7 research outputs found

    Use of \u3cem\u3eN\u3c/em\u3e-Alkane Technique to Estimate Sheep Dry Matter Intake

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    Given the complexity of evaluating intake on grazing, some compounds have been studied to promote qualitative and quantitative estimates of animal physiology. In this sense, the technique using n-alkanes as a marker has been used in several animal species, especially in grazing ruminants (Dove and Mayes 1996). By definition, validation under grazing or browsing conditions is not possible, because actual intakes are unknown (Dove and Mayes 2005). Thus, the aim of the study was to evaluate the methodology of n-alkanes to estimate herbage intake by sheep in metabolic cages

    Methane Emissions by Lactating Ewes Grazing Italian Ryegrass

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    Agriculture contributes 13.5% of global emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) (IPCC 2007), and about 50% of CH4 and 60% N2O from anthropogenic sources, while livestock contributes an additional 18% of global GHG emissions (FAO, 2006). Among the various sources with a potential negative impact on the environment, methane emissions for which livestock are mainly responsible have been highlighted for the agricultural sector. Studies on means to mitigate these emissions, and understand how integrated crop and livestock production systems may contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases, are essential for the creation of public policies for environmental preservation. The objective in this study was to evaluate how strategies for grazing management can influence animal production and emission of methane in areas of crop-livestock integration

    Italian Ryegrass Establishment by Self-Seeding in Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems: Effects of Grazing Management

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    Recent reports have indicated that integrated crop-livestock systems (ICLS) can enhance sustained crop and livestock production by efficiently using agricultural system resources (Liu et al. 2012). In the subtropical South American regions, soybean (Glycine max L. Merril) and maize (Zea Mays L.) crops are widely grown after Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam) pastures. In this system, the pasture may be established by self-seeding. Self-seedling reduces pasture production costs and extends the grazing period. The stoking method, and especially the grazing intensity, can greatly affect the quantity of seeds added to the soil by affecting the demography of the reproductive tillers. In subtropical areas where Italian ryegrass is used for winter pastures in ICLSs, the effects of crop rotation, stocking methods or grazing intensities on the subsequent ability of Italian ryegrass to self-seed are unknown. The objectives of this study are to evaluate the effects of management practices (crop rotation, stocking method and herbage allowance) on the establishment of Italian ryegrass pastures by self-seedling in an ICLS

    Avaliação do sistema de pulverização com funcionamento intermitente, acoplado ao pivô central, Notliada Evaluation of a pulverization system, with emitters working in intermittent mode, on a Notliada central pivot

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    Teve-se como objetivo, no presente trabalho, avaliar o desvio existente entre as vazões estimadas e observadas dos emissores presentes no sistema de pulverização acoplado ao pivô central, Notliada. Os testes foram realizados em um protótipo do sistema, montado em uma área anexa ao Laboratório de Hidráulica do Departamento de Engenharia Rural (LER) pertencente à Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz" - ESALQ/USP. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os modelos gerados dos desvios relativos existentes entre as vazões estimadas e observadas em função da freqüência de operação da válvula solenóide apresentaram excelentes índices de precisão e exatidão. Encontrou-se um tempo mínimo de 1,0 s em que a válvula solenóide deve permanecer ligada para os emissores de diâmetro 1,212 (preto), 1,016 (vermelho) e 1,020 mm (laranja); para o emissor de diâmetro 0,621mm (azul), esse tempo mínimo encontrado foi de 1,4 s. A mesma válvula pode permanecer desligada durante qualquer intervalo de tempo entre 3 e 9 s para todos os emissores testados. Os emissores preto e laranja indicaram índices inaceitáveis de uniformidade de aplicação para tempos de acionamento menores que 0,7 s. Os emissores azul e vermelho indicaram excelentes índices para qualquer intervalo de tempo de acionamento. Enfim, todos os emissores indicaram excelentes índices de uniformidade para todos os intervalos de tempo de desligamento da válvula solenóide testados.<br>The aim of this study was to evaluate the difference between estimated and observed emitter flow rates presented by the Notliada pulverization system. The research was undertaken in the Hydraulic Laboratory/Rural Engineering Department at "Luiz de Queiroz" College of Agriculture, University of São Paulo, Brazil. The proposed models showed excellent precision and accuracy indexes. It was determine that emitters of diameter 1.212 (black), 1.016 (red) and 1.020 mm (orange); the solenoid valve must stay turned on for a minimum time of 1.0 s. For the blue emitter of 0.621 mm diameter, this time was 1.4 s. The solenoid valve can be kept turned off for any time between 3 and 9 s. The black and orange emitters had unacceptable uniformity application indexes for turn on times less than 0.7 s. The blue and red emitters had excellent indexes for any tested turn on times. All emitters had excellent uniformity indexes for all tested turn off times used on the solenoid valve

    Integrating the pastoral component in agricultural systems

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