199 research outputs found

    Nearly hyperharmonic functions are infima of excessive functions

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    Let X\mathfrak X be a Hunt process on a locally compact space XX such that the set EX\mathcal E_{\mathfrak X} of its Borel measurable excessive functions separates points, every function in EX\mathcal E_{\mathfrak X} is the supremum of its continuous minorants in EX\mathcal E_{\mathfrak X} and there are strictly positive continuous functions v,wEXv,w\in\mathcal E_{\mathfrak X} such that v/wv/w vanishes at infinity. A numerical function u0u\ge 0 on XX is said to be nearly hyperharmonic, if uXτVdPxu(x)\int^\ast u\circ X_{\tau_V}\,dP^x\le u(x) for all xXx\in X and relatively compact open neighborhoods VV of xx, where τV\tau_V denotes the exit time of VV. For every such function uu, its lower semicontinous regularization u^\hat u is excessive. The main purpose of the paper is to give a short, complete and understandable proof for the statement that every Borel measurable nearly hyperharmonic function on XX is the infimum of its majorants in EXE_{\mathfrak X}. The major novelties of our approach are the following: 1. A quick reduction to the special case, where starting at xXx\in X with u(x)<u(x)<\infty the expected number of times the process X\mathfrak X visits the set of points yXy\in X, where u^(y):=lim infzyu(z)<u(y)\hat u(y):=\liminf_{z\to y} u(z)<u(y), is finite. 2. The statement that the integral udμ\int u\,d\mu is the infimum of all integrals wdμ\int w\,d\mu, wEXw\in E_{\mathfrak X} and wuw\ge u, not only for measures μ\mu satisfying wdμ<\int w\,d\mu<\infty for some excessive majorant ww of uu, but also for all finite measures. At the end, the measurability assumption on uu is weakened considerably.Comment: The presentation is improved at various places. In particular, the special case is more restrictive and yields a better intuition, there is a new Lemma 3.5 leading to a simplification in the proof of Theorem 3.4, and the reduction to the special case in Section 4 is shortened. Whereas Sections 5 and 6 are not modified, there is a more general Section

    Scaling invariant Harnack inequalities in a general setting

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    In a setting, where only "exit measures" are given, as they are associated with an arbitrary right continuous strong Markov process on a separable metric space, we provide simple criteria for the validity of Harnack inequalities for positive harmonic functions. These inequalities are scaling invariant with respect to a metric on the state space which, having an associated Green function, may be adapted to the special situation. In many cases, this also implies continuity of harmonic functions and H\"older continuity of bounded harmonic functions. The results apply to large classes of L\'evy (and similar) processes

    Thinness and the heat equation

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