un Ă©chantillon de 342 dyades la perception du leadership rĂ©pulsif du proviseur et les rĂ©sultats habituels des collaborateurs en rapport avec l’affectivitĂ©, le comportement et les performances. Les collaborateurs ont notĂ© les comportements de leadership de leur proviseur et auto-Ă©valuĂ© leur niveau de satisfaction au travail, d’efficience et de rĂ©sistance, alors que les proviseurs apprĂ©ciaient les conduites de citoyennetĂ© et de revendication, ainsi que la performance professionnelle. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que la perception du leadership rĂ©pulsif est Positivement reliĂ©e Ă  la rĂ©sistance du suiveur et nĂ©gativement Ă  sa satisfaction professionnelle. En outre, une analyse des plus fructueuses a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que les variables Ă©valuĂ©es par les collaborateurs Ă©taient significativement en relation avec la perception du leadership rĂ©pulsif, bien plus qu’avec les variables Ă©valuĂ©es par les leaders, ce qui indique que la relation entre les rĂ©sultats mĂ©diocres et le leadership nĂ©gatif serait plus construite que rĂ©elle. Au total, le penchant Ă  l’idĂ©alisation du leadership peut aussi bien conduire Ă  une propension Ă  trop facilement condamner Ă  tort et Ă  travers le leadership qu’à la dĂ©signation d’un bouc Ă©missaire tout trouvĂ© pour expliquer de mauvais rĂ©sultats

    Detection of nitric acid (HNO3) in the atmosphere using the LOPAP technique

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    A new instrument (LOPAP: LOng Path liquid Absorption Photometer) for the sensitive detection of nitric acid (HNO3) in the atmosphere is described. HNO3 is sampled in a temperature controlled stripping coil mounted in an external sampling module to minimize sampling artefacts in sampling lines. After conversion into a strongly absorbing dye, HNO3 is detected in long path absorption in special Teflon (R) AF 2400 tubes used as liquid core wave guides. For the correction of some interferences, due to for example HONO and particle nitrate, two channels are used in series. The interferences from several potential interfering compounds including particle nitrate were quantified in the laboratory and in a large outdoor simulation chamber. With the exception of the interference caused by N2O5, which is quantitatively measured by the instrument, all tested interferences can be corrected under atmospheric conditions. Thus, in the instrument only the sum of N(V) from HNO3 and N2O5 is determined, which is expected to be a common problem of wet chemical HNO3 instruments. The instrument has a detection limit of 5-30 pptv for a time response of 6-2 min, respectively and was validated against the FTIR technique in a large outdoor simulation chamber. In addition, the applicability of the instrument was demonstrated in a field campaign