4 research outputs found


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    Corn (Zea mays L.) is one of the most important cereals grown and consumed in the world not only for its economic value but also due to its importance in human and animal nutrition. This study aimed to assess the initial development of corn as a function of increasing nitrogen doses. The study was carried out in a greenhouse on the Sipal Farm, Confresa, MT, Brazil. The experiment was set up in a completely randomized design, consisting of five treatments (0, 100, 200, 300, and 400 mg N dm−3 soil), with four replications, conducted from April to June 2020. Four seeds of the hybrid K 9606 VIP 3 were sown per 8-L polyethylene pot. The plants were thinned at 7 days after emergence (DAE), leaving only one plant per pot. Morphological components were assessed. A significant effect was found for almost all the analyzed parameters, except for stem diameter and root dry matter. The maximum plant height, shoot fresh matter, leaf area index, shoot dry matter, root fresh matter, and root volume was obtained by applying the maximum agronomic efficiency doses of 248.83, 271.90, 336.91, 279.66, 403.92, and 272.90 mg N dm−3 soil, respectively. Nitrogen doses influenced the initial development of the corn crop

    Propagação vegetativa de manjericão (Ocimum basilicum L.) por estacas de diferentes posições cultivadas sob diferentes substratos

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    O manjericão (Ocimum basilicum L), é um arbusto herbáceo pertencente à família Lamiaceae. No Brasil é cultivado para fins comerciais, como planta ornamental, medicinal e aromática. Sendo assim, o trabalho objetivou avaliar a melhor forma de propagação vegetativa de manjericão (O. basilicum L) por estacas de diferentes posições cultivadas sob diferentes substratos. Foram testados cinco tipos de substratos (areia, solo, solo+areia, solo+esterco com serragem, solo+esterco) e três partes vegetativas da planta (apical, medial, basal) com aproximadamente 12,5cm de comprimento em tubetes 55cm³. O delineamento utilizado foi de inteiramente casualizados, em esquema de parcelas subsubdivididas e mantidas em sombrite (50% de sombreamento). Após cinquenta e oito dias foram avaliados os comprimentos e o número das raízes e altura de planta. Com base nos resultados apresentados no presente trabalho pode se afirmar que as melhores mudas foram feitas a partir da parte apical da planta e com o substrato composto apenas de solo

    Parcelamento da adubação nitrogenada na cultura da rúcula

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    The parceling of nitrogen fertilization may increase the use of the nutrient by the plants, Evaluated the effect of parceling nitrogen fertilization on the development and productivity of arugula. The study was conducted in the year 2017 in a greenhouse in the municipality of Nova Mutum-MT. An entirely randomized design (DIC) was used, with five treatments and four repetitions. The treatments consisted of the N-fertilizer application modes, being: T1) witness (without N, T2) 100% of N-applied at planting; T3) 17.64% of N at planting + one cover with 82.36%; T4) 17.64% of N at planting + two covers of 41.17%; T5) 17.64% of N at planting + three covers with 27.41%. The following were evaluated: plant height, number of total leaves, number of commercial leaves, green and dry mass of the roots, and green and dry mass of the aerial part of the arugula plants. The use of split nitrogen fertilization in arugula culture positively affects the production of fresh and dry matter. With the cultivation characteristics mentioned in this study, it is recommended that the nitrogen fertilizer be spread over three cover crops for the arugula crop to obtain a greater production.O parcelamento da adubação nitrogenada poderá aumentar o uso do nutriente pelas plantas, Avaliou o efeito do parcelamento da adubação nitrogenada no desenvolvimento e produtividade da rúcula. O estudo foi realizado no ano de 2017 em casa de vegetação no município de Nova Mutum-MT. Foi utilizado o delineamento inteiramente casualizado (DIC), sendo cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos pelos modos de aplicação de N-fertilizante, sendo: T1) testemunha (sem N, T2) 100% do N-aplicado no plantio; T3) 17,64% de N no plantio + uma cobertura com 82,36%; T4) 17,64% de N no plantio + duas coberturas de 41,17%; T5) 17,64% de N no plantio + três cobertura com 27,41%. Avaliaou: a altura de plantas, número de folhas totais, número de folhas comerciais, massa verde e seca das raízes, além da massa verde e seca da parte aérea das plantas de rúcula. O uso do parcelamento da adubação nitrogenada na cultura da rúcula afeta de forma positiva a produção de matéria fresca e seca. Com as características de cultivo mencionadas no referido trabalho, recomenda-se o parcelamento da adubação nitrogenada em três coberturas na cultura da rúcula para obtenção de uma maior produção


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    Corn (Zea mays L.) is one of the most important cereals grown and consumed in the world not only for its economic value but also due to its importance in human and animal nutrition. This study aimed to assess the initial development of corn as a function of increasing nitrogen doses. The study was carried out in a greenhouse on the Sipal Farm, Confresa, MT, Brazil. The experiment was set up in a completely randomized design, consisting of five treatments (0, 100, 200, 300, and 400 mg N dm−3 soil), with four replications, conducted from April to June 2020. Four seeds of the hybrid K 9606 VIP 3 were sown per 8-L polyethylene pot. The plants were thinned at 7 days after emergence (DAE), leaving only one plant per pot. Morphological components were assessed. A significant effect was found for almost all the analyzed parameters, except for stem diameter and root dry matter. The maximum plant height, shoot fresh matter, leaf area index, shoot dry matter, root fresh matter, and root volume was obtained by applying the maximum agronomic efficiency doses of 248.83, 271.90, 336.91, 279.66, 403.92, and 272.90 mg N dm−3 soil, respectively. Nitrogen doses influenced the initial development of the corn crop