9,049 research outputs found

    Riemann-Cartan Space-times of G\"odel Type

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    A class of Riemann-Cartan G\"odel-type space-times are examined in the light of the equivalence problem techniques. The conditions for local space-time homogeneity are derived, generalizing previous works on Riemannian G\"odel-type space-times. The equivalence of Riemann-Cartan G\"odel-type space-times of this class is studied. It is shown that they admit a five-dimensional group of affine-isometries and are characterized by three essential parameters ℓ,m2,ω\ell, m^2, \omega: identical triads (ℓ,m2,ω\ell, m^2, \omega) correspond to locally equivalent manifolds. The algebraic types of the irreducible parts of the curvature and torsion tensors are also presented.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX fil

    Analysis of direct segregated boundary-domain integral equations for variable-coefficient mixed bvps in exterior domains

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    This is the post-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2013 World Scientific Publishing.Direct segregated systems of boundary-domain integral equations are formulated for the mixed (Dirichlet–Neumann) boundary value problems for a scalar second-order divergent elliptic partial differential equation with a variable coefficient in an exterior three-dimensional domain. The boundary-domain integral equation system equivalence to the original boundary value problems and the Fredholm properties and invertibility of the corresponding boundary-domain integral operators are analyzed in weighted Sobolev spaces suitable for infinite domains. This analysis is based on the corresponding properties of the BVPs in weighted Sobolev spaces that are proved as well.The work was supported by the grant EP/H020497/1 \Mathematical analysis of localised boundary-domain integral equations for BVPs with variable coefficients" of the EPSRC, UK

    Bilayer graphene: gap tunability and edge properties

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    Bilayer graphene -- two coupled single graphene layers stacked as in graphite -- provides the only known semiconductor with a gap that can be tuned externally through electric field effect. Here we use a tight binding approach to study how the gap changes with the applied electric field. Within a parallel plate capacitor model and taking into account screening of the external field, we describe real back gated and/or chemically doped bilayer devices. We show that a gap between zero and midinfrared energies can be induced and externally tuned in these devices, making bilayer graphene very appealing from the point of view of applications. However, applications to nanotechnology require careful treatment of the effect of sample boundaries. This being particularly true in graphene, where the presence of edge states at zero energy -- the Fermi level of the undoped system -- has been extensively reported. Here we show that also bilayer graphene supports surface states localized at zigzag edges. The presence of two layers, however, allows for a new type of edge state which shows an enhanced penetration into the bulk and gives rise to band crossing phenomenon inside the gap of the biased bilayer system.Comment: 8 pages, 3 fugures, Proceedings of the International Conference on Theoretical Physics: Dubna-Nano200

    The Schwarzschild-de Sitter solution in five-dimensional general relativity briefly revisited

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    We briefly revisit the Schwarzschild-de Sitter solution in the context of five-dimensional general relativity. We obtain a class of five-dimensional solutions of Einstein vacuum field equations into which the four-dimensional Schwarzschild-de Sitter space can be locally and isometrically embedded. We show that this class of solutions is well-behaved in the limit of lambda approaching zero. Applying the same procedure to the de Sitter cosmological model in five dimensions we obtain a class of embedding spaces which are similarly well-behaved in this limit. These examples demonstrate that the presence of a non-zero cosmological constant does not in general impose a rigid relation between the (3+1) and (4+1)-dimensional spacetimes, with degenerate limiting behaviour.Comment: 7 page

    Uso da alelopatia como alternativa de controle de plantas infestantes em citros.

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    A citricultura brasileira apresenta números expressivos que traduzem a grande importância econômica e social que a atividade tem para a economia do país. Nessa direção, este trabalho estuda alternativas de manejo e controle de plantas infestantes para a cultura dos citros, visando sua sustentabilidade e redução dos custos com insumos, sobretudo herbicidas, em pomares localizados nos solos dos Tabuleiros Costeiros, a partir da supressão da interferência da matovegetação pela ação alelopática de palhadas de coberturas vegetais (roçadas), tanto nativas como implantadas, avaliando sua eficiência e comportamento como auxiliares no controle do mato.PDF. 193_11

    Uso do alelo "EP" (Peroxidase) na caracterização varietal de soja pela Reação da Polimerase em Cadeia (PCR).

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    Edição Especial contendo os Anais do XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Sementes, Florianópolis, set. 2013

    Uso da alelopatia como alternativa de controle de plantas infestantes em pomar de laranjeira Pera.

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    O controle de plantas infestantes no sistema de produção de citros é um fator preponderante para a manutenção da boa produtividade dos pomares. No manejo convencional, esse controle é feito quase que exclusivamente a partir do uso de herbicidas

    Casimir torque between corrugated metallic plates

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    We consider two parallel corrugated plates and show that a Casimir torque arises when the corrugation directions are not aligned. We follow the scattering approach and calculate the Casimir energy up to second order in the corrugation amplitudes, taking into account nonspecular reflections, polarization mixing and the finite conductivity of the metals. We compare our results with the proximity force approximation, which overestimates the torque by a factor 2 when taking the conditions that optimize the effect. We argue that the Casimir torque could be measured for separation distances as large as 1 μm.\mu{\rm m}.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, contribution to QFEXT07 proceeding
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