15 research outputs found

    Zur Validität der Erfassung von Kriminalitätsfurcht

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    'Ausgangspunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Frage, wieweit der Standardindikator der Kriminalitätsfurcht (Sicherheitsgefühl nachts draußen alleine in der Wohngegend) diese tatsächlich auch misst. Hierzu wurde zunächst einer Stichprobe in Freiburg ein quantitativer Fragebogen vorgegeben, der eine Reihe von Fragen zur Messung der Kriminalitätsfurcht enthielt. Von den 293 antwortenden Personen wurden im Sinne eines Extremgruppendesigns nach ihren Angaben im standardisierten Fragebogen 24 hoch und 6 niedrig Ängstliche ausgewählt und in einem zusätzlichen qualitativen Interview zu den Gründen der angegebenen Kriminalitätsfurcht befragt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass Personen die auf dem Standardindikator ein hohes Maß an Furcht angaben, vor allem 'Incivilities' in ihrer Umgebung wahrnahmen, und die Angabe von Kriminalitätsfurcht im Fragebogen weitgehend synonym zu diesen Missständen werteten, jedoch kaum Furcht im engeren Sinne erlebten. Ferner konnte eine hohe Ambiguität des Standardindikators festgestellt werden, d.h. diese Frage eignet sich nur sehr begrenzt zur Erfassung von Kriminalitätsfurcht. Angesichts der kriminalpolitischen Bedeutung dieses Konstruktes ist eine reliablere und validere Erfassung notwendig.' (Autorenreferat)'The study deals with the question on the key concepts of measurement of the so-called 'standard indicator' of fear of crime (feeling unsafe at night outside alone in the neighbourhood). First, random sample of Freiburg citizens were surveyed with a quantitative questionnaire, including various questions on fear of crime. Second, a further sample has been drawn from the 293 respondents, consisting of 24 highly fearful - according to their statement in the standardized questionnaire - and 6 least fearful persons. These persons were interviewed a second time by means of an additional qualitative interview asking for the reasons for their reported amount of fear of crime. The results showed that persons who reported a high amount of fear of crime in the 'standard indicator' mostly perceive incivilities as an important problem in their neighbourhood. The reporting of fear of crime in the questionnaire was largely synonymous with such grievances, but the respondents did not really experience fear of crime in the narrower sense. Furthermore, a large ambiguity of the standard indicator has been observed, this means, its significance for measuring fear of crime is highly limited. Facing the relevance of this variable for criminal policy, the need for more reliable and more valid measurements is obvious.' (author's abstract)

    Predictive preoperative clinical score for patients with liver-only oligometastatic colorectal cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Resection of liver metastases from colorectal cancer (CRC) in the oligometastatic stage improves survival and is a potentially curative treatment. Thus, predictive scores that reliably identify those patients who especially benefit from surgery are essential. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In this multicenter analysis, 512 patients had undergone surgery for liver metastases from CRC. We investigated distinct cancer-specific risk factors that are routinely available in clinical practice and developed a predictive preoperative score using a training cohort (TC), which was thereafter tested in a validation cohort (VC). RESULTS: Inflammatory response to the tumor, a right-sided primary tumor, multiple liver metastases, and node-positive primary tumor were significant adverse variables for overall survival (OS). Patients were stratified in five groups according to the cumulative score given by the presence of these risk factors. Median OS for patients without risk factors was 133.8 months [95% confidence interval (CI) 81.2-not reached (nr)] in the TC and was not reached in the VC. OS decreased significantly for each subsequent group with increasing number of risk factors. Median OS was significantly shorter (P < 0.0001) for patients presenting all four risk factors: 14.3 months (95% CI 10.5 months-nr) in the TC and 16.6 months (95% CI 14.6 months-nr) in the VC. CONCLUSIONS: Including easily obtainable variables, this preoperative score identifies oligometastatic CRC patients with prolonged survival rates that may be cured, and harbors potential to be implemented in daily clinical practice

    EURADOS strategic research agenda: vision for dosimetry of ionising radiation

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    Since autumn 2012, the European Radiation Dosimetry Group (EURADOS) has been developing its Strategic Research Agenda (SRA), which is intended to contribute to the identification of future research needs in radiation dosimetry in Europe. The present article summarises—based on input from EURADOS Working Groups (WGs) and Voting Members—five visions in dosimetry and defines key issues in dosimetry research that are considered important for the next decades. The five visions include scientific developments required towards (a) updated fundamental dose concepts and quantities, (b) improved radiation risk estimates deduced from epidemiological cohorts, (c) efficient dose assessment for radiological emergencies, (d) integrated personalised dosimetry in medical applications and (e) improved radiation protection of workers and the public. The SRA of EURADOS will be used as a guideline for future activities of the EURADOS WGs. A detailed version of the SRA can be downloaded as a EURADOS report from the EURADOS website (www.eurados.org)