44 research outputs found

    Febersjukdomarnas förhållande till psykoser - En imitativ översättning av medicinska och psykiatriska termer i en rysk medicinsk tidskrift från 1876

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    Denna uppsats grundar sig på en översättning av en medicinsk, psykiatrisk artikel Ob otnosjenie lichoradotjnych bolneznyj k psichozam ('Om febersjukdomarnas förhållande till psykoser'), författad av läkaren och psykiatern Alexander Samojlovitj Rozenbljum i Odessa och publicerad 1876 i den medicinska tidskriften Trudy vratjej Odesskoj gorodskoj bolnitsy ('Skriftserie utgiven av läkarna vid stadssjukhuset i Odessa'). I uppsatsen analyseras källtexten enligt Hellspong & Ledins analysmodell från 1997. Den i huvudsak fackspråkliga texten har översatts utifrån en imitativ global strategi. Översättningsanalysen ägnas åt terminologiska problem som hänger samman med att överföra latinska, grekiska och ryska termer från 1870-talet till adekvata medicinska termer och begriplig svensk psykiatrisk terminologi år 2017. Speciellt intresse ägnas åt de medicinska termerna malaria, tyfus och återfallsfeber. När det gäller den psykiatriska terminologin är begreppet demens centralt, då dess betydelse har ändrats under årens lopp. De medicinska kollokationerna melancholia attonita ('stuporös melankoli') och глубокая меланхолiя ('djup melankoli') analyseras. Översättning av слабоумiе ('förståndssvaghet') och бредь ('sinnesförvirring', 'feberyrsel') diskuteras

    Education, sense of mastery and mental health: results from a nation wide health monitoring study in Norway

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Earlier studies have shown that people with low level of education have increased rates of mental health problems. The aim of the present study is to investigate the association between level of education and psychological distress, and to explore to which extent the association is mediated by sense of mastery, and social variables like social support, negative life events, household income, employment and marital status.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The data for the study were obtained from the Level of Living Survey conducted by Statistics Norway in 2002. Data on psychological distress and psychosocial variables were gathered by a self-administered questionnaire, whereas socio-demographic data were based on register statistics. Psychological distress was measured by Hopkins Symptom Checklist 25 items.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was a significant association between low level of education and psychological distress in both genders, the association being strongest in women aged 55–67 years. Low level of education was also significantly associated with low sense of mastery, low social support, many negative life events (only in men), low household income and unemployment,. Sense of mastery emerged as a strong mediating variable between level of education and psychological distress, whereas the other variables played a minor role when adjusting for sense of mastery.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Low sense of mastery seems to account for much of the association between low educational level and psychological distress, and should be an important target in mental health promotion for groups with low level of education.</p

    "Paviljong nummer 6" : Tjechovs anatema över passiviteten inför lidandet

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    Tjechovs ”Paviljong nr 6” är en fascinerande långnovell, som på sin tid väckte stor uppmärksamhet och även mer än hundra år efter sin tillkomst fångar läsarens intresse. Beskrivningarna av miljön, patienterna och huvudpersonerna Ragin och Gromov har en tidlös äkthet, som gör att en nutida läsare tycker sig känna igen sin egen samtid. Novellen är mångbottnad och rik på tolkningsmöjligheter. Den övergripande tolkningen har varit att i likhet med flera Tjechovforskare betrakta ”Paviljong nr 6” som en kritik mot Tolstojs icke- våldslära och föreställning om själens odödlighet. Efter en genomgång av några mot Tolstojs tankar polemiska Tjechovnoveller, slås fast att i ingen av dessa noveller åskådliggörs så tydligt som i ”Paviljong nr 6”, konsekvensen av vad passiviteten inför lidandet kan innebära. Det är först när Ragin själv blir inlagd på sin egen sinnesjukpaviljong och får egen konkret erfarenhet av de vedervärdiga förhållanden där som han kommer till insikt om hur felaktig hans teori om ett stoiskt förhållningssätt till lidandet har varit. I novellen konfronteras religionsstiftaren Tolstojs föreställning om en odödlig själ i panteistisk, kosmisk mening med läkaren och naturvetenskapsmannen Tjechovs uppfattning att spekulationer om vad som sker med en eventuell själ efter döden inte går att besvara. Det är emellertid också möjligt att tolka novellen som en allegorisk framställning av missförhållanden i Ryssland under tsar Alexander den III och att i Ragin se en av alla dessa ”överfödiga” människor som befolkar den förrevolutionära litteraturen i Ryssland. Människor som inte är onda, men handlingsförlamade och inte gör något åt de samhälleliga missförhållandena. De är därför dömda att gå under tillsammans med det samhälle som de representerar, när revolutionen kommer. En helt annan infallsvinkel, som inte tidigare beaktats, är att betrakta Ragin som ”utbränd”, dvs. se hans passivitet inför lidandet som ett uttryck för en kronisk, emotionell utmattning, som kan drabba personer som arbetar i människovårdande yrken och upplever sitt arbete som fullkomligt meningslöst

    Nobelpristagaren som ville bota neurosyfilis med malaria

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    Lundbystudien har uppdaterats med ny fältundersökning. Unikt projekt tyder på att den psykiska ohälsan inte ökat de senaste 50 aren.

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    The Lundby study is a classic epidemiological investigation. The first field investigation took place in the parishes of Dalby and Bonderup in 1947. The Lundby population, consisting of 3563 probands, was investigated for the fourth time in 1997 -2000 by Per Nettelbladt and his research team. Previous investigations took place in 1947, 1957, and 1972. Several sources of information have been used, e.g. interviews, registers, case-notes and key-informants. During the past fifty years the incidence of dementia had decreased. The incidence of neurosis increased up to 1972, but from 1972 to 1997 a decrease was observed. An increase in point prevalence of neurosis could also be seen from 1947 to1972, but not from 1972 to1997. The incidence of depression with medium and severe degree of impairment had decreased when the period 1972-1997 was compared with the period 1947-1972. A fall of the suicide rate among depressed individuals was observed after the introduction in Sweden of tricyclic antidepressant drugs 1962

    How common are psychotic and bipolar disorders? A 50-year follow-up of the Lundby population.

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    Background: The purpose was to present the prevalence of all psychotic and bipolar (BP) disorders in a total general population (n=3563), which has been followed from 1947 to 1997. Materials and Methods: Best-estimate consensus DSM-IV diagnoses, supported by data from interviews, case notes, registers and key-informants, were assessed. The period prevalence from 1947 to 1997 and the lifetime prevalence (LTP) in 1997, respectively, was calculated. Results: The period prevalence per 100 was: 4.24 for any psychotic or BP disorder, 2.25 for non-affective psychotic (NAP) disorder, 0.76 for psychotic disorder related to a general medical condition (GMC), 0.62 for affective psychotic (AP) disorder and 0.59 for substance-induced psychotic (SIP) disorder. The LTP per 100 was: 2.82 for any psychotic or BP disorder, 1.38 for NAP disorder, 0.54 for psychotic disorder related to a GMC, 0.48 for SIP disorder and 0.42 for AP disorder. The specific diagnosis with the highest period prevalence 1.43 per 100 and LTP 0.84 per 100, respectively, was schizophrenia. The LTP of psychotic disorder related to a GMC, SIP disorder, schizophrenia and delusional disorder, respectively, was higher than in most recent community studies while the LTP of brief psychotic disorder, schizophreniform disorder and AP disorder, respectively, was lower. However, the findings were in approximate accord with the estimates in the Psychoses in Finland (PIF) Study 1. Conclusions: The findings suggest that psychotic disorders are common in the community, and should be considered a major public health concern

    Risk of mental disorders in subjects with intellectual disability in the Lundby cohort 1947-97.

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    The Lundby Study is a prospective cohort study, which has followed a Swedish unselected community sample between 1 July 1947 and 1 July 1997. The aim was to study the risks of mental morbidity and different DSM-IV disorders in subjects with intellectual disability (ID) in the Lundby cohort between 1 July 1947 to 30 June 1997. The diagnosis of ID was re-evaluated according to DSM-IV in subjects who had been considered to have ID between 1947 and 1997. Multiple sources of information were used to obtain best estimate consensus diagnoses of mental disorders. The relative risk of mental disorder was 1.34 in subjects with ID as compared with the reference group. Dual diagnosis was more prevalent in mild ID than in moderate ID. No subject with severe ID was diagnosed with mental disorder. The cumulative incidence of any mental disorder in subjects with ID was 44%. The most common DSM-IV diagnoses were: Mood Disorders (11.5%), Anxiety Disorders (11.5%), Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders (8%), Mental Disorder NOS Due to a General Medical Condition (8%), Dementia (3.8%) and Alcohol Abuse (1.9%). Mental disorders were more common in subjects with ID than in the reference group

    The social network of patients with schizoaffective disorder as compared to patients with diabetes and to healthy individuals

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    The social network was evaluated by means of the self-rating scale 'Interview Schedule for Social Interaction' (ISSI) and semi-structured interviews in married patients with a DSM-III diagnosis of schizoaffective disorder (N = 17, partners, N = 16), married patients with diabetes (N = 10, partners, N = 10) and in married healthy individuals (N = 8, partners, N = 8). The two latter groups were comparison control groups matched for sex and age to the patients with a schizoaffective disorder. The scores on the ISSI and its subscales for the groups were compatible to those found in other Swedish studies. Patients with a schizoaffective disorder both experienced that they had less access to (AVAT) and were less satisfied with their deep emotional relations (ADAT). The same patients had a higher level of neuroticism as compared to the rest. The patients with a schizoaffective disorder had less often than the patients with diabetes been informed about their disease. Moreover, the partners to the patients with a schizoaffective disorder had not been informed about the disease and experienced that they had fewer social contacts (AVSI). A challenge for the professional network in psychiatry is to improve the information and education to families in which one member is struck by a schizoaffective disorder

    Mental disorders in suicide and undetermined death in the Lundby Study. The contribution of severe depression and alcohol dependence.

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    To evaluate the role of severe depression, i.e., depression with melancholic and/or psychotic features and alcohol dependence in suicide and undetermined death. The Lundby Study is a prospective, longitudinal study of a population consisting of 3563 subjects. In a long-term follow up 1947-2006 there were 66 suicide cases, including 19 undetermined deaths. Depression and alcoholism were as expected the major contributors to suicide (44% and 23% respectively). Severe depression with psychotic and/or melancholic features was diagnosed in 66% of all depressions and in 29% of all suicide cases, as compared to 15% for major depression only. Alcohol dependence was related to undetermined death. Major depressive disorder with melancholic and/or psychotic features appears to be an important contributor to accomplished suicide in the depression group, and alcohol dependence appears to be related to undetermined death